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...well... on the plus side... at least I've found a way to sleep through the heat :rolleyes:

What heat? It's barely 20 degrees C here.
Reply 581
What heat? It's barely 20 degrees C here.

Stop ruining my elaborate excuse :erm:
Reply 582
Question for you all.

Is the Cambridge Card an official student ID? i.e. would it get you discounts on stuff abroad? If not, how do I get one that does?
Reply 583
Question for you all.

Is the Cambridge Card an official student ID? i.e. would it get you discounts on stuff abroad? If not, how do I get one that does?

The University Card? I've had problems with that over here since the only indication that it might actually be a student ID is the university seal on the back of the card. Found a 'do it yourself' student card from the NUS in my pigeonhole last term though where you can put a photo and write your details on it yourself, but I haven't tested it yet...
Reply 584
Found a 'do it yourself' student card from the NUS in my pigeonhole last term though where you can put a photo and write your details on it yourself, but I haven't tested it yet...

The crap CUSU/NUS card you get in your pigeon hole at the start of each year is recognised more than our University card, which is really crap.

I had problems getting a student gym discount when staying with a friend last summer because they claimed that the fact that the card doesn't state whether I'm a part time or full time student means they can't accept it. I tried to point out that Cambridge doesn't do part time undergrad courses, but they weren't having any of it :no: Morons :dry:
Question for you all.

Is the Cambridge Card an official student ID? i.e. would it get you discounts on stuff abroad? If not, how do I get one that does?

Depends on where you go, pretty much anywhere in cambridge will be fine as they know what to look for elsewhere its questionable. CUSU gives out DIY cards that you stick a passport photo in and that has the NUS logo on so that may be more what your after.
Reply 586
Why is postgrad funding such a bitch? :mad:

Depends on where you go, pretty much anywhere in cambridge will be fine as they know what to look for elsewhere its questionable. CUSU gives out DIY cards that you stick a passport photo in and that has the NUS logo on so that may be more what your after.

Almost had trouble with mine the other week at a cinema in Edinburgh... the lady behind the counter showed it to her colleague asking "is this ok as student ID" to which the answer was "yes". Doesn't help that they fade so quickly (at least the ones issued to my year group, which were a pile of ****) that you can barely make out my name or the university logo on mine any more.

Never bothered to try one of the DIY ones but assumed nobody outside Cambridge would take them seriously as they're DIY - you could walk into a college, take a blank one out of a random person's pigeon hole and stick anyone's photo in it!

If you're going abroad I think there's the International Student Identity Card. I'm pretty sure the NUS Extra card functions as one.
Why is postgrad funding such a bitch? :mad:



*gives rhetorical answer*
Never bothered to try one of the DIY ones but assumed nobody outside Cambridge would take them seriously as they're DIY - you could walk into a college, take a blank one out of a random person's pigeon hole and stick anyone's photo in it!

Yes, but that requires you to be of studenty age, live in a student town/city and be poor (or cheap) enough to want a student discount, which is almost guaranteed to make you a student. :p:
Reply 590
Why is postgrad funding such a bitch? :mad:


I know :console: I'm in the same boat! All we have to do is get firsts again :awesome:

And convince the moon to shine out of our bums :hmmmm:
Reply 591
Doesn't help that they fade so quickly (at least the ones issued to my year group, which were a pile of ****) that you can barely make out my name or the university logo on mine any more.

The ones from your year (06/07 right?) are pretty crap. I've noticed that. The easy solution is simply to 'lose' your card and claim a free replacement (first replacement is on the University) and then when you leave and they ask you to return your student card, give back the ugly faded one :biggrin:
Reply 592

*gives rhetorical answer*

Thank you. :frown:

I know :console: I'm in the same boat! All we have to do is get firsts again :awesome:

And convince the moon to shine out of our bums :hmmmm:

It's not even about me, it's about friends who thought they were coming back next year and now can't. If it were myself, I wouldn't be so pissed off. Funding in English is practically non-existant - even if I got another First next year I wouldn't expect to receive any. :rolleyes:
Reply 593
If you're going abroad I think there's the International Student Identity Card. I'm pretty sure the NUS Extra card functions as one.

Aha, that sounds like the sort of thing.
Reply 594

It's not even about me, it's about friends who thought they were coming back next year and now can't. If it were myself, I wouldn't be so pissed off. Funding in English is practically non-existant - even if I got another First next year I wouldn't expect to receive any. :rolleyes:

Yeh, sucks. Even if Cambridge give me a place the funding seems unlikely. I'm applying to other places, in case I manage to get studentships there.
The ones from your year (06/07 right?) are pretty crap. I've noticed that. The easy solution is simply to 'lose' your card and claim a free replacement (first replacement is on the University) and then when you leave and they ask you to return your student card, give back the ugly faded one :biggrin:

That's College dependent. We had to pay for any replacement cards.
It looks like I've just lost my Hermes, a bit annoying as my college's tutorial had said that I wouldn't (given that I'm returning for clinicals in September). :frown: Hopefully I'll get back the same crsid in September, argh!

Did you fill out the online form/email them to say you were staying on? If not, that's why your account has disappeared.
It looks like I've just lost my Hermes, a bit annoying as my college's tutorial had said that I wouldn't (given that I'm returning for clinicals in September). :frown: Hopefully I'll get back the same crsid in September, argh!

yes you'll get the same crsid and your old emails will still be there.
Question for you all.

Is the Cambridge Card an official student ID? i.e. would it get you discounts on stuff abroad? If not, how do I get one that does?

You need an ISIC Card (International Student Identity Card).

You can get one made at STA Travel (by Sainsbury's). There is a charge for them and you need to show certain documents (see website).

The Cambridge card doesn't say you're a student - you could be a member of staff in the university etc.
Selwyn is third in the Tompkins Table :woo: