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Fit, hot, sexy, gorgeous? I call my boyfriend beautiful which is a bit of a weird thing to call a guy but I think he is :love:
handsome, gorgeous, things i epitomise basically
Big Daddy.

i dont think guys mind it, though i was told once that if a girl called you cute she only saw you as a friend.:rolleyes: You do get told some useless bull in a liftime
Cute in England usually connotes to "Aw, how nice". It's more of an american thing to call somebody attractive cute.

I prefer to be called "THE DON", but I'm open to other complimentary suggestions.
Anything but sweet. Sweet is the kiss of death.
My (male) best friend forbids me from using it to describe guys as he claims it's never used when you fancy a guy/it makes him feel less 'masculine' (my best friend's a bit odd). However, I have/still fancy people I would call cute, because hot/sexy just wouldn't be right.
Reply 7
I call my boyfriend beautiful which is a bit of a weird thing to call a guy but I think he is :love:

Aww! That's so sweet! lol
Reply 8
Cute's fine IMO.
Reply 9
Cute is fine. Your BF has some issues with his masculinity or something (not saying this is 100% correct, it's just how I'd see it).
Reply 10
Being called cute would be nice! Then again, I've nnever been called cute, so there you go!
Reply 11
Fit, hot, sexy, gorgeous? I call my boyfriend beautiful which is a bit of a weird thing to call a guy but I think he is :love:

I do this to my boyfriend :shy2:
Reply 12
I do this to my boyfriend :shy2:

Brilliant sig, BTW! :biggrin:
Reply 13
Whenever somebody calls me cute (once in a blue moon) I cry for a few hours, but get over it.
I can think of far worse things to be called.
If a woman calls me cute I get really upset. I sometimes even burst into tears. Its like they're saying I'm not very masculine.
I call my boyfriend cute all the time, and he can't differentiate between me actually meaning "cute" or me meaning "sexy".
Colonel Brusnahan
Whenever somebody calls me cute (once in a blue moon) I cry for a few hours, but get over it.

When I say your cute it doesn't mean I think your small in the bedroom department it just means Lily Allen says its not fair :/


Cute in England usually connotes to "Aw, how nice". It's more of an american thing to call somebody attractive cute.

I prefer to be called "THE DON", but I'm open to other complimentary suggestions.

I prefer to be called "GRANDMASTER RAMROD", but I'm open to other complimentary suggestions.

Anything but sweet. Sweet is the kiss of death.

I hate being called sweet too. 'Sweet' translates to 'ewww I would never get with him'.