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Reply 80
For economics freshers if you really want to read something go for "The fatal equilibrium" by Jevons - you're gonna need it for the first problem set for ec102. Other than that I wouldnt really read any books - they wont help you that much with the courses. First term is quite easy going anyway so you might as well relax until January.
Just got my results today, and I made my LSE offer! :smile:

Woooooo super excited. I'm in Holborn btw.
Reply 82
Well, we international relations freshers were sent a welcome letter a week ago with a 7 book long reading list and the words "...and this is something we advise", and "it would be wise to begin by reading..."

so you econs freshers should count yourselves lucky!
Reply 83
hey i havent yet received accommodation and am getting worried. For all the people who have received accommodation, how long after you sent the application form did LSE take to give out accommodation offers?
Also to all those who have an offer for BMS, have you yet received a reading list? I for one havent and am getting slightly worried that people on other courses have received reading lists.
hey i havent yet received accommodation and am getting worried. For all the people who have received accommodation, how long after you sent the application form did LSE take to give out accommodation offers?
Also to all those who have an offer for BMS, have you yet received a reading list? I for one havent and am getting slightly worried that people on other courses have received reading lists.

For LSE accom your offer usually comes within two weeks. For intercollegiate (which I'm guessing you are) it takes a lot longer - I don't think IC people have heard back yet.

I think some courses may have been sent reading lists, but it seems like most haven't. The prelim reading list (in that newsletter) is quite lengthy so I'd imagine that would be more than ample for any course.
Just got my results today, and I made my LSE offer! :smile:

Woooooo super excited. I'm in Holborn btw.

holborn as well, i'm doing economics, what about u??
Who's gonna do Law?
Facebook anyone? Haha.
holborn as well, i'm doing economics, what about u??

I'm doing Law :smile:

Who's gonna do Law?
Facebook anyone? Haha.

Same here - and of course, everyone has facebook nowadays don't they?!
Anyone else stuck in Sidney Webb?
Reply 89
Anyone else stuck in Sidney Webb?

I might be - received an email that by IC has been delayed again.

Why is everyone afraid of Sidney Webb? Care to share some horror stories to make my wait for accommodation more exciting?
Reply 90
Anyone else stuck in Sidney Webb?

Its just so out of the way and mostly post grads. Nice rooms though, from what i remember...we get a fridge :smile:
El Mariachi
Is Sidney Webb the one where you're likely to get shot?

Apparently so. But you're likely to get shot in a lot of places in London. Ben Kinsella was attacked in Islington no? Probably not too far away from Roseberry!

I think that flat that burnt down in Camberwell was near one of the KCL halls as well. Ah, the joys of being a student in London await :rolleyes:
El Mariachi
Ahh damn. Looks like I'll be investing in a knife, and maybe a small gun?

If you manage to get your hands on a pistol let me know.

I may just take the whole 'safety in numbers' thing to another level, and go out with a minimum of six or seven people. That could just lead to mass mugging though..
Reply 94
Did everyone get the email

As you are aware you should have received an Information for Accepted Students pack as stated in your Offer pack. We are no longer sending a hard copy of this information to offer holders and we are currently in the process of finalising an online version of this information. This will include a link to an online version of the Student Verification Form and Financial Undertaking Form. We are currently finalising some technical aspects to ensure that you receive comprehensive details. You will receive this by mid-July.

Thank you in advance for your patience. If you have any questions about your application or this email, please do not hesitate to contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office by email at [email protected] or by telephone on +44 (0)20 7955 7125.

Yours sincerely,

Andrea Henrichfreise
Admissions Officer

Great to know that they still know that we EXIST! :rolleyes:
Reply 95
Did everyone get the email

Great to know that they still know that we EXIST! :rolleyes:

Yes, for a moment I thought, "Yes! They've given me an unconditional offer by mistake!".

It was not to be, 20th August seems so far away...

Did everyone get the email

Great to know that they still know that we EXIST! :rolleyes:

I got that - I was far too happy to get something from them.

Hanoi, are you the one that's also in BW?
Apparently so. But you're likely to get shot in a lot of places in London. Ben Kinsella was attacked in Islington no? Probably not too far away from Roseberry!

aaaaaah, i gonna be in roseberry. :eek:
yet, guess the point was that even in usually safe areas stuff happens sooo ... i just gonna bring my pepper spray. nd i can technically break someones foot (oh yeah self defense classes totally pay off :p: )
awww, i really cant wait to finally get there !!!
nd i think its quite sad they dont send us another pack by post ... :frown:
Apparently so. But you're likely to get shot in a lot of places in London. Ben Kinsella was attacked in Islington no? Probably not too far away from Roseberry!

You're paranoid, the LSE Halls are in some of the safest places in London. Kinsella's death was purely circumstantial, it was not because Islington is a dangerous place to live, anyway one death proves nothing. I know you were probably just exaggerating, but I dont want anyone who hasnt lived in London before to think it;s some crime-ridden wasteland with muggings and stabbings on every corner, because it's not, especially the areas the LSE halls are in, which like I said are relatively good areas. London is just like any other city, if you stay street smart, keep to yourself and dont go looking for trouble it wont come to you.
Reply 99
aaaaaah, i gonna be in roseberry. :eek:
yet, guess the point was that even in usually safe areas stuff happens sooo ... i just gonna bring my pepper spray. nd i can technically break someones foot (oh yeah self defense classes totally pay off :p: )
awww, i really cant wait to finally get there !!!
nd i think its quite sad they dont send us another pack by post ... :frown:

Hmm you bring your pepper spray. I'll bring this.

Take that potential muggers/rapists!! :cool: