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Reply 1
tried patches and gum, but its all too expensive! yes i know so is smoking thats why i am stopping
apparently once you get past 3'll be much easier.

i'll try and get my bf to post. he started quitting a few weeks ago i think.
Every time I've tried to give up, I've failed :frown: . Sorry, I know that's hardly inducive to your success! I think it gets easier after the first few days (which I've never managed to get through, cos I suck) so just hang in there I guess.
Reply 4
any one managed to stop and how? i havent smoked for 2 days now and its driving me mad, but i really want to do it.

when did you start smoking?
i guess i'm not a heavy smoker, but i managed to quit it for qutie a while.
i could do this partly cos i was busy like hell. i literally didnt have much time to have one.
my girlfriend took my pack away once, it gave me opposite effect.
don't force yourself to quit, just put yourself in an environment that gradually stops you from having a cig.
Reply 5
any one managed to stop and how? i havent smoked for 2 days now and its driving me mad, but i really want to do it.

I was smoking about 5-10 a day and then gave up about 18 months ago. I basically decided that I would only have a fag if I REALLY wanted one, rather than just out of habit, so on my breaks from work I stopped going outside so I couldn't have one and I cut out the ones I would miss least. For example, I always wanted one after a big meal, but really only had one in the morning because I always did, not because I was craving it particularly, it was just part of my routine.

I then got down to about 2-3 per day, and decided I wanted to cut those out too. It's gross but I put the contents of an ash tray in a little bag and whenever I fancied one I smelt this and it put me off. Also if you see one of your mates or a colleague when they've just been for a fag this can put you off 'cause you realise how much they stink (warning - sometimes the smell is lovely, depending how desperate you are!)

I also had to spend a lot of time with my anti smoking friends who would keep telling me the bad stuff about smoking. Since I've stopped I can now spot smokers a mile off because they always smell a bit and look quite wrinkly (even those in their 20's). Just keep reminding yourself of the benefits of not smoking.

OOh and another thing... hold your breath, and then try taking more breaths in on top of that, but don't let go of the original breath. It's quite nasty and knackering, but this is how people with lung diseases have to breathe (I'm a nurse and I've seen it!) Imagine being like that always?! Not good. It put me right off.

I'm now at a stage where I can occasionally pinch one from a friend every now and then but I no longer desire to be a 'smoker' as in 'full time' whcih is really good.

Good luck!!
Reply 6
after the three day hump you are cured.
Reply 7
Everytime I try to give up, I buy all the patches, gum and inhalers I can get but I only seem to last for about a week.

I have no willpower!
Reply 8
Note down the date you give up and plan youself treats (1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, 1 year etc.) with the money you've saved. Mark them on your calendar/ in your diary and make it BIG. Use glitter and coloured pens and popout smiley faces if you will, but make it seem a day for celebration! If you find out how much you've got to spend and make it physical (rather that just 'I'll save loads of money') it's easier.

Ummm, write a list of why you want to stop (bad teeth, wrinkles, bad breath, expensive etc) and carry it around with you (maybe laminate it first if your bag eats things in a matter of seconds like mine does)
Also, make a list of situations where you want to smoke and displacement activites you can use when one comes along, e.g. have a cup of tea, go for a walk/run, call a friend, listen to 3 tracks on your favourite CD, read 10 pages of a book etc. Things you really enjoy doing. You might have forgotten about it once you've done it. But be strict, make sure you actually complete the task (I said 3 tracks, not 2 1/2!)
If you live at home make your family ban you from smoking indoors - when its dark and cold and rainy this can be the most useful thing. Or ban yourself from smoking indoors.

Throw away your ashtrays, lighters and all your cigarettes. Give them to a homeless person if that makes you feel good, or a skint friend if it doesn't.
Clean the house and ferbreeze everywhere, tidy up and have a massive clearout. I don't care if that ashtray is a present from your great aunt, send it to oxfam they need it more than you! Once you've removed the accessories to smoking you've got less things to link it to and fewer temptations.

If you've got somewhere where you buy your cigarettes and you're friendly with the person behind the counter, tell them you've given up.

When you have one and you've been off for a while, don't think 'this is because I'm a smoker, I can't escape it, I may as well give up'. Instead, use that disappointment with yourself next time you fancy one, remember how guilty you felt and that'll make it easier not to.

Thats all I can think of at the moment,
I've given up since October and I still struggle, but honestly it's so worth it!
skevvybritt x

EDIT: bricktops, that is not true. It takes much longer than 3 days.
Reply 9
My mate betted me a fiver that he could quit for at least 2 weeks. So, me being me thought to myself "hang on a sec - this is EASY money - your on matey!". However, I am now £5 down. :mad: lol
How do all of yall manage to quit smoking? I can't no matter how hard I try. I think that my problem is that I am a chain smoker-as soon as I finish one I light another one with in 5 or 10 minutes. My boyfriend said that he was trying to quit but since I'm always smoking around him he has had a hard time- so I told him that I would try to quit or at least cut back
Reply 11
i used to smoke 10 a day.havent touched a cig in around 3 months.theres no secret to it....u just dont smoke. simple as that. dont ever hold a cig in ur hand. i kno it sounds rly stupid but it worked for me and id been smoking for 3 years. didnt work the first time tho. these things usually take at least 2 goes (took me 3). also, once youve stopped for a bit ur gonna have to replace it with something. first instinct is gonna be to eat nice fooods. dont do it.take up a sport that exercises ur lungs alot and will make u sweat. gets all that stress out and makes u realise how ****ed up ur lungs are. smoke weed if u smoke anything if ur gonna **** ur lungs up might as well get high off it :biggrin:
by the inhaler they make you think twice about smoking ever again. Blow ya bloody head off.
Reply 13
honestly i think it works if u decide to become a social smoker.. like smoke only when ur out partying or drinking with ur friends. like just on the weekends. if u manage that for a while, then quitting won't be as hard...
15 days for me so far. Its still quite hard especially after meals or when drinking. The first 4 days are the worst and then if you're like me you'll go through a major junk food craving in an effort to subdue nicotine cravings. That lasted a week for me. Now I still get cravings but less often. Maybe once every couple of days. Its not easy though, you really have to want to give up. I live with 2 smokers so if I can keep to it I'm sure you can!
i don't smoke..why not try those nicotine patches.........:smile:
Reply 16
Another important thing to remember is:
If you fail (i.e, you go out, have a drink, then find yourself with a cigarette in hand), the next day, dont think "oh well, I failed at quitting - might as well keep smoking again"...

Just start the process again.
Quitting is the easy part, not starting again is the hard part. No-one is perfect, so if you do mess up and have a smoke, dont let that make you start smoking full time again.
Reply 17
I managed to not smoke a single ciggie for 11 days before giving in. In my case, instead of getting easier, it got worse and worse! In the end, my friends (who are non-smokers and were supportive at first) agreed that I should start smoking again because I was so miserable. I was also getting on their nerves because all I could talk about was smoking! lol! I have been a heavy smoker for 10 years and so it is not that easy to quit.
Reply 18
It's so hard to give up! It's taken me 5 goes... and I still relapse every time I have a drink. I have stopped smoking when I'm not out now though, and haven't smoked like that for about 6 months. I'm not sure whether that classifies me as a smoker or a non-smoker anymore!
Reply 19
It's so hard to give up! It's taken me 5 goes... and I still relapse every time I have a drink. I have stopped smoking when I'm not out now though, and haven't smoked like that for about 6 months. I'm not sure whether that classifies me as a smoker or a non-smoker anymore!

Wow, well done! Even though you may have the occasional lapse, it is so hard to get where you are. I don't think non-smokers acknowledge how hard it is!

I intend to try quiting again over the summer (once stressful exam period is out the way!).

Keep it up! :biggrin: