Why do my eyeballs always hurt when I wake up in the morning? I'm thinking that little creatures come out at night and jump up and down on my eyelids while I sleep.
Why do my eyeballs always hurt when I wake up in the morning? I'm thinking that little creatures come out at night and jump up and down on my eyelids while I sleep.
No idea. Can you tell me why mine hurt when I take my contacts out?
Mine sting in the morning cos my eyes produce a lot of matter in the morning. I literally have to spend 10 minutes getting it out every morning. Does anyone know what can be done?
A few months back i had the same problem, in the morning my eyes would be quite sore. I eventually went to my GP and she treated my for conjunctivitis - conjunctivits my ass Well anyway after a while they started to become VERY painful, like they were going to pop, and began to turn red. I went to the eye department at hospital and i was diagnosed with Iritis - inflamation of the iris. Just thought i'd share that so you know what to expect Oh yeah and ive been on drops 3 times a day for the past 3 months
A few months back i had the same problem, in the morning my eyes would be quite sore. I eventually went to my GP and she treated my for conjunctivitis - conjunctivits my ass Well anyway after a while they started to become VERY painful, like they were going to pop, and began to turn red. I went to the eye department at hospital and i was diagnosed with Iritis - inflamation of the iris. Just thought i'd share that so you know what to expect Oh yeah and ive been on drops 3 times a day for the past 3 months
I think it's something like what you have. What causes inflamation of the Iris?
I also squint my eyes when the wind is really bad outside to the point where they feel like they might pop or whenever I go swimming and open my eyes under water my vision gets blury for the rest of the day.
I think it's something like what you have. What causes inflamation of the Iris?
I also squint my eyes when the wind is really bad outside to the point where they feel like they might pop or whenever I go swimming and open my eyes under water my vision gets blury for the rest of the day.
Well I was told the cause of Iritis is really, well, unknown. Not that that will help you a lot. Anyway what they did ask me was, if i Had any problems with my joints, which i don't, or bladder problems, which i don't They also told me that its extremely rare for someone to have Iritis at my age (18) and normally occurs in older people (65+). Before i found out what I had, my eyes were extremely sensitive to light and i found that i had to screw up my eyes whenever i went outside. Also, intense redness began to appear and thats when my eyes became really sore. If you experience any of this go to the eye department at your local hospital immediately, because it can affect your vision. Hope this helps, and don't worry
Why do my eyeballs always hurt when I wake up in the morning? I'm thinking that little creatures come out at night and jump up and down on my eyelids while I sleep.
If they are blood shot it could be an infection. If not...you could need glasses or contacts as your eyes are out of focus and thats what is making them hurt.
Well I was told the cause of Iritis is really, well, unknown. Not that that will help you a lot. Anyway what they did ask me was, if i Had any problems with my joints, which i don't, or bladder problems, which i don't They also told me that its extremely rare for someone to have Iritis at my age (18) and normally occurs in older people (65+). Before i found out what I had, my eyes were extremely sensitive to light and i found that i had to screw up my eyes whenever i went outside. Also, intense redness began to appear and thats when my eyes became really sore. If you experience any of this go to the eye department at your local hospital immediately, because it can affect your vision. Hope this helps, and don't worry
Dude! My joints do lock up a bit when there's a lot of humidity or when I take a steamy shower. AND I do go to the bathroom a lot Oh my gosh! I'm 65 years old! Why didn't my parents tell me? I knew that birth certificate looked fake....