folks i think i may have an eating sounds stupid but i've had this prob since age 13. now i only get it at times of stress.
its this overwhelming fear of eating in front of people. its really hard-if im with frinds, i cant eat, cant have luch with frinds, sometimes i dont eat all day, and just eat a pie late late at night if i have been with people all day. i dont have a weight prob at all, but i did get anaemia cos of my lack of eating- most days i only eat dinner, if at all. im not anorexic as i dont starve myself to be thin but i just cant eat in front of poeple. think of all the meals you have each day, and how often people are around. i just cant do it. on dates and stuff i cant go out for dinner. if i do, i just order salad and push it around on the plate to avoid eating. i know it is irrational, but i just get so self conscios to eat that i just dont eat. i dont binge when i do eat, but as a veggie i know i prob dont get the right vits from my irrational eating.
anyone else have this? is it a disorder? what do i do?