The Student Room Group

AS/A-level grade boundaries/UMS & examiners report

For those of you wondering about grade boundaries, UMS, and examiners reports, you are in the right place. This thread will tell you where to find these things. Therefore, this would prevent so many threads about examiners reports and grade boundaries.

The examiners report is about how well students answer the questions in the exam and how should you answer them next time. In addition, near the end, you will see a section about grade boundaries and UMS.

For the AQA exam board, do the following to find the examiners reports and grade boundaries:

1. go to
2. click on 'qualifications'
3. select 'GCE AS/A-level', 'AVCE', 'GCE Applied AS/A' depending which one you want to look at
4. select the subject you want to see by clicking on the drop down menu
5. after you selected the subject, at the top, click on 'examiners report'

OCR exam boards does not have examiners report online.

For the Edexecl exam board, do the following:

1. go to
2. from the 'select qualifcations - all' drop down menu, select 'GCE including applied subjects'
3. On the other drop down menu, select the qualification you want to see
4. select 'AS GCE' or 'Advanced GCE'
5. click on 'examiners report'

For the WJEC exam board, do the following:

1. go to
2. click on the "more" link next to "examinations"
3. click on "GCE (AS/Advanced)"
4. click on the relevant subject
5. recent examiners reports are on there for most subjects

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does anyone know what percentage of overall candidates actually gain 100% for each module, and then 300/300 for the whole AS level?
Reply 2
Astral Weeks
does anyone know what percentage of overall candidates actually gain 100% for each module, and then 300/300 for the whole AS level?

I know quite a few people with 100% in modules including myself :redface: but I only know 1 person to ever have got 300/300.
Reply 3
Astral Weeks
does anyone know what percentage of overall candidates actually gain 100% for each module, and then 300/300 for the whole AS level?

The examiners report say those kinds of things too. Check them there.
Reply 4
great thread trev, so many people are asking for this all the time
Reply 5
great thread trev, so many people are asking for this all the time

Thanks. :smile: I posted one in the GCSE forum too.
k well i looked over the examiners reports for a politcs exam i did last year, and it seemed to suggest 5-7% of candidates recieved full UMS marks. This seems remarkably high to me. What do other people think?
Astral Weeks
k well i looked over the examiners reports for a politcs exam i did last year, and it seemed to suggest 5-7% of candidates recieved full UMS marks. This seems remarkably high to me. What do other people think?

Jesus, that is insanely high, especially as I hear it's near to impossible to even finish a politics paper with the time they give you!
wow :eek: seems a bit ridiculous to me, it should be harder than that to get full marks!! lousy system
Great idea Trev, your posts are always so helpful!
Reply 10
Astral Weeks
k well i looked over the examiners reports for a politcs exam i did last year, and it seemed to suggest 5-7% of candidates recieved full UMS marks. This seems remarkably high to me. What do other people think?

Ahh. That does kinda explain and devalue my AS Politics last year with EdExcel. I got 300/300. I was really chuffed then, not quite so chuffed now if its as high as 7%!!
Ahh. That does kinda explain and devalue my AS Politics last year with EdExcel. I got 300/300. I was really chuffed then, not quite so chuffed now if its as high as 7%!!

Hey, you still must have got nearly full marks on all the papers! :congrats:
So... if 7% get 300/300 how do they decide who comes top in the country? Surely they must use raw marks (apparently you can get 85% raw marks and get 100% UMS :rolleyes: ). In which case, shouldn't we be allowed to see our raw marks as well as our UMS :confused:
ah just occurred to me: is it just cos they don't get full marks on all the A2 mods... :redface: me stupid
^ i think they must use raw marks as well, especially as the % of people getting full ums marks in exams seems to be so high. but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter what your raw mark is, and it'd be a lot of extra work/cost for them to work it out so that's probably why they don't do it.
Thought it might also be worth putting the WJEC link, if you want to add it into the first post, since a lot of people use the exam board.

1. go to
2. click on the "more" link next to "examinations"
3. click on "GCE (AS/Advanced)"
4. click on the relevant subject
5. recent examiners reports are on there for most subjects

Hope that is useful to some people.
Reply 16
Thought it might also be worth putting the WJEC link, if you want to add it into the first post, since a lot of people use the exam board.

1. go to
2. click on the "more" link next to "examinations"
3. click on "GCE (AS/Advanced)"
4. click on the relevant subject
5. recent examiners reports are on there for most subjects

Hope that is useful to some people.

Nice. I didn't put WJEC as I thought there wasn't any reports, and not many people would follow it. :redface: It's nice of you to put the steps though.
Reply 17
I got 300 last year. For media though. One guy in my year got a 300 for Physics - he's off to cambridge. xx
Nice. I didn't put WJEC as I thought there wasn't any reports, and not many people would follow it. :redface: It's nice of you to put the steps though.

I do WJEC Geography and there are 4 examiners' report on there.
Reply 19
I was just looking at the geography Edexcel Specification B examiners report. I'm slightly confused. Towards the end, in the statistics part, it says to get an A:

The Scaled boundary mark = 65 out of 94
The uniform mark = 80 out of 100

So, are we talking 65/94 = 69% for an A grade or 80% for an A grade?

I apologise if this is a stupid question, I'm just wondering :smile:
