The Student Room Group

The problem with love

Im not really sure how to put this, but I'll try my best.
A few months ago, just before Easter I think, I started talking to this girl from school, and we ended up going out for a while. Things finished on a positive note and we carried on being friends, then I left for study leave, leaving her in school. Which is where the problem starts. She told me the other day that she still loves me. But however, she is also going out with another lad, yet still says she loves me. Any advice?

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Reply 1
What's love got to do, got to do with it?
Im not really sure how to put this, but I'll try my best.
A few months ago, just before Easter I think, I started talking to this girl from school, and we ended up going out for a while. Things finished on a positive note and we carried on being friends, then I left for study leave, leaving her in school. Which is where the problem starts. She told me the other day that she still loves me. But however, she is also going out with another lad, yet still says she loves me. Any advice?

Talk to her...if she loves you then she shouldn't be with the guy she's with and if she wants to be with that guy then she shouldn't be telling you that she loves you. Decide if you want a relationship with her and tell her how you feel- and also tell her that how she's treating you is's not fair for her to mess you around like she seems to be.

Ruthie xx
Reply 3
that isnt love, shes a player.

holla bakc. one love
Reply 4
Talk to her...if she loves you then she shouldn't be with the guy she's with and if she wants to be with that guy then she shouldn't be telling you that she loves you. Decide if you want a relationship with her and tell her how you feel- and also tell her that how she's treating you is's not fair for her to mess you around like she seems to be.

Ruthie xx

I have spoke to her, in respect of the love matter, not the way she is treating me (many friends are doing that!), and I told her that same night that I loved her so much, and I think I am in love (shock horror!). I know that I want a relationship, I have never been as happy as I was when I was with her. Thanks for the help though Ruth!
Reply 5
that's not fair on the other guy. she needs to ditch him, then come to you. she can't have another boyfriend lined up before dumping the first.
I have spoken to her, in respect of the love matter, not the way she is treating me (many friends are doing that!), and I told her that same night that I loved her so much, and I think I am in love (shock horror!). I know that I want a relationship, I have never been as happy as I was when I was with her. Thanks for the help though Ruth!

Well then she needs to make a choice, and not keep both of you hanging on.

Hope it works out for you,

Ruthie xx
Reply 7
I know, I have actually spoke to the boyfriend, only briefly! I don't think there is much chance of her ditching the boyfriend though!
*waits for MusicBoy and his postulations on love*
*waits for MusicBoy and his postulations on love*

Love is dead. It's really not worth anything in the end. Nothing lasts forever.

Just my two cents.
Reply 10
Nice post, very depressing!
Reply 11
why won't she dump the boyf?
Reply 12
*steph 247*
why won't she dump the boyf?

To him, it might be slightly, er, painful.
Reply 13
Im not really sure how to put this, but I'll try my best.
A few months ago, just before Easter I think, I started talking to this girl from school, and we ended up going out for a while. Things finished on a positive note and we carried on being friends, then I left for study leave, leaving her in school. Which is where the problem starts. She told me the other day that she still loves me. But however, she is also going out with another lad, yet still says she loves me. Any advice?

Sorry, but dump her ass
There's a problem with love!? :eek:

Soulfully - reflectively - cautiously.
Reply 15
Sorry, but dump her ass

Subtle. Sensitive. Like it.
Reply 16
the trouble with love is... it can tear you up inside... make your heart believe I lie
Reply 17
Forget about her, she's a player.
Reply 18
Why are you wasting your time eh? She obviously just wants you to say how much you miss her and get an ego-boost! shes got a boyf but is still making out she cares for you... if she cared for you surely she would dump the other bloke and be with you?
Reply 19
My ex is like that she says she loves me and wants to go out with me but is still seein some other lad...I'm gonna tell her where to go in a minute :P

I told her last night she says it so much (I love you) that the word has lost all meaning...she really overdoes it...