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I keep getting electricuted even though I have 0 volts.

I have measured myself with a multimetre I get a zero voltage reading and high resistance (yes I am joking about this bit).

Anyway keep getting a shock in my left hand its quite violent and it comes with no warning.

It could be my nerves playing up or somthing? Its like my brain has no control of that muscle at times and it does what it wants. This has been happening for about half an hour. Its happened three times now.

I can't think what it could be as I am sure there is no metal near me.
Reply 1
Like a spasm? I used to get those in my leg...I just made sure I kept moving it and it cleared up eventually, though I had no idea what it was!
Reply 2
Its static electricity, I get it all the time. Avoid wearing synthetic fibres like nylon as these attract loads of static.
Reply 3
I got static electricity shock thingy when I kissed someone once. Very painful lips!
Reply 4
I got static electricity shock thingy when I kissed someone once. Very painful lips!

I get that when my dog touches my nose with his! Poor little thing is reluctant to come near my face now! :smile:
Reply 5
Yep I know its static but I don't know whats cuasing it, I went for a walk and its seemed to have cured it. Yeah its a spasm.

I better avoid building PCs for a few days! If I had one of them attacks while dealing with a component it will fry it for sure.
I get that when my dog touches my nose with his! Poor little thing is reluctant to come near my face now! :smile:

i often get a static show fom my cat

and a multimeter wont show anything
Reply 7
Are you sure it is static, it sounds more like shooting pains, or some kind of involuntary muscle spasm.
Reply 8
I have measured myself with a multimetre I get a zero voltage reading and high resistance (yes I am joking about this bit).

Anyway keep getting a shock in my left hand its quite violent and it comes with no warning.

It could be my nerves playing up or somthing? Its like my brain has no control of that muscle at times and it does what it wants. This has been happening for about half an hour. Its happened three times now.

I can't think what it could be as I am sure there is no metal near me.

lol happened to me when i was in Finland, the bloody static electricity builds up easier in cold dry places. I got so many static electricity schocks in finland that when i was a kid i was afraid of touching anything made of steel of conductive material lol. Another factor is your nerves, some people are more sensitive like me. I am really sensitive when i was a kid, bit better now i admit, but having high sensitivity gives more chance of a static shock i think.

Since coming to Ireland and UK haven't felt one shock. But still once in Ireland i could hear the high pitch of the electrical transformer 50meters from my house. Its most to do with your nerves and high stress. so yeah chill down i guess and avoid dry places haha :biggrin:
Damn I hate getting out of a car on a hot day and getting the zap from the door. And when I was a kid, static zaps on hot dry days made me scared of the plastic slide in my garden.

I don't think it's static, that would only come when you touch something charged. And you wouldn't be able to detect it with a multimeter anyway, lol, you need something to use as a reference voltage, and it's a potential difference between you and something else that causes a static zap.

I'd say it's some kind of nervous problem, yeah...
Tell me about it. I get 2-3 shocks per day at work.

Funny thing is.. I've noticed that when my Greek colleague Yiannis isn't around it never happens :| :confused:
Reply 11
Its been fine since I went for that walk I probably just did somthing funny with my nerves.

I got a shock of my dads car the other day though :frown:
If you ever go to a supermarket in rural Eastern Europe keep your hands AWAY from the edge of the fridges and other cooling systems they have out there!!
Reply 13
I go through phases which last about 3/4 days and I get shocks from everything I touch, including my boyfriend.
I go through phases which last about 3/4 days and I get shocks from everything I touch, including my boyfriend.

:eek: That .. sounds ... like it could be extra-pecially painful!!