Just got of the phone with my instructor, booked the Friday 10th July at 09:37am.. Hoping for the best..
Heyy, it was the old guy - Peter Watson.. ;/ My mate had big Dave (the mardy **** isn't he?) as well and he failed him twice, he passed 3rd time with a different examiner, think he's called Mark or something? The younger one whatever his name is..
Mine was at 1.03 and yeah it's packed with lunch traffic, my instructor said to go for it as it's empty and really popular - yeah I noticed it was popular as 5 other people were on test at the exact same time as me but it was absolutely packed with traffic, yeah.. Was stupid..
I noticed you go to Franklin as well, same here..

Was walking to college this morning and it was like just gone half 10 and it was dead.. So wish I could get the 10.44 but I can't be arsed waiting a 3rd week..
Gonna see how traffic is this Friday at like 09:45am as that will be about what time I will be out on the roads when I get out of the industrial estate from the test centre..
You may as well just stay out of this thread, already commented on I'm not going to try justify myself anymore - it's not what this thread is for.