Eurgh, fed up of this. I was up until 6 this morning working - I finished my Spanish essay at 2 and then started reading for my Russian essay. I nodded off and managed to sleep through no fewer than 12 alarms, meaning that I had about 10 minutes to get ready for my seminar at 9 and drop my essay off at Christs'. Got to Christs' at about 5 to 9 (five minutes before the deadline!) to find that my supervisor's pigeonhole was empty. I talked to my supervision partner who said that she got up at 5 this morning and wrote her essay, then took it straight to Christs' early this morning, so it had already been collected when I handed mine in, meaning that mine probably won't be read and marked because our supervisor had already picked up her stuff, despite the fact that I actually finished mine before her... And now I have to read for and write a whole essay on two hours sleep. And I haven't been out all stupid term and my friends have chosen tonight to go out because they all have light odd weeks and heavy even weeks, while I'm probably still going to be stuck in the library working and they're having fun in Revs. And even then I doubt my Russian supervisor will read my essay. And I'm just so fed up of being tired and never having enough time - I take a few days just doing language work to catch my breath and I end up in this situation again.