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i do it and absolutely love it :smile: there is a lot to learn, but i find it the easiest of my subjects. i have a feeling that is because i enjoy it the most and put the most work into it though. it's really really interesting and as much as universities may not consider it a traditional subject, i don't regret taking it at all.
Reply 2
if you enjoy it, if its as a fourth i see no reason why not.
Intellectually, it's not that hard, but there's loads which you have to remember, including loads of case names e.g. Donoghue v Stevenson, Anns v Merton, Caparo v Dickman ... so if you are prepared to work hard then take it. A lot of people at my college say it's their hardest A level, just because of the sheer volume which you need to remember. The exams are pretty much just a memory test.
I heard history was preferred for law degrees, that may be ******** though.
Reply 5
NO!! Don't!
I've got the LAW 5 exam tomorrow. You don't need it to do law so don't put yourself through it.
The amount you need to remember is sickening and the questions [except for the case studies] are basically a repeat of the year before. It doesn't challenge your knowledge, just expects you to remember whole essays of tripe for the exam. Other boards may be better but AQA is on its arse. Christ, if you hadn't guessed i fecking hate it :biggrin:

I'd sack the idea if i were you mate. (Y)
Law isn't well respected by many unis and is listed as 'non-preferred' by Cambridge and LSE. Of course that doesn't mean it has no merit but if you're aiming high a harder subject would be a better choice. If you intend to study Law at degree level History would be a good subject.
Law isn't well respected by many unis and is listed as 'non-preferred' by Cambridge and LSE. Of course that doesn't mean it has no merit but if you're aiming high a harder subject would be a better choice. If you intend to study Law at degree level History would be a good subject.


I can't even be bothered anymore...
I HATE people who say 'dont do law at college etc etc you wont get into uni'

Its a load of crap!!

I did law at college and I got into uni to do a law degree, and I honestly think it's GOOD to have law at A level.. you spend more time going over the basics.. at Uni they throw you in at the deep end and expect you to know everything!!

Ignore everyone who says dont do law at college if you want to do it at uni.. god damn it!
Reply 9
Go on Law seems fun! However, law isn't traditional subject.
Law isn't well respected by many unis and is listed as 'non-preferred' by Cambridge and LSE. Of course that doesn't mean it has no merit but if you're aiming high a harder subject would be a better choice. If you intend to study Law at degree level History would be a good subject.

Harder subject than law?!

Law IS hard!!
Reply 11
I HATE people who say 'dont do law at college etc etc you wont get into uni'

Its a load of crap!!

I did law at college and I got into uni to do a law degree, and I honestly think it's GOOD to have law at A level.. you spend more time going over the basics.. at Uni they throw you in at the deep end and expect you to know everything!!

Ignore everyone who says dont do law at college if you want to do it at uni.. god damn it!

Those 'don't do law' people are aiming to go on the top universities such as Oxbridge/LSE..., but I agree with your point.
I HATE people who say 'dont do law at college etc etc you wont get into uni'

Its a load of crap!!

I did law at college and I got into uni to do a law degree, and I honestly think it's GOOD to have law at A level.. you spend more time going over the basics.. at Uni they throw you in at the deep end and expect you to know everything!!

Ignore everyone who says dont do law at college if you want to do it at uni.. god damn it!

Ditto. There's like a dozen people from my law class who are doing it at uni, all got in, some got into some VERY respectable ones as well (including mee:biggrin: )

I even know someone who got into Cambridge to study law with law, business studies and English lang + lit, none of which are considered 'hard' by the snobs of TSR.
Those 'don't do law' people are aiming to go on the top universities such as Oxbridge/LSE..., but I agree with your point.

I know people which law A level who have been accepted into Cambridge, KCL, Bristol, Nottingham, Southampton, Exeter, etc - all TOP universities for law.
Harder subject than law?!

Law IS hard!!

Yeah, but-
Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Further Maths, English Lit, English Lang, History, Geography, French, Spanish, Italian, Sociology, Psychology and quite a few other ologies are harder.
Ditto. There's like a dozen people from my law class who are doing it at uni, all got in, some got into some VERY respectable ones as well (including mee:biggrin: )

I even know someone who got into Cambridge to study law with law, business studies and English lang + lit, none of which are considered 'hard' by the snobs of TSR.

I'm so glad someone else sees sense!

If they can see you're committed to doing law and enjoy the subject, then why should they not let you go to uni just because you've already studied the subject? Surely that should be an advantage?

Well done on getting into your uni.. please prove all of these people wrong who said 'omgosh dont law at a level you'll faaaail at uni!' :smile:
Yeah, but-
Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Further Maths, English Lit, English Lang, History, Geography, French, Spanish, Italian, Sociology, Psychology and quite a few other ologies are harder.

I know many people who would disagree with you there.
Yeah, but-
Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Further Maths, English Lit, English Lang, History, Geography, French, Spanish, Italian, Sociology, Psychology and quite a few other ologies are harder.

Oh please!!

Anyone could read a book and have an opinion on it!

And as for sociology.. that's not even a real subject, I people watch all the time.. it's not that hard!!

Next you'll be saying Media is harder than law!
It's a hard A-level subject and it won't put you at any advantage in University applications; will probably put you at a disadvantage with Oxford and Cam.
Yeah, but-
Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Further Maths, English Lit, English Lang, History, Geography, French, Spanish, Italian, Sociology, Psychology and quite a few other ologies are harder.

Out of the a levels I'm doing (Maths and English) I would personally say that law is the hardest and I know that all of my law class would agree :frown: