The Student Room Group

Exeter or Bristol for International Relations?

I've applied to study a masters in International Relations at Exeter and Bristol Universities, and have been accepted to both. I'm now trying to decide between them. I realise that the department at Exeter is rated higher, but I have a feeling that Bristol is slightly more prestiegious. I would prefer to live in Bristol, but I don't want that to unduely influence my decision.

Also the course is an MA at Exeter and an MSc at Bristol, anyone know why?
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Hi,I was just recently accepted into both schools and I am facing the exact same dilemma, MA international relations and politics of ME at Exeter and MSc international relations at Bristol. It seems that Bristol is a nice place to live and overall more prestigious university but Exeter IR and politics department is better ranked. I'd like to know what you decided on and how you made your decision ? and how did it turn out in the end, are you satisfied with your courses?

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