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TSR Left-Handers Society

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Reply 60
So what should this society discuss?

Should we have a rant on how everything is biased towards righties - even the language we use?
The language we use?
The language we use?

I can only presume the reference is to the term "right" meaning "correct" as well as to refer to handedness. As in, righthandedness is the right handedness!
Reply 63
lets discuss this
do we have some hidden extra ordinary powers???!!!:eek::eek:
Reply 64
can I left stuff just by looking at it???:biggrin::eek:
join me in the lefty society!!
Hold up, why we using the word lefty to descibe ourselves, thats the derogative word used by the right-ies to descibe us!!
lets come up with a new name!

and for extra powers, I can go without meat for 9 days...max!
I can write using my left hand! How about that for super powers! :P: much do you guys use your left hand? I only write with it, and do nearly EVERYTHING else right handed. Although I CAN eat left handed....
Reply 67
i write with my left but do everything else with my right. i consider myself as left handed but maybe that is wrong? anyway can i join?

oh and another thing there is a store in london that has specialised in things for left handed people does anyone know where it is?
I am SO lefthanded I might as well not have a right hand. I suppose it's useful for holding stuff but other than that...
I want to know where a left handed shop is in london too!!! I control the mose with my right hand, and practically do everything with my right hand...but write with good 'ol lefty! Thats quite odd, i think its because everything is designed to be used with the right, wheres that bloody shop!!
Reply 70
I'm left handed and people always comment on the way I hold my pen. I think it's unique. I'll join.
Reply 71
join me in the lefty society!!
Hold up, why we using the word lefty to descibe ourselves, thats the derogative word used by the right-ies to descibe us!!
lets come up with a new name!

and for extra powers, I can go without meat for 9 days...max!

I have an X-ray visionbut SHHHHHHHH :wink:
Reply 72
i write, eat, carry things, clean my teeth, wipe tables, type, use a mouse, fence and do most things left handed

but I text, use scissors, throw, use iPod with my right hand....

personally I think i'm pretty much completly left handed...
omg.... i have a right hand???? aaahh!!!!! wow its amazin.... its so useless though... i do almost everything with my left hand!
Reply 74
I eat and drink right handed :p: All the rest is left handed.
Reply 75
join me in the lefty society!!
Hold up, why we using the word lefty to descibe ourselves, thats the derogative word used by the right-ies to descibe us!!
lets come up with a new name!

and for extra powers, I can go without meat for 9 days...max!

I dunno - can anyone think of a new name to describe ourseleves if you don't like lefty/lefties - something that its shorter that left-handed?
Being left-handed is overrated.
Reply 77
Found this while surfing the net and thought it might be of interest:

"A really interesting question is whether there is any connection between left handed people and creative genius. Some of history's most creative minds have been left-handed.

In the category of art, both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were left handed. In the category of music, Ludwig van Beethoven was left handed. In the field of science and invention, you find Benjamin Franklin, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein. In the field of motion pictures, Charlie Chaplin.

Bobby Fisher, the modern chess genius, is left handed. So too musical geniuses Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, and Wynton Marsalis.

Each of the these persons had a mind so exceptional as to be head and shoulders above anyone else in their field. So even though it may be more difficult for a left handed person to live in a right handed world, lefties can know that they are in good company. Beethoven and Einstein had it tough, too. "
Reply 78
I eat right handed, becasue thats how i was taught, but if its only one piece of cutlery, eg soup i use my left hand. I also cut with my right hand though i can use both, purely because in primary school there was only 1 pair of left handed scissors in my class and i could never be bothered to wait!
Everything else is left handed :smile:
Reply 79
*raises hand to join*

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