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Ideal Driving Test Times


So I failed my test this morning.. Mainly I think (my instructor thinks anyway) because I had the chief examiner and he was just out to look at failing me for the test centres pass/fail percentage statistics and made some **** up for 1 serious for observation at a roundabout; after I'd sat a roundabout, gaveway to every car on my right as there was no gaps - then I pulled out and went straight ahead; then at the end he said he gave me a serious for it as there was supposedly a car on my right that had to slow down for me? So that was that, he'd of passed me he said otherwise.. ****.

But anyway, I'm looking at ideal test times now for my 2nd test as my instructor should I re-book straight away as she knows I can pass, and so can I! As my hour beforehand was perfect.. Meh.

I've been looking at times like 9:37, 10:44 and possibly 14:00 now.. I definately won't do the 8:40s, 11:41 or after today the 13:03 which my instructor said would be the quietest, it was absolutely packed! :rolleyes:
I noticed this morning on the way to college though I was walking and it was just gone half 10 and the roads were dead so I'm thinking 10:44.. But there isn't one for 3 weeks at my test centre, however I can get a 14:00 for 7th July (Tuesday) or a 9:37 on 10th July (Friday) at the earliest..

Has anyone else had tests at this time and had any experience with how it is? :smile:

P.S. Yes I know it is not always traffic however in my case, I need low levels of traffic incase I get that ******* chief examiner again, such a dick.

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Reply 1
Well in a few weeks, once schools are shut, the tests over the 9am time period and 2pm won't be as busy as they are now.
So consider that.
Reply 2
Don't do it in the afternoon! I'd say 10-11 is perfect
Reply 3
:frown: Sorry you failed

But times really do not matter no matter how much people say they do- your driving ability doesn't change with the traffic. I did my test at 14.30 until 15.10 on a friday, the test centre was opposite a primary school. As you can imagine It was really busy but like I said times don't matter in my eyes. Plus 1 major isn't anything to worry about :smile: good luck! xx
Reply 4
:frown: Sorry you failed

But times really do not matter no matter how much people say they do- your driving ability doesn't change with the traffic. I did my test at 14.30 until 15.10 on a friday, the test centre was opposite a primary school. As you can imagine It was really busy but like I said times don't matter in my eyes. Plus 1 major isn't anything to worry about :smile: good luck! xx


Although there isn't anything wrong with my driving ability. My hour beforehand was perfect, covered all my manouveurs, general drive, emergency stop, etc - spot on. Yeah I was obviously nervous but it barely hindered my performance driving in the test, I did both manouveurs; parallel park (despite he got me to stop on a speed bump and it made me stall trying to get enough acceleratio over it which I couldn't) and turn in the road, he gave me no minors for that.. Just that 1 serious that I think is completely made up just to reach some fail quota or something I swear.. No I'm not in denial, he was so despressing and dull..

Although he said my drive was good and made effective observation however this one time on the roundabout I supposedly had to make a car slow down as it was coming on my right? It's complete **** as I just let every single car past and gave way to them as I couldn't get a single gap.. There was absolutely nothing on the right at all, but my instructor told me to just leave it as it's his word against mine and he's the chief examiner.. Just a statistic to them, money grabbing thieves.

So yeah, another £98 to spend for my next test.. I'm looking at 09:37 maybee..

EDIT: He gave me a serious for it, not a major .. =/ Actually just checked the sheet and it's 'Serious' or 'Dangerous'.. Meh.. Lol.

Thanks anyway thoughhh ! :smile:
Reply 5
I did mine on a Monday Morning , 11:21 am, and I had the chief examiner. There was hardly any cars on the road and I passed with only 4 Minors....And 12 and a half lessons. My friends however took hers 3 times at 4pm in the city and obv failed....:biggrin:
Reply 6

Although there isn't anything wrong with my driving ability. My hour beforehand was perfect, covered all my manouveurs, general drive, emergency stop, etc - spot on. Yeah I was obviously nervous but it barely hindered my performance driving in the test, I did both manouveurs; parallel park (despite he got me to stop on a speed bump and it made me stall trying to get enough acceleratio over it which I couldn't) and turn in the road, he gave me no minors for that.. Just that 1 serious that I think is completely made up just to reach some fail quota or something I swear.. No I'm not in denial, he was so despressing and dull..

Although he said my drive was good and made effective observation however this one time on the roundabout I supposedly had to make a car slow down as it was coming on my right? It's complete **** as I just let every single car past and gave way to them as I couldn't get a single gap.. There was absolutely nothing on the right at all, but my instructor told me to just leave it as it's his word against mine and he's the chief examiner.. Just a statistic to them, money grabbing thieves.

So yeah, another £98 to spend for my next test.. I'm looking at 09:37 maybee..

EDIT: He gave me a serious for it, not a major .. =/ Actually just checked the sheet and it's 'Serious' or 'Dangerous'.. Meh.. Lol.

Thanks anyway thoughhh ! :smile:

What ever time is best for you! My personal reason for having mine in the afternoon was not feeling tired and not having to wake up early :biggrin:
But good luck on your test! xx
Reply 7
Well these are the earliest available times I can get at my test centre now as of today.. My instructor said she'd ring me at half 8 so in about 20 minutes and were gonna arrange what time to go for again.. Gonna be looking for cancellations though!

I'm looking at 14:00 and 09:37 on there at the moment.. Ideally I would prefer a 10:44 but ah well, that'd mean another week of waiting.. I don't know. :frown:
Reply 8

Although there isn't anything wrong with my driving ability. My hour beforehand was perfect, covered all my manouveurs, general drive, emergency stop, etc - spot on. Yeah I was obviously nervous but it barely hindered my performance driving in the test, I did both manouveurs; parallel park (despite he got me to stop on a speed bump and it made me stall trying to get enough acceleratio over it which I couldn't) and turn in the road, he gave me no minors for that.. Just that 1 serious that I think is completely made up just to reach some fail quota or something I swear.. No I'm not in denial, he was so despressing and dull..

Although he said my drive was good and made effective observation however this one time on the roundabout I supposedly had to make a car slow down as it was coming on my right? It's complete **** as I just let every single car past and gave way to them as I couldn't get a single gap.. There was absolutely nothing on the right at all, but my instructor told me to just leave it as it's his word against mine and he's the chief examiner.. Just a statistic to them, money grabbing thieves.

So yeah, another £98 to spend for my next test.. I'm looking at 09:37 maybee..

EDIT: He gave me a serious for it, not a major .. =/ Actually just checked the sheet and it's 'Serious' or 'Dangerous'.. Meh.. Lol.

Thanks anyway thoughhh ! :smile:

I think you're talking a bit of bull here. The examiner won't make something up to fail you, and you can't justify your failure by saying you let every other car past. He was depressing and dull? What difference does that make? Maybe he's depressed due to the lack of driving ability he witnesses on a daily basis.
Reply 9
I think you're talking a bit of bull here. The examiner won't make something up to fail you, and you can't justify your failure by saying you let every other car past. He was depressing and dull? What difference does that make? Maybe he's depressed due to the lack of driving ability he witnesses on a daily basis.

No I'm not talking bull.. I've got nothing to benefit out of it, it doesn't make me feel better, it doesn't boost my confidence, I have nothing to prove - I wouldn't lie for the sake of it, what is the point? I'm not impressing anyone..

To be honest I know I can try justify myself and be frustrated but I know what happened and I don't really want to try argue who was right or wrong or for you to think I'm trying to make myself feel better about it or think I was right and he is wrong because it's not what I'm trying to do so I won't bother trying to argue the facts with you to be honest bud.

But no, the chief examiner at my test centre has a notorious reputation (infamously) for failing most of his pupils and being condescending and makes things worse than what they are.. As for your comment on lack of driving ability; I would hardly call myself lacking driving ability when he gave me no minors at all, complimented me on a good drive and my manouveurs being spot on and overall great; just that 'one moment I let myself down' which enraged me as I knew there was nothing there.. But yeah, I won't comment again on trying to justify myself.

This thread is for ideal times and personal experiences so I'll leave it at that now, okay? :smile:
Reply 10
Round Grimsby you want to avoid tests inbetween 4 and 6 in the evening, and 9 in the morning. I did mine at 1.43, with a mate doing it earlier, and getting stuck in lunch-time traffic

Whihc examiner was the chief one? Is it the old guy? Or big Dave?
Reply 11
I just booked mine for an 11:41, with 9:37 being my second choice. My instructor said she'd suggest anything between 9 and 1.

I think 9:37 might be your best bet, well before lunch and most people will be in work with it being past 9
Reply 12
It makes zero difference.

If you are good enough to pass you will do so, assuming you don't do something stupid.
Reply 13
Just got of the phone with my instructor, booked the Friday 10th July at 09:37am.. Hoping for the best..

Round Grimsby you want to avoid tests inbetween 4 and 6 in the evening, and 9 in the morning. I did mine at 1.43, with a mate doing it earlier, and getting stuck in lunch-time traffic

Whihc examiner was the chief one? Is it the old guy? Or big Dave?

Heyy, it was the old guy - Peter Watson.. ;/ My mate had big Dave (the mardy **** isn't he?) as well and he failed him twice, he passed 3rd time with a different examiner, think he's called Mark or something? The younger one whatever his name is..

Mine was at 1.03 and yeah it's packed with lunch traffic, my instructor said to go for it as it's empty and really popular - yeah I noticed it was popular as 5 other people were on test at the exact same time as me but it was absolutely packed with traffic, yeah.. Was stupid..

I noticed you go to Franklin as well, same here.. :wink: Was walking to college this morning and it was like just gone half 10 and it was dead.. So wish I could get the 10.44 but I can't be arsed waiting a 3rd week..

Gonna see how traffic is this Friday at like 09:45am as that will be about what time I will be out on the roads when I get out of the industrial estate from the test centre..

It makes zero difference.

If you are good enough to pass you will do so, assuming you don't do something stupid.

You may as well just stay out of this thread, already commented on I'm not going to try justify myself anymore - it's not what this thread is for.
I did mine at 8.40 and loved it.. got stuck in traffic for a good ten minutes so didnt have to do anything.. less chance of making mistakes!
It definatly worked for me anyway- 2 minors :smile:)
Reply 15
I passed at 8:10am, jam packed in traffic. It was an awesome time, I think! Needs more clutch control but you'll always be going slow or not moving at all lol. Because there was so much traffic the examiner finished my test a bit quicker than normal I think.
Reply 16
I did mine at 8.40 and loved it.. got stuck in traffic for a good ten minutes so didnt have to do anything.. less chance of making mistakes!
It definatly worked for me anyway- 2 minors :smile:)

Wouldn't really care what time I took really if there was no chance of me getting the same chief examiner again but there's always the possibility so not going to take my chances..
Mate. Friday around 3pm. I just sat in traffic for 40 minutes and did my manouveers at the test centre :tongue:.

Easy pass.
Reply 18
Just got of the phone with my instructor, booked the Friday 10th July at 09:37am.. Hoping for the best..

Heyy, it was the old guy - Peter Watson.. ;/ My mate had big Dave (the mardy **** isn't he?) as well and he failed him twice, he passed 3rd time with a different examiner, think he's called Mark or something? The younger one whatever his name is..

Mine was at 1.03 and yeah it's packed with lunch traffic, my instructor said to go for it as it's empty and really popular - yeah I noticed it was popular as 5 other people were on test at the exact same time as me but it was absolutely packed with traffic, yeah.. Was stupid..

I noticed you go to Franklin as well, same here.. :wink: Was walking to college this morning and it was like just gone half 10 and it was dead.. So wish I could get the 10.44 but I can't be arsed waiting a 3rd week..

Gonna see how traffic is this Friday at like 09:45am as that will be about what time I will be out on the roads when I get out of the industrial estate from the test centre..


You may as well just stay out of this thread, already commented on I'm not going to try justify myself anymore - it's not what this thread is for.

Unlucky on your fail mate, it took me 2 times to pass, first time I had the chief examiner of my centre, he failed me because supposedly I caused a mini to change direction (here's the kicker though), I had my mate follow me to make sure that I didn't do anything wrong, or if I did to tell me (he's a driving instructor and does tests sometimes). Well he was practically right behind me the whole way, he asked me what I failed on so I told him one was because of that mini and he told me the mini was in a different lane already and was also speeding, nothing I could have done about it.

Another major was on a country road I was only going 55 when the speed limit was 60, this caused someone to take over, they were going bloody 70mph on a country road lol, no-way I could have avoided that unless I was meant to speed to keep ahead, this would have resulted in me getting done for dangerous driving, its a total double standard, so ya I feel for you mate, know exactly how it feels to get screwed over.

Oh and to the **** calling the OP a liar, go cry me a river, build a bridge, get over it AND STFU!!
Reply 19
I did mine today at 9:37 and the roads were a lot quieter than I thought they would be.. Suppose the whole rush hour thing is over and everyone else is too lazy to drive around at half 9 in the morning :biggrin:

Good luck for next time!