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Spots On Arms / Thighs / Back

Does anyone else here have these icky spots on their arms / thighs / back??
I used to think that they were oily pimples...but a doctor told me that it's actually dead-skin stuck in pores and it's genetic.
A few of my friends have it and it looks awful when we wear sleeveless tops.

I've tried body scrub...but not working too well. Does anyone know any good body scrubs for these or other ways to get rid of them??

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Reply 1
laser treatment?
Reply 2
You can get this kind of salt scrub stuff from the body shop which is really good for unclogging pores and remiving dead skin. Also, try exfoliating shower gels and one of those wash mit things. Simple have a good exfoliating shower gel.
Do you find you get them more when it's hot?
luv lcf x
laser treatment?

are you paying for it? :rolleyes: :p:

You can get this kind of salt scrub stuff from the body shop which is really good for unclogging pores and remiving dead skin. Also, try exfoliating shower gels and one of those wash mit things. Simple have a good exfoliating shower gel.
Do you find you get them more when it's hot?
luv lcf x

yeah...the body shop person told me to try the african spa salt scrub...but i didn't have enough money that day. mb i'll try it...if only they have smaller packages of itm instead of 1 HUGE jar...

but no...i get them more when in winter. supposed it's cos the skin gets even more dry and harder to get rid of the dead skin? :confused:

I get TINY red spots on my thigh occasionally. I pick them off, and I know I shouldn't but I'm disgusting that way.

yeah...i have that bad habit too. and the sad thing makes it worse. :p:
Reply 5
If it's on your back, you've got what's called 'bacne'. Most people tend to forget about exfoliating your back and chest, and those are the places which secrete a lot of oil. I suggest you start dry brushing every day (when the spots have gone down) and use an exfoliater - but ONLY once a week.
I hate them so much! I am actually having a back scrub massage thingy on Friday which the beautician woman has said should clear it up. I can only hope... I'm getting seriously paranoid about wearing strappy/low backed tops.
If it's on your back, you've got what's called 'bacne'. Most people tend to forget about exfoliating your back and chest, and those are the places which secrete a lot of oil. I suggest you start dry brushing every day (when the spots have gone down) and use an exfoliater - but ONLY once a week.

oh i don't get them on my back...just my stuuuuupeed arms :p: ...but some of my friends have them on their backs.
The only suggestion I can think of is exfoliating, though maybe you could get cream or antibiotics or something from your doctor? My friend was given cream for her really bad spots, and it made them all disappear :smile:
omg - this has just started irritating me... My back is always totally clear but the backs of my arms are like that and i only just noticed :frown: tis driving me nuts cos I don't want to wear sleeveless tops even though my friend says tons of people have it and it isn't even that noticeable. Will probs try this exfoliant scrub thing then
Reply 10
Same here with me - they're sooooo annoying!!!
I get those on my arms but its sort of eczma as well it gets itchy but tends to go away in the summer, i use aqueous cream the doctor prescribes it seems to help the itchyness and redness
oh i don't get them on my back...just my stuuuuupeed arms :p: ...but some of my friends have them on their backs.

i sort of get that. but i squeezed them which made even more oil then i got acne and now im having laser and light dermatology in a hospital :frown:
Reply 13
spots on ur back shoulders thighs chest.... been there... nearly done with that!!
yes its genetic, yes i hate it but i'm nearly soooo over it now.
it started when i was 13 and i'm 19 now.
for me, anitiboiotics never worked. infact nothing from my gp really helped at all, be it tablets, gels, creams, etc. which made me worse in most cases.

i've tried most things you can buy from the high street and i found (personally) most make ur skin so dry that ur body over-compensates and u feel even more greasy. (at the moment i'm using that neurogena black head thingmywhatsit which i have to say i'm quite impressed with)
and i can exfoliate all i bloody want but it didn;t really help that much.

Hydrogen peroxide treatments (from the pharmasist) work quite well though it smelt bad and u can't really use that long term and are ment for ur face.

SO.... what i'm doing rite now is drinking lots of water a day, take multivitimin and cod liver oil tablets (though i dunno why or if they help at all?!?) and try to get out into the sun as much as poss. SUN = good. infact my gp said even going in sunbed might helps. which it does.

NOw the only question is what to do with all these spot scars from years of the Other way of getting rid of those pesky spots.... Laser surgery anyone??
I have exactly the same problem, i've been wondering what to do about it........suggest going to see gp? or not?
black/asin/dark skin marks left by scars can be cured:

mediaclly, if there is alot of it,they can send u to have 'light therapy' or laser therapy to remove it, im having this.the dermatologist may be able to give u creams too. u need referal from a GP. if u r light skin, chemical / glycolic peel may work but u need 3 or 4 applications

boots and superdrug also sell 'Fade Out' cream, bout £6 which fades them over 4-6 weeks. persoanlly i found this very oily and stinky.
however this company also makes 'skinicles' £10 which is supposed to be good

online, you can buy 'Palmer's Fade Cream' which is made by the samre people that make 'Palemers Cocoa Butter' and is excellent. non greasy, bout £4, fast working - i noticed difference in 1 week and safe.try ur local chemist, its the best stuff out there.

you can buy loads of stuff online be careful if buying these treatments to avoid ones containig hydroquinone (may lead ot liver failure,peeling of skin, nervous sys probs and has been banned in the UK), kojic acid (ok in the UK, but banned in asia, a derivative of hydroquinone), mercury (will poison u).

ones with licorice root, arbutin and bearberry will work well.
Reply 16
A few years ago I had really bad spots on my back. Luckily I restrained myself and refused to pick and scratch, and as a result of Roaccutane I have no scars at all.
Reply 17
Magic- thanks for great tips!

I used to have horrible skin, and now I only get the occasional spot, but am left with awful scarring! Maybe I exagerrate when I say 'awful' but it looks bad to me.

I'll try the Palmers Fade Cream. Right now I'm using this 'Bio-oil' stuff... only for about a week, so i'm not sure if it's working yet. Smells lovely,t hough.
Reply 18
Does anyone else here have these icky spots on their arms / thighs / back??
I used to think that they were oily pimples...but a doctor told me that it's actually dead-skin stuck in pores and it's genetic.
A few of my friends have it and it looks awful when we wear sleeveless tops.

I've tried body scrub...but not working too well. Does anyone know any good body scrubs for these or other ways to get rid of them??

I empathise with the especially bad when i am stressed, plus the fact my skin is really fair!
A couple of products which might help you ( I know a couple of these have been mentioned but I'm supporting them!):
1) Clinique Back and Chest Spray. It's quite expensive but tends to clear up most spots on these areas pretty quickly! You can probably get it cheaper online somewhere. It's literally a spray-on treatment.
2) Palmers Fade Cream or Vaseline Intensive Care Body Lotion (the green bottle) - i personally prefer Palmer's, use it in general, but its very inexpensive and is great for soothing skin (both are, actually)
3) the sun!!!! Trust me, it's the best medicine. Lather on a bit of sun cream, and it really is good for the skin. I have a genetic problem which means i have too much histamine in my body therefore i get loads of spots on my arms, especially when i am stressed. In the summer, they go completely because I am in the sun. Actually, taking some antihistamine tablets (i.e. allergy tablets like non-drowsy Piraton or Clarityn) might help calm down the flaring red of the spots?

I may be completely wrong here, as i don't know this for sure, but my guess is that exfoliating with a body scrub is not the best idea...chances are it will just aggravate the whole problem and you'll be back to square one.

Hope this helps x
Reply 19
Magic- thanks for great tips!

I used to have horrible skin, and now I only get the occasional spot, but am left with awful scarring! Maybe I exagerrate when I say 'awful' but it looks bad to me.

I'll try the Palmers Fade Cream. Right now I'm using this 'Bio-oil' stuff... only for about a week, so i'm not sure if it's working yet. Smells lovely,t hough.

with any treatment, give it a at least 6 weeks to see if it makes any difference, it may take time to work! :smile: