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you'll hafta pay the fee or summit i think. am so scared i'm just onna "forget" about an exam!!!
According to the letters I got from my school/the exam boards during AS last year and more recently for A Level - if you just 'forget' that you have an exam, you will not get any marks at all i.e. your predicted grades will not be used and you will receive no marks for that module. Only if you have had an accident or adverse circumstances affect your arrival to the exam will you be awarded marks. Apparently, according to what I've read, 'forgetfullness' and/or 'oversleeping' is not a legitimate excuse. You need to break a leg or have a car crash for predicted grades to come into use.
what about if your exam timetable is printed out incorrectly?
what about if your exam timetable is printed out incorrectly?

That could prove problematic. Although, I think they'd realise the misprint long before the actual date of the exam. Anyway, schools check them all as soon as the statement of entry forms which provide the dates come in to avoid things like that happening.
If you miss an exam, the school/college will usually call you to come. That's what happend to me last year. :redface:
Reply 6
I missed a General Studies exam, however my college were the ones kicking me out, I had mumps.

Good times.
Reply 7
Im just coming up to my fiinal set of a-level exams and im seriously stressing cos i think i have mumps. i figure if i tell my college as soon as i know for definite then they will either tell exam board or let me do exam in seperate room because if i dont get marks for my exams i wont get into uni. Damn my friend with mumps for coming near me :frown:
Don't they have a system as well, where if you have a genuine excuse, they ask your school/college to pick two people at the same level as you, and then you get the middle point in between their two marks, to decide what mark you get overall?
Reply 9
Well as a further note to my i think i have mumps thing i dont. Well at least the doctor doesnt THINK so but if my face swells up then i do and i need to go back and see him again??!! Flipping useful. I prabably should say that i work in a call centre part time and if i have got mumps and i spread it my work colleagues aint gona like me any more :frown: as well as the whole exam problem if i have got it.
Reply 10
Mumps SUCKS. I had nothing wrong with me at all apart from the tiny swelling on my cheek, but I STILL couldn't go to exams. Pissed me off. You haven't got the swelling have you?
You could do it the next day or something like that, if you can prove the illness is true by presenting some medical evidence from your doctor.
Arrrrrrhhhhhhh. Lovely MMR.

I now talk to myself like and sometimes act an idiot.
Reply 13
Mumps SUCKS. I had nothing wrong with me at all apart from the tiny swelling on my cheek, but I STILL couldn't go to exams. Pissed me off. You haven't got the swelling have you?

in some ways i want to do my exams but if i could get my predicted grades without doing any work that would also be nice :smile: my neck is a bit swollen at the moment but not face. My jaw hurts too.
in some ways i want to do my exams but if i could get my predicted grades without doing any work that would also be nice :smile: my neck is a bit swollen at the moment but not face. My jaw hurts too.

Hope you feel alright soon. How come is your neck a bit swollen and your jaw hurts?
Reply 15
doctors explaination is throat infection :s-smilie: i really dont want mumps but iv got a nasty feeling in a few days time my face is gona swell. As long as i get thru my driving test tomorrow, 4th time lucky :biggrin:
Apparently, if you miss an exam due to illness and you're in Year 13, the exam board will use your coursework mark (if applicable) and your file of work throughout the year which you send them, as well as your predicted grade, to work out what you're likely to have got. If you're in Year 12, they don't do this because you have the chance to resit, so you'll just fail that exam.
Reply 17
This happened to me, i missed an a/s psych exam with chickenpox. For an illness, you shouldn't have to pay as long as you have a docs note, and then you will re-sit in jan.....but it won't be a re-sit, if you get my drift. If you aren't ill, then you will have to pay, and re-sit in jan. But you have to ask, why did you miss it???
Reply 18
The AS year isnt a problem, its the fact im doing A2 and this is my last chance to sit exams unless i did a third year at college.
Reply 19
Apparently, if you miss an exam due to illness and you're in Year 13, the exam board will use your coursework mark (if applicable) and your file of work throughout the year which you send them, as well as your predicted grade, to work out what you're likely to have got. If you're in Year 12, they don't do this because you have the chance to resit, so you'll just fail that exam.

What about if you arent in lessons for the subject, if you are effectivly an external candidate. If you have been continually assesed or completed any mocks?