I'm sorry but there's no way you can get into English. Myself being a student who did one year of a degree at UCL and decided to switch, I have met and talked to a lot of people who decided to switch their degrees. ALMOST ALL OF THEM WANTED TO DO ENGLISH. Seriously, I don't know what it is about that subject but everyone wants to do it.
My flatmate who is currently doing UCL Law went through the whole process of applying for English and he ended up getting rejected. The English department have a very small allowance for students transferring from other departments, something like 4 at most, and they will have already filled that by now (the deadlines for applying are the same as the UCAS deadlines).
The English department is VERY oversubscribed, there is absolutely no way anyone can get into English for the next year if they haven't already been offered a place.
I'm sorry but you need to find another degree at UCL. Believe me I know how you feel, as I said I too decided to switch degrees after a terrible first year (I was doing Russian last year and hated it, wanted to switch to Economics but wasn't allowed, am now doing Information Management).
Also unrelated, but wasn't I next to you in the ID card queue at Freshers? I remember meeting a girl called Ayesha who was doing Politics (I remember because I have a friend called Ayesha doing Politics in the 2nd year)???