The Student Room Group

I don't know what to do

ok I'm stressing out 24/7 I've moaned alot about it but I cant stop it and lately i'm worried about mom because I feel she is stressing out because I'm always stressed
so I need to calm my self down i've got an exam next tuesday and i'm so stressed yesterday I kept dreaming about it and still it's next week i'm worried the other day mom couldn't sleep and woke up at 3 am because she was stressed about it because i'm stressed and she is scared that ill get so nervous and wont do good,I mean I don't want to cause her more trouble but I dont seem to control my self:frown:
and small call for help :redface: :frown:
Reply 1
you [both] need to calm down.

For one, you need to stop flapping in front of your mom to stop her getting so het up about something that she can't control.

-What is it about the exam that's bothering you? - you still have plenty of time to revise, and if you don't understand stuff, surely teachers are on hand to help?

I mostly am worried about practical and synoptics both are physics I mean I still cant have a total control on it,I told my teacher I'm coming everyday except friday till the exam so I can practice practical or whatever,but in the same time if I didn't tell anybody I'm gonna exploade and well she is the closest person whom I can tell what is bothering me :redface: :frown:
Reply 2
I mostly am worried about practical and synoptics both are physics I mean I still cant have a total control on it,I told my teacher I'm coming everyday except friday till the exam so I can practice practical or whatever,but in the same time if I didn't tell anybody I'm gonna exploade and well she is the closest person whom I can tell what is bothering me :redface: :frown:

well it's not helping - because you're getting more bothered because your mum is worked up! take a deep breath, get some rescue remedy (it's great stuff) and have a couple of drops of that in a hot drink before bed and get some good sleep. that's good you've organised time to practise, but don't overdo it, and be calm!

make a list of what you want to cover, cross it off as you do it. maybe your mum could help you revise? that way she'd be involved but it would be a more positive way to channel the nervous energy you both seem to have in abundance!
Reply 3
well it's not helping - because you're getting more bothered because your mum is worked up! take a deep breath, get some rescue remedy (it's great stuff) and have a couple of drops of that in a hot drink before bed and get some good sleep. that's good you've organised time to practise, but don't overdo it, and be calm!

make a list of what you want to cover, cross it off as you do it. maybe your mum could help you revise? that way she'd be involved but it would be a more positive way to channel the nervous energy you both seem to have in abundance!

LOL my mom practicly knows nothing about physics :biggrin: so there is no way she can help me,I have friends and stuff but i don't know I dont discuss this with them ,I've got a sister but I talk to her sometimes but she is younger and I dont want to confuse her she is younger than me and |I dont want to load her with my own pressure
Reply 4
I was feeling similar 2 days ago, if not exactly the same as you are feeling now. Only I had no one to moan at except everyone on here :redface:

Stop where you are. Put it into perspective. It's only a practical. It's not a life or death situation. Calm down, think about something else for a while, force yourself to. Make your mind concentrate on a stupid game, anything, just don't think about it for a period. Then slowly think about what is making you so stressed, if you start feeling panicky, then stop thinking about it again. Repeat it until you can think logically about it, and in a calm way (this part took me a whole day to do). When you can think about it, without getting so stressed, work out why it's making you stressed, then do something to combat it.

Ugh, generally, stop worrying, you aren't going to drop dead if you fail. And it always helps to know that no matter what happens, someone will always be in a worse situation somewhere else.

P.S. Good luck :smile:
Reply 5
just remember, its only an exam, in the whole big scheme of things they are not that important. you can always resit it. i know they are stressful, but as long as you have worked hard, you will be fine. and remember, nervousness is an indication that you will do fine (or so ive been told). its better than being to relaxed about it and not doing enough work because you think its gonna be easy, those are the people who always fail.
Reply 6
I mostly am worried about practical and synoptics both are physics I mean I still cant have a total control on it,I told my teacher I'm coming everyday except friday till the exam so I can practice practical or whatever,but in the same time if I didn't tell anybody I'm gonna exploade and well she is the closest person whom I can tell what is bothering me :redface: :frown:

from what you've said on the science forum you seem pretty good at physics! :confused:

plus if it's any consolation, I have a throat infection so I'm missing all the physics practicals our class are practicing! But I'm sure it'll all work out on the day. :biggrin:

You seem to be doing all you can, so I guess keep it up and good luck although Im sure you won't need it.!
Reply 7
from what you've said on the science forum you seem pretty good at physics! :confused:

plus if it's any consolation, I have a throat infection so I'm missing all the physics practicals our class are practicing! But I'm sure it'll all work out on the day. :biggrin:

You seem to be doing all you can, so I guess keep it up and good luck although Im sure you won't need it.!

than really,but I cant say I'm that bad but I'm still not in the level I wanna be not in the level that will garantee the A for me thats why I'm nervous