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I need advice, I have 1 GCSE & im 18 :(

Ok, ive been worrying for a while about this. I got 1 GCSE at school for english, I screwed up & regret it now.
I wanted to get qualifications to go to uni one day
What are my options, i would like to do A Levels but i think i would need better grades.
what courses can I do that would give me the option of going to uni in a couple of years.

i dont want to waste any more time

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Reply 1
What grade did you get for it?
Will you still be 18 in the next academic year (this coming September)? You're still entitled to a free education so you could go to college and do some more GCSE's (maths & science) in 1 year. What grade did you achieve for English if you don't mind me asking? If it's a C or above you're fine but if it's lower than a C then you'll most probabaly need to re-take.
BTEC? You can take a course in practically anything you want nowadays.

Failing that, there's always OU if you have money to spare.
Reply 4
I got a C
Reply 5
Ok, ive been worrying for a while about this. I got 1 GCSE at school for english, I screwed up & regret it now.
I wanted to get qualifications to go to uni one day
What are my options, i would like to do A Levels but i think i would need better grades.
what courses can I do that would give me the option of going to uni in a couple of years.

i dont want to waste any more time

You can retake GCSEs at college, some of my friends did that. I don't know how many you'd need to get into A Levels though. Unfortunately it does sound like you've got a few years to work through before you go to Uni.
Reply 6
Ok, ive been worrying for a while about this. I got 1 GCSE at school for english, I screwed up & regret it now.
I wanted to get qualifications to go to uni one day
What are my options, i would like to do A Levels but i think i would need better grades.
what courses can I do that would give me the option of going to uni in a couple of years.

i dont want to waste any more time

Do you know what career path you wish to pursue? Is so, choose a BTEC First and ask the college if you can study mathematics GCSE alongside it.

A-levels may be out of the question for now. If you get a BTEC first, some colleges allow it as an entry requirement onto A-levels if you achieve at least a merit.
My advice is to get some more GCSEs at college and then take some A-Levels (maybe Intensive so you can complete it in 1 year instead of 2). Than go to university. I know it sounds a bit long but it'll be worth it, if you're going to do something do it right
You can do BTEC First Diplomas (worth four GCSEs) which then allow you to do the National Diploma in the same subject e.g. First Diploma in IT > National Diploma in IT.
Reply 9
To get into A levels/ BTEC level 3, you must have a minimum of 5 GCSE's grades: A* - C . Well that's how they do it in my year. Or instead of retaking GCSE's you could a special BTEC course which some of my mates done. If you pass, thats like another 2 GCSE's.
For what i know, to get into uni you have to have minimum of: C in english language GCSE and C mathemaics GCSE. Science is not needed. Seen as you've got english already, you can always now jump into a levels or btec and resit your gcse mathematics at the same time.
Become a rent-boy?
Reply 11
It's probably worth going to your local Further Education college and asking if you can talk to an adviser about your options and what sorts of courses interest you / what sort of career you are aiming for.
Reply 12
Well i would be very surprised if a college would let you do a Level 3 qualification with only one level two qualification.

However i go to sixth form at college and we have a special department that we run so that people can re-do there gcse's. My friend who is 19 did it this year. However its a lot of work because you are doing two years work in one year. You must work really hard.

The best thing to do is go to a F.E college and ask to see the adviser. Do some gcse's or a access course, and then in a year or two you can do a-level's. You wont be the oldest not any where near! So don't worry about that.

However college is very different to school. I would expect compition for these places to be high, so you need to show that you are going to work hard, and that you really want it. Also you have to be prepared to work hard, although i am sure you are because you are looking into it.

You may even need to explain why you went wrong in the first place, how that isn't going to happen again, why you want to do level 3 then go to uni. As we have 40 places a year but over 100 people apply, but don't fell down about this, there are lots of options. Just go in and show that you are hard working, mature and eager to learn and be polite. :smile:

With any luck that will help you, you will probably do well the fact that you have come the tsr and ask for our help, shows that you want level 2 qualifications.
Reply 13
Open university defintely.
Reply 14
Local colleges are always good, but if I were you I'd go to Connexions or something first...when my brother dropped out of college they were really helpful, they can tell you what all your options are and help you find a place somewhere. They kept in touch with my brother for quite a while to make sure he didn't need anything else, they're really friendly and helpful :smile:
Reply 15
apply at the open university

you dont need a levels to be accepted and you can obtain a proper degree equal to those at other universities

the only down side is that there is less of a variety of courses.

i am currently studying law and regard it as the best thing i have ever done

you can apply tomorrow, work while you are studying and even get financial support to pay for your course

registration ends in september for the courses starting in february

go for it!! dont waste your time getttng a levels, get a degree

good luck, pm me if you have any questions
Reply 16
With 1 GCSE, I very much doubt you will be able to cope with higher education.

Why do you want to go to university? Go learn a vocational subject or something. Go into a field and better better at it than others.
My college offered Access to higher education courses, You don't need formal quals to do those and you can work your way up to A level equivalents.

Also, Skills Direct is a Govt scheme where you can do courses in basic skills. You should google it

Maybe you can do a foundation degree or HNC. Why don't you go and talk to your local Connexions? They will be able to offer good advice.
Reply 18
route 1 = take at least 4 more GCSE's including maths and science, if your english is not C or above you need to take that aswell, you will need at least 5 C or above GCSEs to do ALEVELS - then UNI

route 2 = take a introductory BTEC course - then first diploma - national diploma - UNI

route 3 - take a work based training/vocational course such as GNVQ,NVQ,Apprenticeship etc. with work experience you can get into a foundation degree or higher national diploma or HNC at UNI.

Route 4 - Take an ACCESS course
My mum got never did GCSEs when she was younger due to moving country and didnt start doing them until she was in her late twenties. She is now working on a second masters. Almost all of that through the open university - so its never too late.