The Student Room Group

Hiatt Baker - only for rejects?

Hey, Im currently filling in my application form and am choosing between Hiatt Baker and Wills Halls.
1) Firstly, the pricing guide for Wills isnt very good; it gives a range. This obviously means for which type of room you get (the beautiful, old-style, character-filled rooms, or the crappy, new, modern ones), but theres no space for you to choose.
2) Also, is Hiatt Baker only for rejects, who failed to get into better halls? Im seriously considering putting it as my choice. It's big, it has everything you could want (inc good bar, the shop etc.) and last year, the food was voted best!
3) Do ALL rooms (at ALL Halls) have an internet connection, and a way to access RESNET?
Sorry to ask so many questions. Help Appreciated! Ciao Ciao x
Hey, Im currently filling in my application form and am choosing between Hiatt Baker and Wills Halls.
1) Firstly, the pricing guide for Wills isnt very good; it gives a range. This obviously means for which type of room you get (the beautiful, old-style, character-filled rooms, or the crappy, new, modern ones), but theres no space for you to choose.
2) Also, is Hiatt Baker only for rejects, who failed to get into better halls? Im seriously considering putting it as my choice. It's big, it has everything you could want (inc good bar, the shop etc.) and last year, the food was voted best!
3) Do ALL rooms (at ALL Halls) have an internet connection, and a way to access RESNET?
Sorry to ask so many questions. Help Appreciated! Ciao Ciao x

1) The range primarily distinguishes non en suite and en suite I think... the modern rooms with en suite are more expensive than the older rooms which are bigger but just have a wash basin
2) Plenty of people put Hiatt Baker as a first choice I'm sure; it's got a good social vibe and good facilities as you say. Although don't hold any expectations about the food :wink:
3) As far as I know, yes. In Wills and Hiatt Baker, definitely. If you look up the Bristol Resnet website it can probably tell you more - I think it lists what halls it serves.

There's no question you'll have a great time wherever you end up - but good luck!
Reply 2
Hey, Im currently filling in my application form and am choosing between Hiatt Baker and Wills Halls.
1) Firstly, the pricing guide for Wills isnt very good; it gives a range. This obviously means for which type of room you get (the beautiful, old-style, character-filled rooms, or the crappy, new, modern ones), but theres no space for you to choose.
2) Also, is Hiatt Baker only for rejects, who failed to get into better halls? Im seriously considering putting it as my choice. It's big, it has everything you could want (inc good bar, the shop etc.) and last year, the food was voted best!
3) Do ALL rooms (at ALL Halls) have an internet connection, and a way to access RESNET?
Sorry to ask so many questions. Help Appreciated! Ciao Ciao x

Hiatt Baker is my 1st choice!!
I loved it when I saw it! To be fair my expectations of university living never ever incorporated the sort of hotel standard I saw at Willis so I don't feel like I've really lost out. For me Hiatt baker seems to have everything I'd want....great social of the biggest catered halls i hear and next to the two other bigger halls....washbasins in every room...(I feel a luxury!) ...internet rehearsals...a separate social block so it's easy to meet people from the other blocks of Hiatt Baker.

I'm dead excited about it, I hope it's not just for rejects...but eve if it is I don't care. It's not really an issue for me to be living somewhere really nice and the end of the day I'll be moving into some grotty house in my second year...most likely and so I'll have to get used to living with the minor luxuries in life!

Fair play to all of those who feel as enthusiastic for the other halls but this is my personal preference.
Reply 3
i was in exactly the same situation but have now chosen hiatt baker as first choice! or will do when i actually get my accomodation forms....
it looks really nice and has a lovely atmosphere! the student website is enthusiastic and it does have everything i want!!
I'd 100 times rather stay in Hiatt Baker than Wills myself..I don't need to beg in the lap of luxury myself hehe :rolleyes: x
Reply 5
Dam rite. I sent off for Hiatt Baker before I read any of these replies! Look forward to seeing you all there; Im Jack O'Connor doing Aeronautical Engineering. See you all there x

WOOO!!!Hiatt Baker-ers!!!? I can't wait now, I really loved the idea of the place...written my accommodation statement and ready to go...just have to get some passport photos could be challenging, not overly confident in those machines, often end up having rows of photos of me looking puzzled or wondering where the flashing is coming from!

Can't wait to meet you the new Hiatt Baker swanky bar....ooooeeee! Have you guys checked out the Hiatt Baker web sites....real useful! See you all in October! :smile:

p.s. if any of you guys are my spacers....check me out...
Reply 6
WOOO!!!Hiatt Baker-ers!!!? I can't wait now, I really loved the idea of the place...written my accommodation statement and ready to go...just have to get some passport photos could be challenging, not overly confident in those machines, often end up having rows of photos of me looking puzzled or wondering where the flashing is coming from!

Can't wait to meet you the new Hiatt Baker swanky bar....ooooeeee! Have you guys checked out the Hiatt Baker web sites....real useful! See you all in October! :smile:

p.s. if any of you guys are my spacers....check me out...

Hey, Cynth.. What things did you put in your accommodation statement? I've got a vague idea but i've no idea how to start it....

Oh, and i know exactly what you mean about those damn machines... i do already have some passport photos left over from my provisional driving licence application but unfortun8ly i look like a miserable convict. :biggrin: Not the kind of photos that will convince the people at Bristol that i'm a friendly, lively person... I think i might need to find myself a photo booth.
yey more brummies in bristol :smile:
Reply 8
Hey, Cynth.. What things did you put in your accommodation statement? I've got a vague idea but i've no idea how to start it....

Oh, and i know exactly what you mean about those damn machines... i do already have some passport photos left over from my provisional driving licence application but unfortun8ly i look like a miserable convict. :biggrin: Not the kind of photos that will convince the people at Bristol that i'm a friendly, lively person... I think i might need to find myself a photo booth.

Ummm mostly stuff related to the facilities Hiatt baker offers...academic and otherwise, to be honest I was quite honest about why I was so enthusiastic about the place...the right mix of social and independant areas, the academic aid facilities-data points, library etyc, the new bar and music rehearsal rooms - I'm a musician so I popped that in.!! I basically just said that from what I had heard and seen of the hall and it's repuation for down to earth and friendly residents and staff I would really be honoured to join the family!

I'm hoping it doesn't really matter too much...we hope!
and yes I was referring to the photo booths...they hate me...and frankly I hate them but I'll brave it for this occasion...convict photo probably still better than my 'err what am I supposed to be doing?' face!
Reply 9
Ummm mostly stuff related to the facilities Hiatt baker offers...academic and otherwise, to be honest I was quite honest about why I was so enthusiastic about the place...the right mix of social and independant areas, the academic aid facilities-data points, library etyc, the new bar and music rehearsal rooms - I'm a musician so I popped that in.!! I basically just said that from what I had heard and seen of the hall and it's repuation for down to earth and friendly residents and staff I would really be honoured to join the family!

Yeah, that sounds like a good way of going about it... Tbh, i suppose just the thought of having to get out all the forms, actually sit down and take the time to write something is putting me off. We've all got enough on our plates at the moment without having to worry about accommodation statements and where we want to be living in October. When i actually get round to it i'm sure i can put something good together, no problem... It's just actually putting pen to paper in the first place that's the problem.

( :frown: Can anyone tell it's exam season? :rolleyes: )
my statement is mainly about what i do becase it asked for hobbies and interests...and why hiatt baker is good for that (i.e. music rooms). i didn't really put much about why i really really wanted to go to hiatt baker, i assumed they'd take it for granted that i was enthuasiatic because i applied there....
dos anyone know if were allowed to use school passport sized photos - i have about 20 of them and want to get rid of them before my mum starts giving them to all the relatives instead. the only difference is the patterned background
Reply 11
dos anyone know if were allowed to use school passport sized photos - i have about 20 of them and want to get rid of them before my mum starts giving them to all the relatives instead. the only difference is the patterned background

I was planning on using them too! It's not like they need them to produce any official documents (or is it?), they just want a small shot of just you to see. Should be fine, and if it's not then they can ask me for another one!

Reply 12
my statement is mainly about what i do becase it asked for hobbies and interests...and why hiatt baker is good for that (i.e. music rooms). i didn't really put much about why i really really wanted to go to hiatt baker, i assumed they'd take it for granted that i was enthuasiatic because i applied there....
dos anyone know if were allowed to use school passport sized photos - i have about 20 of them and want to get rid of them before my mum starts giving them to all the relatives instead. the only difference is the patterned background

yea i reckon it would be fine, i reckon they use one of the photos for your hall id card
Reply 13
One's for your hall id card, one's for your university id card, one's for hall records.
yea i reckon it would be fine, i reckon they use one of the photos for your hall id card

Oh nooo! my photo look like i've got one eye bigger than the other! i though they might keep them and file them far far away somewhere. oh dear. :eek:
See you in hiatt cant wait!
One's for your hall id card, one's for your university id card, one's for hall records.

Bugger bugger bugger.
Reply 16
Bugger bugger bugger.

Just thought I'd give you guys an update on the outcome of my attempts at self photos in the booth....and indeed as suspected I look dazed and confused....oh well can't be any worse than my driving licence photo...God help me if I ever get stopped by a cop wanting to see my would mean i'd have to recreate my photo face, a strange mix of screwed up nose and squinting eyes... hmmm

Yeah looking forward to meeting you all...
check me out..and me on...
cannot possibly be as bad as mine. seriously i look all pale and vampirish. althoug i have been told on more than one occasion that i look like mona the vampire.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Reply 18
cannot possibly be as bad as mine. seriously i look all pale and vampirish. althoug i have been told on more than one occasion that i look like mona the vampire.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

hmmmm interesting....
hmmmm interesting....

Which i dont i assure you.