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does anyone else wish seriously they had a talent

i know everyone hates pushy parents but i really wish i was good at something.
im average intelligence, but just a general all rouder, i always got near enough the same grades in every subject, even if i took a particular liking to one. i also dont have much patience with books, so i cant develop alot of knowledge.

i wish i was really good at something like break dancing, when i watch vids of on it on youtube it is like amazing and just wish i could do that stuff and then peform on the street and make money out of it.
or if not that then id like to be really good at an instrument like the violin or piano. or maybe really good at drawing as i always liked art but i was no way exceptionally talented.

when i was at school and thought i was good at somethin , i soon realised i wasnt that maybe i was one of the best at art, but i was still never going to be an artist or be talented..or maybe running but even then i was only up against fatties and unfits.
doesnt it suck when your good at nothing? i mean, if you dont have the opportunity when your a child then your likely to never have any talents apart from academically maybe.

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Reply 1
RE: your title.

Reply 2
Yes. It would, to some extent, excuse my recent, abysmal academic performance. :sad:
Reply 3
You probably do have talent but you probably dont know what it yet.
There are so many things in this world you can be great at.
The problem it's impossible to try everything, and it still takes practice to become good.

I wish I had talent too :frown:
Reply 4
i mean, if you dont have the opportunity when your a child then your likely to never have any talents apart from academically maybe.

You can get pretty good at most things if you're willing to put the time and effort in. Most talented people didn't start out much more talented than average, they just put a lot of work into it. The general rule of thumb is it take 10,000 hours of practice to become good at something. If you're willing to put that much time into something you can probably become pretty good at it.
Yes, I really wish I could sing.
Reply 6
Yes, I really wish I could sing.

I wish I could a lumberjack :frown:
We all DO have a talent, it's just that some of us waste time thinking we don't, wishing we had a talent, instead of striving to discover what our actual talent is.
Yes, I really wish I could sing.

:ditto: Someone got there first. nothing fancy just a good enough voice to accompany some acoustic guitar because i cant sing for **** at the moment.
Reply 9
professionally lazy

although it doesn't pay well.
I do have a talent - making comments without sense and not being funny.
i know everyone hates pushy parents but i really wish i was good at something.
im average intelligence, but just a general all rouder, i always got near enough the same grades in every subject, even if i took a particular liking to one. i also dont have much patience with books, so i cant develop alot of knowledge.

i wish i was really good at something like break dancing, when i watch vids of on it on youtube it is like amazing and just wish i could do that stuff and then peform on the street and make money out of it.
or if not that then id like to be really good at an instrument like the violin or piano. or maybe really good at drawing as i always liked art but i was no way exceptionally talented.

when i was at school and thought i was good at somethin , i soon realised i wasnt that maybe i was one of the best at art, but i was still never going to be an artist or be talented..or maybe running but even then i was only up against fatties and unfits.
doesnt it suck when your good at nothing? i mean, if you dont have the opportunity when your a child then your likely to never have any talents apart from academically maybe.

HEY OMG Have you SEEN CICO?!?!?! And 8 ball and The End and KYS?!?!?! I was just really curious about breakdancing and then I watched Cico (youtube)...If i had his talent...I dont know what I would do, just simply WOW I LOVE THAT GUY!!!! ahh yeh, anyway, breakdancing is amazing (at its best)
I do have a talent - making comments without sense and not being funny.

haha very funny, original. Made me laugh. Well done, Here's a pat on the back.:jumphug:
Reply 13
We all DO have a talent, it's just that some of us waste time thinking we don't, wishing we had a talent, instead of striving to discover what our actual talent is.

That was inspiring.

BTW what time is eastenders again ?
I wish I was good at creative writing and/or humour.
This is TSR. Everyone is super self critical. I imagine the majority of people who say they don't have a talent actually do.
i know everyone hates pushy parents but i really wish i was good at something.
im average intelligence, but just a general all rouder, i always got near enough the same grades in every subject, even if i took a particular liking to one. i also dont have much patience with books, so i cant develop alot of knowledge.

i wish i was really good at something like break dancing, when i watch vids of on it on youtube it is like amazing and just wish i could do that stuff and then peform on the street and make money out of it.
or if not that then id like to be really good at an instrument like the violin or piano. or maybe really good at drawing as i always liked art but i was no way exceptionally talented.

when i was at school and thought i was good at somethin , i soon realised i wasnt that maybe i was one of the best at art, but i was still never going to be an artist or be talented..or maybe running but even then i was only up against fatties and unfits.
doesnt it suck when your good at nothing? i mean, if you dont have the opportunity when your a child then your likely to never have any talents apart from academically maybe.

1. Theres still time for you to go out and practice something. Maybe in a few years you'll excel at it :smile:

2. You said you weren't very good at running because you were up against the unfits. Sounds you're looking at it relatively. No matter how good you are, or how much work you put in, there will always be someone better than you. Who knows, maybe you could have become a pretty good runner if you stuck with it?

3. I think its really just the willpower to stick with something for the initial period of time where you're no good at it, know what I mean? Once you start getting there, and have people saying you're good, the motivation comes by itself I guess...

I dont know, tricky subject. Ive been kickboxing for about 10 years, and have competed nationally. Theres always been someone thats beaten me in every competition. Im not really sure if im "good" at it or not, guess it depends on how you look at it.

Reply 17
Same. All-roundedness is as unpleasant as it sounds. Who remembers you? It's music I wish I had talent it, singing, playing, dancing to... I love music, why does my body hate it? :frown:
Reply 18
This is TSR. Everyone is super self critical. I imagine the majority of people who say they don't have a talent actually do.

Well I don't.
Reply 19
Definitely. I used to be told I was talented at writing but ... I seem to have lost any and all inspiration. I should try and rediscover it over the summer.