Ive been seeing my boyfriend now for about 7 months but we only became official after uni ended in mid june due to several complications. We have known each other for a year and in the 7 months we have become so close, I have never felt like this about anyone before he says the same.
Anyway I come over to his city to visit him for the weekend (as we go to the same uni but home towns are quite far away) and I havent seen him for a few weeks. We had such an amazing time, it was perfect. Until the last night. I was in bed and I was looking through his sent items (I have a valid reason and I had told him I was going to do this, my mobile is a new nokia and deletes all my text messgages every couple of months so I wanted to resend the one he sent me asking me out, as I like to keep stuff like that through sentiment). So anyway hes away doing something and I notice while looking down through to get my message that there were alot of ones from a girl that he had slept with one or twice from home before we were together. And his phone shows the start of each message and I noticed some not so nice ones.
Basically in the couple of weeks from us leaving for home after uni, he had been sending flirty text messages to this girl, in one case when he was pissed asking her to go round to hers. Naturally I was absolutely livid and gutted, I asked him about it straight away. We argued for an hour, he admitted that what he said to her was out of order, but it was just banter and meant absolutely nothing. He said as for that one time when he asked to go round to hers, he said for once split second in popped into his head, but he would NEVER ever actually do that to me, he couldnt. He looked genuinely terrified when I said that I think we should break up. I can tell from the text messages sent after that one that he never went round, and I can tell from them that nothing actually happened.
What should I do..I have told him I going to think about things. He has said he knows he messed up and he is so sorry but he really loves me and he swears that he isn't interested in her (I do believe this as I knew about her before we were together and he wasn't into her then). What would you do? He hasnt actually cheated as such though he accepts what he done is wrong. I do know he loves me. And he as apologised for and over and promised that never again would anything like this happen. And depsite what it looks like when it came down to it he would never actually have done it. I dont know what to think. Its so out of character for him. Hes not like this at all and know he has never cheated on any past girlfriends. Its also the fact that technically when it happened we were only officially together 2 weeks. Is everyone allowed one mistake? I really love him so Im torn as what to do?