i know everyone hates pushy parents but i really wish i was good at something.
im average intelligence, but just a general all rouder, i always got near enough the same grades in every subject, even if i took a particular liking to one. i also dont have much patience with books, so i cant develop alot of knowledge.
i wish i was really good at something like break dancing, when i watch vids of on it on youtube it is like amazing and just wish i could do that stuff and then peform on the street and make money out of it.
or if not that then id like to be really good at an instrument like the violin or piano. or maybe really good at drawing as i always liked art but i was no way exceptionally talented.
when i was at school and thought i was good at somethin , i soon realised i wasnt that good..like maybe i was one of the best at art, but i was still never going to be an artist or be talented..or maybe running but even then i was only up against fatties and unfits.
doesnt it suck when your good at nothing? i mean, if you dont have the opportunity when your a child then your likely to never have any talents apart from academically maybe.