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Higher Biology vs Higher Human Biology

What if the difference? I've applied to college, so I have to repick my options. I'm still trying to decide what one to pick...I did Human Biology up until the summer so we start on the proteins and enzymes topics and it seemed fairly easy...which one would you reccomened?

(Ps, I want to do Biology at Stirling, but either one would be fine to pick.)

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Reply 1
I would pick Biology, but thats just me.

The reason being, it will cover the same University courses as Human Bio but I think it is slightly more expanded. Thats what my school says and for that reason they do not offer the Human Biology course.

Although in all fairness there isn't a huge amount of difference between the two so if pick the one you think you would enjoy more.

It should be noted that this year more people found Human Biology harder than Biology. Not sure if this makes a difference though.
Reply 2
Ommmg I got into Kilmarnock college with a unconditional lol, I'll be doing Human Biology :biggrin: With: Higher english, psychology and int 2 maths, they don't offer Higher chemistry but Imma go to ayr college next year and get that lol. I hope doing 5 highers over 2 years won't affect my chance of getting in, but we'll just have to wait and see :biggrin:
Reply 3
:smile: Congratz!
I used to live there, and my nana still does live there :p:
What school did you used to go to?
Reply 4
Belment in Kilmarnock lol
(edited 14 years ago)
Reply 5
I was told that there isn't much difference between the two :s-smilie:
Reply 6
Lower :s-smilie:
Reply 7
I did Human Biology and I really liked it although some of the topics are quite hard and they do go into a lot a detail about some things but I thought it was interesting.
Reply 8
I think it depends on what you're interested in. I did Higher Human and loved it but that is because I'm really interested in human physiology and behaviour which, obviously, the human course covers so it was perfect for me. However my friend in much more interested in plants and animals and thus did normal Biology and loved that :P. If we'd switched and done each other's course we would both have hated them!

So yeah, read a bit about each course and what they cover and pick the one that seems the most interesting!
Reply 9
They're regarded as the same higher, yeah? :s-smilie:
Reply 10
Yeah, I think if you did both plus another 3 highers unis would only view you as having 4 highers.
It's regarded as the same higher, with differences in the units. Kinda similar to how modern studies has optional units, and if you did all of them for some reason it'd still only be one higher.
Reply 12
Yeah, I think I'll take biology this year :awesome:
Yeah, I think I'll take biology this year :awesome:

CORRECT :smile: They're both seen as exactly the same but Human is considered a bit harder, but doing it won't necessarily benefit you any differently.
Reply 14
Hmm... never heard of human being considered harder before. If you want to do a degree in biology, I would do higher biology for sure, I would imagine it would relate better to more aspects of your degree. I was told by a careers advisor (feel free to shoot me down) that higher is better respected by some of the more prestigous and 'old fashioned' universities, don't know how much truth is in that though. TBH human biology would suit my career choice far better, but I decided not to go for it for the reasons above, plus I wanted to do advanced higher (my school doesn't offer advanced human, does it exist?)
Reply 15
You can go into AH Biology with a pass in higher human, but there isn't AH Human bio.
Reply 16
You can go into AH Biology with a pass in higher human, but there isn't AH Human bio.
From what I have done so far it seems it would be pretty difficult doing advanced without higher Biology in that there are some pretty complicated 'planty' bits that build on knowledge from higher.
Reply 17
It's biologyyyyy :awesome: You'll be fine :h: And you might like this.
Reply 18
From what I have done so far it seems it would be pretty difficult doing advanced without higher Biology in that there are some pretty complicated 'planty' bits that build on knowledge from higher.

I did AH biology after having done human biology in 5th year and didn't find too many problems. There were bits that had been done by the normal biologists but then when it came to our physiology unit the human biologists had an advantage.
Reply 19
I am also unsure wheteher I should do Higher Biology or Human Biology. I have done Physics and Chemistry already. I am thinking about applying to Dentistry, Pharmacy. Is Human Biology considered to be harder ? What would be more suitable for either of the above courses ?