I have whats called Huntington's Disease, which means I am losing power over my body and my mind is going as well, I had an IQ of 140 and now I cant even do simple mental sums! It also causes depression, lack of motivation (extreme exhaustion) and my favourite, death! I know I shouldnt really be making a joke of this but its the only way I can get through it without screaming.
My mum was excellent, she supported me the whole way and now she helps me out.
As a result of finding out I have it, I have also went mad. I cant stop thinking about it, I cry myself to sleep most nights and I keep everything bottled up because I dont want to worry those around me. Ive attempted suicide 3 times in the last 2 years because I just feel like I am losing control and there is no way to run from it. Ive never told anyone about how I really feel about it, they all think I am fine with it and I am getting on with my life, but I cant. I left school gave up my place at Uni and became a hermit. I now actually feel better because TSR holds a degree of anonimity so I can be honest about whats going on in my head.
Wow, Im feeling better already. Now I have to go into the Subscriber forums and make a joke or something because It helps me to stay in control.