of course people have the "right" to feel miserable what kind of a question is that?!! so u really feel u need the permission of other people to feel a certain way? the problem with most people is that they always wanna be classified as something. miserable,happy,successful whatever and they feel the need to let everyone know about it so they can be classified.
well how about this thought? maybe being happy is just an illusion. maybe being depressed is nothing but an illusion.life doesnt work in that way.life isnt constant and its not something u have complete control over.things are always changing. life is full of ups and downs, it would be boring if it never changed. you're born with certain things and the rest is up to u and some circumstances that u wont even be able to control. what u need to do is actually get a life and stop coming on the internet seeking sympathy from other people who u want to tell u that u have the right to be sympathy. i could easily say i have the "right" to be miserable. i come go to a nice skool etc.. but i have two parents who both have pretty serious alchohol problems and i was sexually abused on more than one occasion when i was a kid. its something not every1 wants to talk about because its a very taboo issue. but it happens to more people than u would think.
sure i could just sit around and seek reassurance from other people. but for ****s sake just go and do something for urself and stop being an idiot. most people honestly couldnt give a damn about the problems of other people, theyre too busy dealing with their own. infact alot of people secretly enjoy seeing others fail and their pain. which explains alot why people love to look at celebrities marriages failing and seeing them go to rehab or see "freaks" like michael jackson.
all the things that happen to a person in their life, its all just about the way they react to them. say you comletely fail in something, and this makes u rly depressed. one person may react to it by drugs, booze etc.. and actually end up killing themselves, while another person will use this to make themselves stronger and go on to do something even better with themselves. the line between these two people is often very thin.
what im trying to say is that maybe there rly is no such thing as these feelings that society call happines and unhapiness.life is full of feelings that just succeed each other. humans are above all selfish, they dont rly give a damn about you. the few people that you find in ur life that truly do care about you, u should hang on to, because there wont be many. and another thing, humans are never satisfied. its just natural.whatever we have, or feel, it can always be a bit more or a bit better
just concentrate on making urself "happy" and not caring too much what other people think and ull feel better