The Student Room Group

Which drug improves your concentration and reaction speed?

I dont know much about drugs. I'm really bad at concentrating and loads of people have told me I'm very slow to react especially in driving. It really gets me down, I think I'm dyselexic even though I'm not diagnosed with it, I can never think quickly.

Is there a particular drug legal or illegal that can solve this?
Anyone tried it? Is it harmful?

Love BlueAngel xxx

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Reply 1
That drug they put Bart on in The Simpsons.

Yeah, that one.
Reply 2
legal: caffeine

prescription/illegal: theres a few... ritalin springs to mind, anything used to treat ADD really, but you won't be able to get any, unless you're a drug lord
Reply 3
drugs aren't usually the answer though. if you were to consult a doctor they're more likely to say change your diet, etc.
Reply 4
Fish oil!
Reply 5
Alcohol.. defiinately It so speeds up your reactions. Or thast what they Want you to think anyway.

Hmm, My friend got through her exams on Like Pro-active pills to keep her focused and peppy.. Although she was kind of scary. But caffine, caffine pills.. natural alternatives may work.
legal: caffeine

prescription/illegal: theres a few... ritalin springs to mind, anything used to treat ADD really, but you won't be able to get any, unless you're a drug lord

I drink loads of coffee, I love coffee, but it makes me more asleep then awake.
Ritalin, hmm. I will google it, thanks.

Ritalin - central nervous system stimulant (trade name Ritalin) used in the treatment of narcolepsy in adults and attention deficit disorder in children. Despite some dramatic media reports, the stimulants have a fairly good safety record.
Reply 7
is ephedrine still legal here? That is an amphetamine used in "fat-burners" u know, to raise your metabolism and ****. Or just try the usual stimulants like meth and coke. has a section on "smart drugs":

"Nootropics or Smarts Drugs are chemicals which are claimed to have mild to moderate positive mental or physical effects such as improvements to memory, cognition, and clarity of thought or "anti-aging" effects."

check them out

Reply 8
Alcohol.. defiinately It so speeds up your reactions. Or thast what they Want you to think anyway.

Hmm, My friend got through her exams on Like Pro-active pills to keep her focused and peppy.. Although she was kind of scary. But caffine, caffine pills.. natural alternatives may work.

yeh thats the stuff I want, where does your friend get them from?
Reply 11
yeh thats the stuff I want, where does your friend get them from?

Not a clue, I assume it was something to similar to those pills you can buy that keep you awake for like truck drivers or something.. and those are in most pharmacies.. that or she got them off her doctor.
Reply 12
yeh thats the stuff I want, where does your friend get them from?

pro plus?? chemists, boots... your student shop :biggrin:
thanks guys. I found the stuff I want, theyre quite cheap actually. :smile:
I was wondering, does weed do it? I know my brother smokes it and he's got loads in his room.
Reply 14
thanks guys. I found the stuff I want, theyre quite cheap actually. :smile:
I was wondering, does weed do it? I know my brother smokes it and he's got loads in his room.

it depresses your systems, it relaxes you, but you wouldn't be able to concentrate too well...
Reply 15
thanks guys. I found the stuff I want, theyre quite cheap actually. :smile:
I was wondering, does weed do it? I know my brother smokes it and he's got loads in his room.

That'd have the opposite effect.
oh ok. Lol, I was just trying to save myself some money, nevermind. :smile:
Are you sure caffeine helps concentration? It has the complete opposite effect on me. I can't focus on anything with too much caffeine. Although this morning, the Red Bull I drank during my exam kind of helped....

I bought some gingko supplements under the name Actimind which is supposed to help you focus and increase your "working memory" whatever that really is...
I think they just made me hyper. With most of these things, without a goodnight's sleep they're pretty useless.
Reply 18
Seriously, for a long term thing try fish oil. You can either get it naturally, by eating more oily fish, or you can get it in liquid/tablet form. It has been proven to help concentration, even with people with severe ADHD. And it's more natural than lots of other pills!
May aswell take sum weed tho, it'll make you feel betta!

After my pot-smoking attempts back in sixth-form, I wouldn't mind trying to see if it relaxes me. After caffeine abuse during 6 years at uni, it's as if my body already has the natural response of becoming excited when I'm tired...weird.