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Well wheres the poll?
Well wheres the poll? your sig quote btw
Reply 3
Really it is all of them. But having to pick one I have chose sense of humour as I think that is vital - of course all of the other attributes are needed as well!
probably between making me feel good about myself and a good listener. I'm not a very good listener, i'm more of a talker :p: so i'd need that balance.
sense of humour is always vital... but so is kindness AND making you feel good about your self. :rolleyes: i would choose most of them if i could.
I have no idea. I mean - I don't really weigh up the pros and cons of a person before I start going out with them, I guess I just pick out what I see in them - I don't actively persue a characteristic.

Neither do I - perhaps I should rephrase. What I am basically asking, rather than what traits you actively seek in a potential partner/friend, is what seems to be the trait that has drawn you to people the most in the past :smile:

yeah I think they are all important too, for me intelligence, humour and kindness seem to be what most draws me to peoplle though.
Reply 7
Damn, I can't choose! It's just that spark that makes you feel you're really compatible with them, which would be a range of all the above.
Damn, I can't choose! It's just that spark that makes you feel you're really compatible with them, which would be a range of all the above.

yep that's actually very true! Although I do feel that some qualities are more important to me than others - I don't think i could feel that spark of compatability with someone who was humourless etc!
*Bethany* your sig quote btw

Merci pour la comment. Ca va?
I think my favourite thing to find in a person is happiness. I like happy people. I mean, they can be sad when necessary, but people who are generally cheerful are my favourite.

Edit: by the way, I ticked 'kindness' on the poll, because kind and thoughtful people are also my favourite.
Reply 11
Kindness would be the most important one - cus with kindness comes everything else! - care, generosity, gentleness - and generally someone very sweet - someone who's kind is also someone who gives, someone who's willing to love and be faithful. It's where some of the most important characteristics spring from. And if the guy cares for you, he'll listen to you :p:

Intelligence, however, is also very important to me - but all my friends and potential partners would have to be kind :smile: nice people. My ideal partner would be intelligence and kindness combined :smile: plus passion for God (me Christian that's why)
Reply 12
covered farm wagon
I think my favourite thing to find in a person is happiness. I like happy people. I mean, they can be sad when necessary, but people who are generally cheerful are my favourite.

Edit: by the way, I ticked 'kindness' on the poll, because kind and thoughtful people are also my favourite.

You'll like me then! :biggrin: :marchmell

Although I can be very thoughtful too :smile: and not just random!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :marchmell
I chose intelligence, but although someone might be super intelligent, I wouldn't go out with them if there weren't also kind, generous and made me feel good about myself. I require a combination of all of the poll options!
Reply 14
kindness, generosity and sense of humor... love all.

i mean today my bf spent 10 mins chasing me round a tree cuz i didnt give him a bite of my sandwich and when i was caught he gave me a flower lol :biggrin:

another random fact of cazzi bears life! :rolleyes:
Reply 15
i need to click with them. this means everything from making me laugh, to listening, to saying what i want and need to hear. you know when you just have that spark with new bf is like that :love:
Reply 16
multiple choice would have been better...its hard to just pick one out of all that
Reply 17
kindness, generosity and sense of humor... love all.

i mean today my bf spent 10 mins chasing me round a tree cuz i didnt give him a bite of my sandwich and when i was caught he gave me a flower lol :biggrin:

another random fact of cazzi bears life! :rolleyes:

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww how sweet!
Merci pour la comment. Ca va?

Ca va tres bien merci! Et vous?

Etes-vous un accro de francais?
Ca va tres bien merci! Et vous?

Etes-vous un accro de francais?

Moi, j'ai aussi bien, merci. Oui, mademoiselle, je accro de francais! Et toi?