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It depends on how many people are applying to get on your course. A very popular course will probably be more strict, while ones with less applicants will probably let you off a bit more. BBC is most likely to be okay if you already have a conditional offer, BCC less so, but it all depends on the course.
Reply 2
Hi, two of my friends have offers from Manchester which they had interviews to recieve.
At the interview they were both told what the requirements for the course were..but also that they'd still get in with lower grades!
e.g. One friend is doing biochemistry with german and was told she'd need AAB. BUT she was then told later in the interview they'd still have her with BBB.
Same happened to another friend who wants to do earth sciences and needs even lower grades!
I do think it depends on the course/person..but it seems they definately won't dismiss you straight away if you don't get the requirements!
Fingers crossed for you! I'm hoping Liverpool will be nice to me as I don't think I'm going to get the grade I need in chemistry for my course.. :/
Reply 3
Fingers crossed, I definitely haven't got the AAB I need for English Language at Manc... :/
Depends how many applied for the course and what they got.
I managed to get in for Archaeology with BBD (needed BBB) but it isn't an over-subscribed course and I'd been out of education working so I had time to build up my personal statement - I got an Unconditional offer. I think it's harder if you're coming straight from A-Levels sometimes, especially as more and more students are getting straight As, the competition is insane. So I wouldn't say that Manchester were especially leniant or anything I'm afraid...
Reply 6
I need AAB for V100 History and I know that I've probably got ABC unless a minor miracle occured when i was guessing the answers to my last Economics exam...

Please, let everyone else applying for this course fluff their A2's haha.
Reply 7
I need AAA for V100 history ¬.¬. I am quite worried that I am not going to make it. For History I think the competition is pretty tough, hopefully it will not be for you.
I need AAB for english lit, but have this niggling concern i got ABC.

=/ best get sharpening my begging skills up.
Reply 9
I need AAB for english lit, but have this niggling concern i got ABC.

=/ best get sharpening my begging skills up.

Im in the same boat.
I read on their website that the faculty had 1400 applications for 130 spaces! I then got a bit hysterical when i thought half of those 130 may have been given away for unconditional offers, and how few spaces there are left. I actually started to hyperventilate. I was considering phoning the faculty and trying to establish how many conditional offers had actually been handed out ( say if it were 75, a couple might drop out or whatever after getting the offer) to see how statistically likely it was that if you didn't meet the required grade they would still let you in; but i'm too scared :redface:

I don't actually think i got ANYWHERE near AAB, I really do not.
Im in the same boat.
I read on their website that the faculty had 1400 applications for 130 spaces! I then got a bit hysterical when i thought half of those 130 may have been given away for unconditional offers, and how few spaces there are left. I actually started to hyperventilate. I was considering phoning the faculty and trying to establish how many conditional offers had actually been handed out ( say if it were 75, a couple might drop out or whatever after getting the offer) to see how statistically likely it was that if you didn't meet the required grade they would still let you in; but i'm too scared :redface:

I don't actually think i got ANYWHERE near AAB, I really do not.

oh are you doing english lit too?
i am really scared :frown: i dont think the english department will be very lenient cos they were going on loads about how over subscribed they are when i went to the open day :frown:
Yes, hopefully :smile:

Here's hoping that everyone who got an offer mysteriously decides to have a gap year!

I don't have a clue what to use when begging on results day either.
I sort off screwed up C4 so if I get less then 60% I might get a B. Although, I still think I need to get only 40% in C4. C4 is gay.

Saying that everything else okay. Although I don't know if I will get rejected for messing up one module.
Reply 13
Im in the same boat.
I read on their website that the faculty had 1400 applications for 130 spaces! I then got a bit hysterical when i thought half of those 130 may have been given away for unconditional offers, and how few spaces there are left. I actually started to hyperventilate. I was considering phoning the faculty and trying to establish how many conditional offers had actually been handed out ( say if it were 75, a couple might drop out or whatever after getting the offer) to see how statistically likely it was that if you didn't meet the required grade they would still let you in; but i'm too scared :redface:

I don't actually think i got ANYWHERE near AAB, I really do not.

Even though there are 1400 applications for the 130 spaces, that doesnt mean that all the 1400 will be planning to put Manchester as there firm/insurance choice, they are just filling up an empty space or something. So really you are fighting against far fewer people. Maybe 250 or so - not sure.
from what i heard from people this year, Manchester seem to give places really easily even if you don't get the grades. My Latin tutor told me that the Ancient history took in far more people than they should have because they were under pressure to take in as many students as possible. This seemed to be true for every department this year.
Reply 15
from what i heard from people this year, Manchester seem to give places really easily even if you don't get the grades. My Latin tutor told me that the Ancient history took in far more people than they should have because they were under pressure to take in as many students as possible. This seemed to be true for every department this year.

why where they under pressure to take in as many students as possible? :confused:
I was told that, in Computer Science anyway, they were lenient with the previous year and it was a mistake. Even so I got accepted into CS last summer with BBB in Maths, Computing and Physics when the requirements were AAB.

I did get A* in GCSE Maths/Science and had a good interview but I don't know if that counted too much.
why where they under pressure to take in as many students as possible? :confused:

I have no idea, that's just what my tutor said.
Reply 18
I need to get AAB but I think ABB is an optimistic idea of what my results will look like... Flaming Nora!
The course required for me to get ABB/BBB I got AAD and they let me in. Plus on the open day loads of the students taking us round on the tours said they'd got lower and still got in, so DON'T PANIC!