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I vote no.
No. They will ask for references.
Reply 3
No. What happens if they ask you to do something that you've only pretended to have experience of? You'll look like a fool.
Reply 4
No. They will ask for references.

I could just ask my teachers for references my friend did that
If you can get away with it, and do it plausibly, yeah.
Reply 6
If you know someone that runs a small business or whatever, ask them politely if it would be ok and tell them expect a letter asking for a referance if you are successful. Tell them what role you are putting yourself down for and the description your going to give (or just give them a copy of what you wrote.) Should be absolutely fine. Make sure you don't **** up on the dates though and memorise everything properly before any face to face interview.

Second option is, find a business that has shut down, there are plenty due to this recession. Give that business name and address, write whatever you want for job role/description. For a reference they usually ask for last employer and 1 other reference. Inform them that the business has shutdown and you dont have any relevant contact info for your manager and provide two different references.

Good luck, its hard to get a job right now.. and don't feel guilty about it. The employers should feel guilty for not giving young people a chance, the bastards. You have to pave your own way in life, nobody is going to do it for you.
Reply 7
The fatal flaw in your idea is that when they ask for references, the companies you put down either (a) won't exist, or (b) won't have you on their records. Either outcome will probably get you fired, and then you're back to square one. Just keep at it; if anything, do some voluntary work for a few months to get experience and then try applying again.
I could just ask my teachers for references my friend did that

Chances are that if you say you've have previous experience, they'll ask for references/contact details of whoever you say you've worked for before.
No. If they find out you will be sacked.
You know they ask to get references? So unless someone you know owns a business and could lie for you, no.
Reply 11
Having exactly the same problem! :frown: Have given up on the job hunting for now, so am instead doing voluntary work (believe me, there are plently of charity shops that could do with some volunteers)in order to gain the right "experience" employers are looking for!

Good luck anyways!
I've got plenty of jobs by lying on my CV, It worked for me on several occasions, I'm not say do it but i am saying it can work.
Reply 13
Volunteer, you have been unemployed for a year, 2 more weeks won't hurt, being a volunteer for a few weeks is a form of experience and volunteers are in high demand. You could ask for a reference from them too :wink:

EDIT: Someone has mentioned this... oops... sorry it is late
Volunteer, you have been unemployed for a year, 2 more weeks won't hurt, being a volunteer for a few weeks is a form of experience and volunteers are in high demand. You could ask for a reference from them too :wink:

EDIT: Someone has mentioned this... oops... sorry it is late

Good advice.....i wonder who mentioned it, who ever it is, is a bloody genious. By the way, thanks for the rep, and its never to early to get into retail, :smile: if you want any tips for getting into topshop, river island, h&m and those types of stores, just pm me, i can help :smile:
Reply 15
Good advice.....i wonder who mentioned it, who ever it is, is a bloody genious. By the way, thanks for the rep, and its never to early to get into retail, :smile: if you want any tips for getting into topshop, river island, h&m and those types of stores, just pm me, i can help :smile:

Ahh you are very welcome! Thank you very much :smile: :smile: :smile:
Reply 16
What if you stretch the truth and made out you did a little more than you actually did?
I would say no, its not worth it. The truth usually comes out in the end. If you have some work experience, you can always make it sound better/more important than it was through good phrasing there shouldn't be a need to downright lie and bend the facts.
Sora sora
What if you stretch the truth and made out you did a little more than you actually did?

Well, then when they ask the employer for a reference, s/he will refer to the fact that you only did one week instead of the two you've put done. :rolleyes:
Don't lie just bend the truth a bit. At the beginning I said I'd never resort to this but as the OP says, desperate times...