The Student Room Group
Is it do-able?

Obviously not at oxbridge/Imperial..but what about Bath/Bristol/Sheffield?

Any Ideas?


P.S. My options are:

Maths (stats)
English Lit

These are taken to keep options open :smile:.

Not entirely sure what I want to do, I just have a Maths Degree in mind.

I'm in a very similar situation to you. At AS I took:

English Lit
Sociology <------------------:eek3:
Critical Thinking

Just to keep my options open. But now I know I'm going to aim for a Degree in Maths, so I'm taking on the full FM course in my A2 year. Unis say that FM is desirable, but from what I've heard they cover most of the content in the first few weeks.
Reply 2
Yes it's do-able. Uni's always say they like Further Maths but then contradict it with the fact that it's all covered in a lecture or two. Further Maths won't get you very far, maybe just give you a bit of breathing space at the beginning. That said, Further Maths is bloody hard compared to normal maths, so be prepared for a shock (I mean, do at least read up on complex numbers).

That aside, I can't commend on the univerisites you've listed. All I do know, is applicants at Kings College London for a Mathematics Bsc+Msci courses do not have Further Maths and are coping.
My friends doing maths with accounting and finance at loughborough and she didnt do further maths :smile:
At Bath today they said you really should have Further Maths at least to AS. They did say you can get an offer without but you are making it much harder for yourself.
Reply 5
Is it do-able?

Obviously not at oxbridge/Imperial..but what about Bath/Bristol/Sheffield?


why have you ruled out oxbridge/imperial? you can still do maths at these unis without further maths, it's not a disadvantage if you have chosen not to take further maths. you've just got to show that you have a passion to do maths. I speak from experience.
why have you ruled out oxbridge/imperial? you can still do maths at these unis without further maths, it's not a disadvantage if you have chosen not to take further maths. you've just got to show that you have a passion to do maths. I speak from experience.

Your information is a little misleading.
You will struggle to get into camb. without FM to at least AS, they do, of course prefer the full package.
I have never been to Oxford so would not know without searching; thus I cannot comment. Likewise with imperial.
I would say that without at least the pure modules in FM you are at an obvious disadvantage regardless.

to the OP, try to do a some of the FM material on your own to expand your knowledge; and many quality courses for mathematics will of course be delighted to accept you without FM, if you are of the right calibre.
Reply 7
why have you ruled out oxbridge/imperial? you can still do maths at these unis without further maths, it's not a disadvantage if you have chosen not to take further maths. you've just got to show that you have a passion to do maths. I speak from experience.

Yes, it's not a disadvantage when you're studing the degree, but it is in the application process. Mrm. hit the nail on the head when they mentioned it's expected at AS level at the least. You can't really demonstrate a true competence for advanced mathematics at a top university when the content in the pure modules is hardly stretching.

You are recommended to take an A level combination that includes both mathematics and further mathematics. Competition for places is intense, so your application will be stronger if you are studying subjects with a high mathematical content.

Students not taking further mathematics at A level will be expected to take either AEA or STEP papers. For entry in 2010 a grade A in all mathematics modules taken will be required. Resits will not be accepted.

Reply 8
Original post by Jamie Innes
I'm in a very similar situation to you. At AS I took:

English Lit
Sociology <------------------:eek3:
Critical Thinking

Just to keep my options open. But now I know I'm going to aim for a Degree in Maths, so I'm taking on the full FM course in my A2 year. Unis say that FM is desirable, but from what I've heard they cover most of the content in the first few weeks.

I was thinking about doing this too. Do you think it's too much to do in one year along with 3 other A2s? Where do you want to apply?
Original post by RebeccaLM
I was thinking about doing this too. Do you think it's too much to do in one year along with 3 other A2s? Where do you want to apply?

Why did you resurrect a thread that's 3 years old? They'll have already applied and be in their second year of uni by now :facepalm:
Reply 10
Original post by Flyteryder
Why did you resurrect a thread that's 3 years old? They'll have already applied and be in their second year of uni by now :facepalm:

Haha, forgot to look at the date!! Still, it might be useful to have a retrospective opinion...
(but sorry, I didn't realise) :smile:
why do you do critical thinking, are you dumb no universities accept that bs.
Reply 12
Original post by Kdawg7654
why do you do critical thinking, are you dumb no universities accept that bs.

You are replying to a post from 2009 - thread is now closed.
(edited 7 years ago)