The Student Room Group
Hi I know how you feel. I just started it last week to lose a few extra pounds. Its going ok so far. Although i can still feel my tummy rumbling sometimes.Weight Watchers is great though i started last year and lost a stone in weight within 3 months.I think Satsumas are great. You 2 for half a point. I always keep a cereal bar in my bag or a piece of fruit for when i start getting cravings when i walk past McDonalds. :smile:
Reply 2
Fruit is the way forward. I'm trying to have fruit for breakfast, and then salad with low fat dressing for lunch and then I've hardly had any points. I'm drinking only water as thats free. I'm weighing myself on sunday and i'll see if I've actually lost any weight in the 1st week. I went over my points on Wednesday but am cutting down my points for the rest of the week to balance it out.
I've done WW before! Well, I never went to the meetings or anything, but my mum had the books so I did it for a while. It works, but after a while I got sick of working out points in things. I should probably go on it again, but I think waiting til after exams is a good idea.
Well good luck! I'm sure you'll do great. Its ok to go over your points every so often as long as you stick to them the rest of the time.
Oh, and in your first week it's common to lose quite a lot of weight! Which is great, but don't be disappointed in subsequent weeks if you don't lose so much. Good luck!
Reply 6
Only had 6 points so far today..doing well!!
Reply 7
slimming world is loads easier and better.
I know someone who lost 5 stone on weight watchers, so it definitely works!!

In my opinion it's a good diet to do, as it allows you to have a healthy balanced diet with the odd treat now and then. I couldn't do it, as i would find counting points up too annoying, but i applaud those of you doing it!!

Ruthie xx
Reply 9
slimming world is loads easier and better.

Whats the system with slimming world?
Reply 10
is a girl who wears size 12 to 14 jeans and is 5ft5 fat???
Reply 11
Whats the system with slimming world?

You get a certain amount of free food a day. If you are on the green plan (fish) its unlimited veg, pasta, rice, some quorn,
then you have 2 from A which are milk and cheese but a small weighed amount, and 2 from B which is bread, cereals, tinned fruit, meat and fish.
Then everything after that is sins you are allowed between 5 and 15 sins a day. You get a book that tells you how many sins are in everything or you can sub online and find out.
On the red plan its unlimited lean meat, some veg, fish, then your A is the same and B includes potatos and pasta I think and then everything else is sins.
I can definitely recommend Fat Fighters! :biggrin:
Reply 13
is a girl who wears size 12 to 14 jeans and is 5ft5 fat???

me repeats...
Reply 14
me repeats...

Depends on lots of different things. I'd say that was about an average weight. I'm 5'1" and wear size 10 -12 jeans and would consider myself slightly overweight, but then I won't be happy til I'm a 6-8 so I'm not the best person to ask!

I could never do weight watchers, it involves discipline and stuff! I prefer nice, faddy things! lol
Reply 15
Or, you could get off your ass and do some exercise, read for about 10mins about the basics of nutrition - healthy fats, low gi carbs and protein sources, and lose weight for free.
If you have self discipline and don't want to pay for meetings, weight watchers is easy to follow without getting all the stuff. That's what I might start doing tomorrow, methinks, because I've been using revision stress to eat way too much. You work out the points in stuff using the calories and saturated fats, and get a certain amount a day depending on age/weight/etc. There's a formula for working out the points, but I think it's patented so I'd better not say what it is... But yeah, it definitely works, I lost over two stone with it once! But that was a couple of years ago, and have put half that back on now, bah!