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Reply 1
Every other question on TSR seems to be for Muslim girls. I feel veritably unloved :frown:
Reply 3
Yes :ninja:
Blatant Troll
Every other question on TSR seems to be for Muslim girls. I feel veritably unloved :frown:

Were just common as muck and of no interest
Reply 5
Shouldn't it be going out with a guy in the first place, so it doesn't make a difference.
Sorry to hijack the thread.I am aware that muslims

practise routine male circuimcision, so would you

sleep with a

guy (non-muslim) if you found out he was not

circumcised, or would you reject him ?
Reply 7
Yes I will be put off.
In Islam women and men are not allowed to have sex before marriage.

Sorry to hijack the thread.I am aware that muslims

practise routine male circuimcision, so would you

sleep with a

guy (non-muslim) if you found out he was not

circumcised, or would you reject him ?

Well you wouldnt sleep with a guy in the first place unless you are married. Most born muslim are circumcised so is very unlikely that I am going to face this dilemma. :smile:
Reply 8
These day everyone has done 'it'
So doesn't actually matter
Just go out with the dude
Eventhough it against the religion but who cares :eek3:
Reply 9
I dont think thats everyone who said no...mistakes happen.
Reply 10
Hell no! Muslim girls can only married to Muslim men according to the holy Quran. I know it is not fair, but did you know Muslim men can marry to Christian or Jewish girls?
Hell no! Muslim girl can only married to Muslim men. Full Stop!

But he could revert...
i would personally say no. if i could keep my pants up why couldnt he?
If you were to go out with a guy, but he told you he's had sex before marriage. Would u be put off?

Initially yes..but depends on the the situation at the time and how he is now
Reply 14
I'm muslim btw
Sorry to hijack the thread.I am aware that muslims

practise routine male circuimcision, so would you

sleep with a

guy (non-muslim) if you found out he was not

circumcised, or would you reject him ?

I would not sleep with him if i weren't married to him. If i were married to him then he would be muslim, so circumcised by that point.
Reply 16
all bout muslims here. no1 wants to talk bout hindus 8-) lol
No i wouldn't be put off, it's quite common in this day&age anyway.
Reply 19
But he could revert...

Yes, I know. Whatever men do this, it's their life.