The Student Room Group

do i have the flu?

it started last night, i started to get stuffy and the backs of my legs were hurting, and this morning i woke up and i had a head ache, i got kinda dizzy when getting out of bed and walking, i had a saw throat. i went to school and my legs were hurting sooo much i had to sit down. and then i got sent home, i slept for ages untill some stupid builders woke me up.
ok so now i still have a head ache, and when i walk my legs arnt straight, they are slightly bent. but i dont feel like im gonna get sick at all :confused:

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Reply 1
Do I have the flu? Is this a serious question, or a suggestion for a VBookie thread?
No, it isn't flu.
Reply 3
2 5 +
Do I have the flu? Is this a serious question, or a suggestion for a VBookie thread?

Reply 4
I think it sounds very flu-ey - especially if your legs are hurty.

im only stuffy not sniffy :frown:
Reply 5
No, it isn't flu.

Not cancer, either. Or Parkinson's. Hmm.

Is this how they do it in the NHS?
Reply 6
2 5 +
Not cancer, either. Or Parkinson's. Hmm.

Is this how they do it in the NHS?

your werid :frown:
Reply 7
2 5 +
Not cancer, either. Or Parkinson's. Hmm.

Is this how they do it in the NHS?

dont abuse him, he's helpful :frown:

maybe you just have a bug thing. good excuse to sleep all day.
Reply 8
my eyes feel heavy and watery
Go ask a doctor, or a parent, not a forum full of teenagers.
Reply 10
my eyes feel heavy and watery

*hugs* go back to bed hun. the light from the monitor is definitely not helping

You'll just have e-caught whatever she's got. :eek:

PS. Happy Birthday GG!



Reply 12
You'll just have e-caught whatever she's got. :eek:

PS. Happy Birthday GG!




:biggrin: thanks
edit: birthday rep is allowd :biggrin:
Reply 13
:biggrin: thanks
edit: birthday rep is allowd :biggrin:

Well, he gave it to me. Wait another year. :smile:
I think its fatal :frown:
whassit then?

A cold.
With any infection you can get aches and pains - even with a simple cold.

Trust me, the people that need to ASK if they have flu never really do. If you have proper flu u dont feel much like sitting upright let alone in front of a computer.
Reply 16
Probably just a cold, although if your skin is aching and tender it could be flu. If you start vomiting then we're thinking gastric flu

Whatevet it is 90% likely it's a virus in which case the doctor can do nothing since viruses aren't alive! Drink fluids, sleep as much as possible (the more stressed and tired you are the more it'll beat you down so get some time off school now rather than trying to soldier on and dying in ur exams!!) take Echinacea tablets and Vitamin C, if you can bear the temperature then stay away from paracetamol - although taking it will make you more comfortable, the temeprature is your body's way of fighting it (raised temp = more effective enzymes!!)

Sleep tight
Probably just a cold, although if your skin is aching and tender it could be flu. If you start vomiting then we're thinking gastric flu

Whatevet it is 90% likely it's a virus in which case the doctor can do nothing since viruses aren't alive! Drink fluids, sleep as much as possible (the more stressed and tired you are the more it'll beat you down so get some time off school now rather than trying to soldier on and dying in ur exams!!) take Echinacea tablets and Vitamin C, if you can bear the temperature then stay away from paracetamol - although taking it will make you more comfortable, the temeprature is your body's way of fighting it (raised temp = more effective enzymes!!)

Sleep tight

actually theres plenty a doctor can do versus a virus. even flu virus.
plus normal flu makes u vomit, it doesn't have to be gastroenteritis.

If you have a temperature, and you feel unwell, and you have aches and pains DO by all means take aspirin/ibuprofen. it will lower ur temperature, reduce aches and pains, and make u feel MUCH more comfortable.
Reply 18
it started last night, i started to get stuffy and the backs of my legs were hurting, and this morning i woke up and i had a head ache, i got kinda dizzy when getting out of bed and walking, i had a saw throat. i went to school and my legs were hurting sooo much i had to sit down. and then i got sent home, i slept for ages untill some stupid builders woke me up.
ok so now i still have a head ache, and when i walk my legs arnt straight, they are slightly bent. but i dont feel like im gonna get sick at all :confused:

If you know what day it is, are able to turn the pc on, can spell "flu" then you haven't got it.

Probably a virus, try AVG, works for me!
Reply 19
If you know what day it is, are able to turn the pc on, can spell "flu" then you haven't got it.

Probably a virus, try AVG, works for me!

lol ok, well i had a really shitty nights sleep, i ended sleeping on the liveing room sofa cos i couldnt sleep in my bed....and i woke up at 9,15 (wow i havent got up that early on weekends for years!) i feel alot better but my legs are still really no camdon for me today :frown: