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Finished my last essay :nutcase: And it was another three hour miracle. Started it at 8:30. Stopped writing at 10:30, went to church, resumed at 12:30 and had it sent by twenty to two :yep: 2700 words. This was about as painless as could be apart from the migraine I developed while finishing the reading last night.

And I went shopping with friends all afternoon and had a really tasty Origin8 hog roast :drool:

I thought you were a vegetarian :eek3:

I dislike you for having finished your last essay. :frown: I have a supervision essay that needs to be written today. And then my assessed essay which needs to be written by Tuesday afternoon. I suppose it's my own fault though; if I had not procrastinated for a week and a half, and actually done some work, I'd be done by now :rolleyes:
Reply 7981

I really hate how many homeless people there are in Cambridge :frown: I just can't afford to give money to them all, and when they're aggressive it really bothers me :frown:

There was a great (Varsity I think) article a few weeks ago centred on some of the homeless initiatives in Cambridge, including some student run ones which organise stuff like making sandwhiches and tea and going and handing them out once in awhile. I might try to get involved if I'm a grad here.
Reply 7982
I thought you were a vegetarian :eek3:
How? :eyeball: Did you not read any of the ranty technical posts I had on here about basing a healthy diet on protein and fat rather than carbohydrates, or on the importance of having enough protein straight after work outs at the gym :p:

I dislike you for having finished your last essay. :frown: I have a supervision essay that needs to be written today. And then my assessed essay which needs to be written by Tuesday afternoon. I suppose it's my own fault though; if I had not procrastinated for a week and a half, and actually done some work, I'd be done by now :rolleyes:

:sorry: If its any use; I'm usually the one that still has loads of piled up work left to worry about right till the very end of term, so this is a novelty! Also I have to create a dissertation out of nothing by Lent, so I won't really have a holdiday in honesty. And at my supervision tomorrow, I will be trying to arrange another essay for that paper to write up for next week because supervision for that paper didn't happen this term. So yeh... Good luck with your stuff anyway.

I really hate how many homeless people there are in Cambridge :frown: I just can't afford to give money to them all, and when they're aggressive it really bothers me :frown:

If they get aggressive to you, just dial 999; the police are more than happy to deal with them in those circumstances, and they'll most likely be arrested. You have a right to go about your business without being harassed by them.

Did you not read any of the ranty technical posts I had on here about basing a healthy diet on protein and fat rather than carbohydrates, or on the importance of having enough protein straight after work outs at the gym :p:

Veggies get protein too!
Not come across that term before, but they're certainly all having closing down sales. Is that the same thing?

A firesale is an 'everything goes' kind of sale, such that prices are reduced to literally nothing; the cost of maintaining overheads to store those books without sale outbalances the cost of predicted sales. That wont stop them, for now, putting prices down by 20-50, perhaps even 70%, but the administrators are saying that they're not planning on going lower ... we'll see
Reply 7985
I just lost at basketball :sad:

and there's a sainsbury's advert on TSR telling me about ben and jerry's I really want some now but it's shut :sad:
I just lost at basketball :sad:

and there's a sainsbury's advert on TSR telling me about ben and jerry's I really want some now but it's shut :sad:

Shut, but not to breaking and entering, Smilepea, not to breaking and entering.

This is good; my term-long writer's block (that is, non-academic writer's block) has lifted. My room now smells of fresh coffee and a long night ahead :smile:.
Reply 7987
Why is my room so cold? I'm going to have to fill in a works form about the draft coming through both my windows :frown: You'd think colleges would LIKE double glazing for the energy it would save...

Probably takes quite a few years for the savings to pay for the cost, though. I'm also wondering about this, Fitz is extremely energy-inefficient as well.
I just lost at basketball :sad:

and there's a sainsbury's advert on TSR telling me about ben and jerry's I really want some now but it's shut :sad:

college league?
Borders is going into administration. This is a bad thing. There's not even going to be a firesale, by the look of things :frown:.

Down to 50% already, surely that's looking like an inevitable firesale. Looks like I'm going to have an expensive last week of term though.

Didn't you watch Die Hard 4.0?

I just lost at basketball :sad:

and there's a sainsbury's advert on TSR telling me about ben and jerry's I really want some now but it's shut :sad:

Oh dear, did we lose? I have a feeling I'm in the doghouse for barely turning up to training or any matches this term, they've always clashed with meetings and other stuff I can't rearrange. Bah.
Verbs of Motion make me want to carry out their acronym.
Reply 7992

Had a lovely Advent carol service followed by mulled wine and mince pies. I think I'm going to get into my pyjamas and drink a pot of rooibos and read Pratchett till I fall asleep.
Reply 7993
I forgot to mention the uber loud music :macarena:
Sounds like a severely good idea.

I've managed to banish my migraine by doing a series of Hellboy concept sketches. They came out alright, in the end.
Reply 7995
ukebert just walked past me and didn't notice.
I love some things about college; I noticed somebody brag about drinking 'eucalyptus-mint' tea on facebook, so I commented on the status and negotiated a swap :awesome: Now I have two bags of this interesting tea, and I've put an envelope with loose genmaicha in his pigeon hole with two rooibos teabags paperclipped to the outside :biggrin:


I've managed to banish my migraine by doing a series of Hellboy concept sketches. They came out alright, in the end.

If you ever need effective painkillers for that, let me know...
Will you really be able to "feel" the chords without learning the associated choreography though?

Oh mate, you should've seen me last week. :P


Had a lovely Advent carol service followed by mulled wine and mince pies. I think I'm going to get into my pyjamas and drink a pot of rooibos and read Pratchett till I fall asleep.

Same! The Downing one was amazing, as was the buffet afterwards. *drewls*

Ah man, sometimes I just can't help but think how awesome it is to be here.
Think tonight might be my first all-nighter here.
Grr, plans for tomorrow evening are up in the air as the person I was supposed to be seeing seems adverse to contacting me to organise it! :rolleyes: :frown:
Reply 7999
Anyone know if it's possible to melt camembert in a microwave?