The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I might go to Roehampton. The campus is really nice (well the main campus, dont know about the smaller whitelands campus) and its in a good location, very close to center of london but in a nice bit if you know what i mean :smile:

Have you been there? what did you think?

Bath is a nice town I think, but i recon it would be hella boring as a sstudent at the Spa. The uni at least has a couple of clubs but I'm sure they'd get boring quickly too! :smile:

If the course looks better at Roe, I'd recommend going there :smile:

I mean, a big green campus, right next to a huge park, right next to london city. What more could yo want?
Reply 2
Have you considered UEA for Creative Writing? I hear it's a terrific course.