The Student Room Group


For the past year or so I've been doing close to no physical activity, I've basically turned into a couch potato. Before I used to play tennis very often (a few nights a week), play football casually and do tae-kwon-do.

Without doing anything I've started to gain weight, I'm not overweight for my age/height etc but I can 'feel' that I've been getting unhealthy. After the coming exams I plan to sort this out by starting up a few sports that I stopped doing, jogging and maybe join a gym.

So, how often do you all exercise and what type of exercise do you do?
Reply 1
For the past year or so I've been doing close to no physical activity, I've basically turned into a couch potato. Before I used to play tennis very often (a few nights a week), play football casually and do tae-kwon-do.

Without doing anything I've started to gain weight, I'm not overweight for my age/height etc but I can 'feel' that I've been getting unhealthy. After the coming exams I plan to sort this out by starting up a few sports that I stopped doing, jogging and maybe join a gym.

So, how often do you all exercise and what type of exercise do you do?

I don't do anywhere enough but then I try not to eat unhealthily and I don't generally eat that much. I try to swim once, maybe twice a week which is nice and gentle and does wonders for toning you up :smile:
Reply 2
I know exactly how you mean. I feel really inactive and lazy - the less I do, the worse it gets and I think it can affect your mood as well. I suggest you start by going on daily walks! :biggrin:
Reply 3
I know exactly how you mean. I feel really inactive and lazy - the less I do, the worse it gets and I think it can affect your mood as well. I suggest you start by going on daily walks! :biggrin:

Walking to the bus stop to get to college counts, right?!

Seriously though, I think I'll start running soon as I've finished my current couse of antibiotics (got a chest infection). I've got 2 weeks and a bit off before my first exam and I'm more of a last minute crammer than a thought out long-term reviser so it gives me a lot of free time!
Reply 4
Rowing related goodness for 12 hours a week, and maybe another sport on top for a 2-3 hours on top of that.... me!
Reply 5
Everyday, at least an hour, usually a few more!
Reply 6
waiting until after exams is a totally gay reason not to exercise. I bet you have many hours each day that you wouldnt be revising anyway, so do some exercise.

Dont set gay faggot aims like lose 20lbs or "get toned"; total physical superiority is the only acceptable goal, narcs
Reply 7
I bet you have many hours each day that you wouldnt be revising anyway, so do some exercise.

I would, but I can't aggrevate my lungs while I have a chest infection or it'll get worse. I chose to ignore the rest of your post for obvious reasons.

edit: thought I mentioned it in my first post but I clearly didn't. I'm on antibiotics to get rid of a chest infection I picked up and therefore i'm meant to be 'taking it easy' till its gone.
Well I have no excuse... I have no exams. Er.. well actually I ahve been out of football action for about a month with toe problems :frown: Looks like that'll take another fortnight to heal, too.

But I still do table tennis for an hour or so most nights as well as a small pushup/stomach crunch regime which does reasonably well :smile:

Football is what usually keeps me fit though, so I'm really waiting to heal!!

By the way <3 you're in my sig now.... isn't that great! :biggrin:
Reply 9
I make sure I do a 2 mile walk a day on top of the usual walking round school etc and 40 sit-ups a day, 20 in the morning and 20 in the evening. 2 miles takes 30 mins to walk which is the reccomended amount of exerciser per day. I was a couch potato when I was 15 but when I started walking the 2 miles, I went from a 14/16 to a 10/12 and lost 2 stone. I have put a bit of weight back on where I have been poorly for a few months but I'm building up exercise slowly x x x
Reply 10
For the past year or so I've been doing close to no physical activity, I've basically turned into a couch potato. Before I used to play tennis very often (a few nights a week), play football casually and do tae-kwon-do.

Without doing anything I've started to gain weight, I'm not overweight for my age/height etc but I can 'feel' that I've been getting unhealthy. After the coming exams I plan to sort this out by starting up a few sports that I stopped doing, jogging and maybe join a gym.

So, how often do you all exercise and what type of exercise do you do?

There's a lot to be said for being a couch potato! :smile:
Reply 11
I don't have the motivation to go jogging/swimming/to the gym by myself, so I do organised sport (plus it's sooo fun).

I do football Saturday and Sunday mornings, and train mondays and tuesdays (it's pretty light though).

The rest of the time I walk my darling darling little dogs and am adored by them for giving them walks.

But if I don't have someone to exercise with (eg. walking with mum, going to park with sister) I can't be bothered, it's too dull.

But NO ROWING. nooooo. It is like a cult. It sucks you in, and you can't get out of it and, and -

however, it does work wonders in terms of toning, and you get a killer hard stomach.

clairey87. wow, impressive. i couldn't do that every day. what time of day do you go?
Reply 12
Not doing it at the moment cos I've been ill but I usually go as soon as I get in from school with my mum. To the end of our road and back is 2 miles so it's nice and easy!
At uni I go to the gym every day, to aerobics or something. But at the moment exams take priority, so I haven't been in a few days and probably wont go tomorrow. At home I usually just do walking - but I'll only be home for a couple of months before I'm off to Canada, where I can do lots of skiing and ice skating in the fabulous -30 degree goodness!
omg i feel sooo lazy... think its all the exam stress hehehe but i don't do any execricse apart from running for the bus every morning!
Reply 15
I walk to 6th form and back up to 3 times a day, around 500 yards each way.

Walk or cycle to training twice a week, ~1 mile.

2 hours of karate training three times a week.

Occasional daft bike-ride for up to 50 miles.

I am going to try and get some swimming done too, increase my cardio and upper-body work.
Reply 16
Is there no-one who just doesn't do exercise. Lazy people, unite with me!