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On another note, do we ever get to see our Cam bursary?

On anothernother note I have loads of money left on my meal card as I can't buy any blooming thing with it so if anyone wants to go to a Homerton formal get me to book it and you can pay me in cash :smile:
yes. "random" person.

It wasn't me if you are trying to infer that. I am a much better drunk than that, I would fall asleep in someones room instead :p:

I do know someone that did that pass out in a random corridor, was quite funny the next day when they told me.
On another note, do we ever get to see our Cam bursary?

On anothernother note I have loads of money left on my meal card as I can't buy any blooming thing with it so if anyone wants to go to a Homerton formal get me to book it and you can pay me in cash :smile:

I too am wandering about the Cambridge bursary
What happened to the Dell though? People praise them to the skies on TSR, but I know people who have had issues.

The hard drive died, taking with it some irreplaceable photographs :bawling:

That said, I know a few people who swear by the brand so I may just have been unlucky. It was a good lesson in remembering to back everything up, and I did consider getting a Dell when shopping for a netbook recently (the colours are awesome!)
No I really appreciate it! Everybody was saying that it was bad value for money (in terms of the specs you get in comparison to specs you get with other models for same price) - and I really needed some offputting reasons to dissuade me from wasting money purely for the aesthetics.:

Yup, I've got to second the 'Sony Vaio is crap' opinion. I had one for just over a year until it broke this summer. At first, one of the hinges on the screen broke, so the screen was practically hanging off and couldn't stand up by itself (and Sony don't sell spare parts on the market, so you have to pay like £100 to get it direct from them on top of whatever you're paying a repairer to fix it). Then, my laptop just started crashing about ten minutes after I turned it on, every time I turned it on. When I took it to the computer repairer, he told me that this was a common problem for Vaios as they overheat too much and they're rubbish in general.

This was of course on top of my 'e' key and 'z' key falling off on a regular basis while typing, and the 'e' eventually stopping working completely. And the fact that it totally died within two months of me getting it and had to be repaired at PC World (luckily on insurance). Still very annoying.

In short, don't get a Sony. The above resulted in me just binning the Sony and getting an HP, which is absolutely brilliant. How much are you looking to have available to spend on a laptop? This one was £600, but there are cheaper HPs.

(PS: I've heard very bad things about Dell laptops too, in particular from my stepdad whose job is something to do with computers. But like you said, some people love them. Like Marmite, I guess)
On another note, do we ever get to see our Cam bursary?

On anothernother note I have loads of money left on my meal card as I can't buy any blooming thing with it so if anyone wants to go to a Homerton formal get me to book it and you can pay me in cash :smile:

I don't think you do. At Selwyn at least, it just comes off your college bill.

Why can't you eat anything at Homerton?
It could be lupus
I too am wandering about the Cambridge bursary

I hate the way they advertise it as not being a struggle studying here due to the bursary and then they don't give you the thing :rolleyes:
I don't think you do. At Selwyn at least, it just comes off your college bill.

That makes sense, but surely you are notified at some stage that you are receiving and how much you will be receiving?
I don't think you do. At Selwyn at least, it just comes off your college bill.

Why can't you eat anything at Homerton?

I need to be milk and egg free and nearly everything is unsuitable. The catering manager said I could meet with him to discuss them making provisions but I emailed him and it's over a week now and he still hasn't contacted me so I'm going to have to contact him again. Plus I find a lot of the food is quite high in fat too which I don't like :s-smilie:

I'm going to start going and buying a couple of jacket potatoes a day I think and adding something to them to make them into a meal.

I've been eating a lot of ginger recently so am currently looking up the health benefits of this. (unrelated to Homerton)
I hate the way they advertise it as not being a struggle studying here due to the bursary and then they don't give you the thing :rolleyes:

I am ok for money at the minute, but I would much prefer to get the bursary asap
Homerton make us pay everything in advance so it probably won't come off our bill until next term :frown:
buy a medion they're great value so you get an awesome laptop for your money; i've had no more issues with mine than i would expect with any pc (and it runs faster than any of my friends laptops or most desktops i use). As for dells i agree with brimstone they're very marmite i've seen bad ones but i've also seen awesome ones :dontknow: I'd steer clear they're not consistent enough. Asus and acer are both meant to be all right and can be had quite cheap if you shop around.
It could be lupus
I am ok for money at the minute, but I would much prefer to get the bursary asap

I'm fine too, I should have money left over at the end of term but I like the security of knowing it's there for the start of next term and train fares or emergencies.

Thanks for that. Looks like I am just going to have to be patient

JANUARY?! If we've already paid surely we'll get a refund then...they were quick enough when they wanted money from me even though my student finance hadn't come through but they're not so quick at giving it back :angry:
Reply 5996
If it was me I'd prefer a Core 2 Duo processor.

Afaik 'Pentiums' are just low-end core 2's. I'm pretty sure Intel use the core achitechture for everything even in the low end now and have just kept the Pentium brand 'cos it's well known.
Hmmm...what if we are in credit on our college bill after the bursary contribution is deducted? Does the remaining amount of bursary get added to next term's bursary contribution? Does this accumulation only continue until the end of our undergrad study here?

Questions best directed at the Newton Trust / T&A probably...
Hmmm...what if we are in credit on our college bill after the bursary contribution is deducted? Does the remaining amount of bursary get added to next term's bursary contribution? Does this accumulation only continue until the end of our undergrad study here?

Questions best directed at the Newton Trust / T&A probably...

All I know is I'd better get the whole of it. I don't want them getting out of it by saying they only take it off our college bills-I spend way more out of college than in.
Reply 5999
The hard drive died, taking with it some irreplaceable photographs

Can't really blame Dell for that. They don't make the hard-drives, just stick them in there.