The Student Room Group
Reply 1
hi, i'm doing English lit at Essex atm (it's brilliant btw and if you have any other questions feel free to PM) my offer was 300 ucas points including two B's (one in lit one in something else) i got a B in lit then C, C, D (so obv i got BCC) and i still got in unconditionally :smile:
Reply 2
any1 know wot is the minimum 4 biomedical science in essex
i got in with CDDE 3 years ago now, my offer was CCC. Their comment was i interviewed very well which is why they let me in even though i missed it i think

Depends on how many miss their offers
Reply 4
Hiya, I got in with BCC even though my offer was BBC. Some of my friends got loads lower than their offer and still got in. I think they're quite lenient... but depends how many people they've made offers to I guess!
If they like you they'll still let you in :smile:
Reply 6
Hiya, I got in with BCC even though my offer was BBC. Some of my friends got loads lower than their offer and still got in. I think they're quite lenient... but depends how many people they've made offers to I guess!

Did you have to phone them up on results day to see if they would still let you in?
They let me in through ucas even though i didnt meet the offer. If your ucas doesnt change to unconditional, ring them as soon as you get your results