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Er, yes.

Unless that's named.

:cry: When I type late at night letters start to fall off the end of words.

That's why I was determined not to pick something that would need essays done - the result every week would be quite comical :biggrin:
Reply 6261
:cry: When I type late at night letters start to fall off the end of words.

That's why I was determined not to pick something that would need essays done - the result every week would be quite comical :biggrin:

Huh? You didn't actually mean to say 'named', did you? 'Name' was perfectly correct, I was just observing that they may no longer make waffles. Not trying to suggest that your spelling was wrong :lolwut:
Oh yes - I forgot to mention. What everybody forgot to tell you about was The Cambridge Waffle Company :awesome: Have you tried it? They do loads of waffles with savoury or sweet toppings, and they're really filling and quite cheap. And then they do nice coffees and teas too. They're right at the back of Soul Tree. From the New Museum site (unless there's a short cut I don't know of) you go left out the main entrance, walk up Downing street and turn left on the first road that goes down the side of the Grand Arcade (not the second road for parking) and you walk all the way down it until you can see Carluccios and then the Waffle COmpany is just out of site behind Soul Tree. Very popular lunch place.

There is a shortcut, but it's difficult to describe - basically, you walk through the Arts Schools and come out of the side gate. It's easier just to go your way if you don't know what you're doing.

And just to confirm, they're still open :smile:
Huh? You didn't actually mean to say 'named', did you? 'Name' was perfectly correct, I was just observing that they may no longer make waffles. Not trying to suggest that your spelling was wrong :lolwut:

Oh right sorry, I thought you were. WTH I just type what sounds right :p:

The Waffle Co.'s website is still open...
Reply 6264
Yeh that doesn't mean anything
There is a shortcut, but it's difficult to describe - basically, you walk through the Arts Schools and come out of the side gate. It's easier just to go your way if you don't know what you're doing.

And just to confirm, they're still open :smile:

Yeh I know the way out the Arts School. I described that to them yesterday. I just meant another shortcut :awesome:
Two and a half hours sleep. This is not good. I feel like a zombie. I have a Hep B jab at 9am but am going straight back to bed afterwards. There's no way I can focus like this.
Two and a half hours sleep. This is not good. I feel like a zombie. I have a Hep B jab at 9am but am going straight back to bed afterwards. There's no way I can focus like this.

Get on the Lucozade / Red Bull / Pro-Plus / [insert your favourite stimulant here].
ok, not funny, it seems my building has lost all hot water. Last night my shower was cold but i could get lukewarm water from the tap. This morning both the shower and tap tap are freezing and my radiator isn't working :frown:
I have no idea. I hope not :sad:

It is open, but they close at arbitrary (early) times. My friends and I usually try to go there at dinnertime rather than lunch, and lately we get there only when they're shutting up for the day...
Reply 6269
It could be lupus
The what? It sounds familiar, but no I am not. How do you get involved?

EDIT: I remember now, it was in an email, inviting us to join. I just searched through Hermes and cannot find it. Any other way of getting involved in it?

:yep: Yep. Facebook. Group has guinness as its profile pic...
I wish I could go and be an undergraduate again somewhere :frown: Actually, ideally I would be doing this but it's too late for me now.

Obviously the great laptop debate was finished and done with many pages ago, but for what it's worth I have an aluminium unibody macbook (which possibly don't exist anymore in non-pro form) and it's very good. I only had a really crap laptop before so it's not a good comparison with that but its sleep function works perfectly - I pretty much just open and close it and get annoyed when updates mean I have to update it. Also the multitouch trackpad thing is amazing. I read lots of pdfs and being able to scroll and zoom in with it is very useful.
Reply 6271
I rather hope not :yucky: but the other posters on the thread will be able to answer that more objectively than me...

I would say you do very slightly, but it's probably not noticeable unless you're expecting it.
I would say you do very slightly, but it's probably not noticeable unless you're expecting it.

Reply 6273
I ache massively from yesterday! owy owy owy
Reply 6274
I rather hope not but the other posters on the thread will be able to answer that more objectively than me...

Not a very strong one, sadly :frown: It's just about noticeable on occasion though...certainly doesn't sound wholly english, even if you wouldn't immediately think of SA.
Okay, I went clothes shopping after my Hep B jab. I can no longer justify a sleep :ninja:
Eurgh, fed up of this. I was up until 6 this morning working - I finished my Spanish essay at 2 and then started reading for my Russian essay. I nodded off and managed to sleep through no fewer than 12 alarms, meaning that I had about 10 minutes to get ready for my seminar at 9 and drop my essay off at Christs'. Got to Christs' at about 5 to 9 (five minutes before the deadline!) to find that my supervisor's pigeonhole was empty. I talked to my supervision partner who said that she got up at 5 this morning and wrote her essay, then took it straight to Christs' early this morning, so it had already been collected when I handed mine in, meaning that mine probably won't be read and marked because our supervisor had already picked up her stuff, despite the fact that I actually finished mine before her... And now I have to read for and write a whole essay on two hours sleep. And I haven't been out all stupid term and my friends have chosen tonight to go out because they all have light odd weeks and heavy even weeks, while I'm probably still going to be stuck in the library working and they're having fun in Revs. And even then I doubt my Russian supervisor will read my essay. And I'm just so fed up of being tired and never having enough time - I take a few days just doing language work to catch my breath and I end up in this situation again.
Reply 6277
Not a very strong one, sadly :frown: It's just about noticeable on occasion though...certainly doesn't sound wholly english, even if you wouldn't immediately think of SA.

Thanks guys. Yeh I'd say this is how I think of it too. Except the 'sadly' bit :hmmm:
Zhen Lin
It is open, but they close at arbitrary (early) times. My friends and I usually try to go there at dinnertime rather than lunch, and lately we get there only when they're shutting up for the day...
To be fair, I don't think closing at 5 (which is when I think they do) is an arbitrary time for a lunch/cafe sort of place that gets used as a club at night :wink:
Reply 6278
Woken up by a fire alarm at 7:30 :pinch: then woken up on two seperate occasions later in the morning by the insurance company :facepalm:
I wish I could go and be an undergraduate again somewhere :frown: Actually, ideally I would be doing this but it's too late for me now.

Obviously the great laptop debate was finished and done with many pages ago, but for what it's worth I have an aluminium unibody macbook (which possibly don't exist anymore in non-pro form) and it's very good. I only had a really crap laptop before so it's not a good comparison with that but its sleep function works perfectly - I pretty much just open and close it and get annoyed when updates mean I have to update it. Also the multitouch trackpad thing is amazing. I read lots of pdfs and being able to scroll and zoom in with it is very useful.

Heh thanks. I guess I just can't justify all that expense for something that seems entirely aesthetic. And I would hate having to adjust to a new OS.
Reply 6279
And I haven't been out all stupid term and my friends have chosen tonight to go out because they all have light odd weeks and heavy even weeks, while I'm probably still going to be stuck in the library working and they're having fun in Revs. And even then I doubt my Russian supervisor will read my essay. And I'm just so fed up of being tired and never having enough time - I take a few days just doing language work to catch my breath and I end up in this situation again.
