The Student Room Group

Dammit! No operation for at least a fortnight!! :-(

Well I called up the clinic today to get an appointment to have my last (hopefully) remaining ingrowing toenail removed and it seems both the doctors who perform the surgery are 'on leave' for a few weeks. Needless to say during those few weeks they have gotten totally booked up so I have no idea how long it'll take now! :mad:

Do you think I should go back there in the meantime to get some more antibiotics? Or isn't this a good idea (I read that one shouldn't take too many antibiotics unless absolutely necessary) cos it'd be my third course of flucoxacillin in 2 months.

Anyway... I was told to call back on Wednesday to arrange a date sometime in June :frown:

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Reply 1
Well, is it looking infected again? If so, getting antibiotics won't hurt. As long as you take them properly and finish the course.

It sucks you can't get your operation, though doctors are human too and do have to go on holiday sometimes! Bit silly for them both to go at the same time though :rolleyes:
Well of course... I wouldn't take the antibiotics if there was no infection :p: But there definitely is. It's really quite painful to touch... usually the ingrowing toenail (minus the infection) only hurts when I stub it or hit it quite hard (or apply a lot of pressure to it :frown:).

I know doctors need holidays, and there are a couple of other doctors there... but these two are the only ones qualified to do the surgery. Why did they have to go off at the same time >.<!
Why did they have to go off at the same time >.<!

Maybe they're "together":biggrin:
Maybe they're "together":biggrin:

That image is more painful than testicular penetration :'(
Ouch! Sorry, sounds PAINFUL!
Well I called up the clinic today to get an appointment to have my last (hopefully) remaining ingrowing toenail removed and it seems both the doctors who perform the surgery are 'on leave' for a few weeks. Needless to say during those few weeks they have gotten totally booked up so I have no idea how long it'll take now! :mad:

Do you think I should go back there in the meantime to get some more antibiotics? Or isn't this a good idea (I read that one shouldn't take too many antibiotics unless absolutely necessary) cos it'd be my third course of flucoxacillin in 2 months.

Anyway... I was told to call back on Wednesday to arrange a date sometime in June :frown:

Never had an ingrowing toenail... ow, good luck!
Reply 7
I had an ingrowing toenail once, and I removed it myself.
I had an ingrowing toenail once, and I removed it myself.

Yeah everybody says that. I'd like to see you remove this mofo :|
Reply 9
Yeah everybody says that. I'd like to see you remove this mofo :|

Mine was a large pussy mofo. It was a football injury. Stick your foot in the bath, and come back here and I'll tell you what to do.
Reply 10
Mine was a large pussy mofo. It was a football injury. Stick your foot in the bath, and come back here and I'll tell you what to do.

What like leave his foot in the bath whilst he returns to the room with the computer? :eek: Stretchy legs! :wink:
Reply 11
I would have had to wait 18 months for my hernia operation, it was only becuase it was a big one and in danger of becoming trapped that they made it an urgent operation, even then I had to wait 2 months.

Even with cancer patients you have to wait ages, its nothing like on the TV where you're diagonosed of cancer and you're having the operation the next day.
Mine was a large pussy mofo. It was a football injury. Stick your foot in the bath, and come back here and I'll tell you what to do.

Mine's a football injury too and I've had it for 4 years with 2 operations and it's STILL THERE :mad:
Reply 13
Mine's a football injury too and I've had it for 4 years with 2 operations and it's STILL THERE :mad:

That sucks, mine was only around for about a year and a half. Then it came back a few months ago, and antibiotics sorted it out.
That sucks, mine was only around for about a year and a half. Then it came back a few months ago, and antibiotics sorted it out.

Well luckily for you it sounds like it was just an infection. Antibiotics make the pain go away from me... but then they just come back.

I'm also very paranoid about infections developing around wounds, which would no doubt happen if I decide to pull it out myself (sod's law, isn't it?).
Reply 15
Well luckily for you it sounds like it was just an infection. Antibiotics make the pain go away from me... but then they just come back.

I'm also very paranoid about infections developing around wounds, which would no doubt happen if I decide to pull it out myself (sod's law, isn't it?).

That was the second time round. The first time, when the nail was actually ingrowing, I heated up a pair of tweezers to sterilize them, soaked my foot in the bath to make the skin softer and ... you know.
That was the second time round. The first time, when the nail was actually ingrowing, I heated up a pair of tweezers to sterilize them, soaked my foot in the bath to make the skin softer and ... you know.

I don't know how I'd pull it out though... I mean either I pull the whole nail off or I have to cut the offending section off and then pull it out!
Well luckily for you it sounds like it was just an infection. Antibiotics make the pain go away from me... but then they just come back.

I'm also very paranoid about infections developing around wounds, which would no doubt happen if I decide to pull it out myself (sod's law, isn't it?).

i always dig mine out myself and they always get infected. Just have to squeeze it (its so nasty, all pus squirts out from side of nail) and soak in hot salty water every night for a week.
not pleasant tho :frown:

best advice is use nail clippers when you normall trim your nails rather than scissors/pulling off the nail.
mine was a hockey injury agrevated by the 'stairs running into me'!!! How rude!!! lol
I hid it from my parents for ages, thinkin i cud cure it myself but the wonders of science prevailed and yes it got worse!!!
so went to chiropadist and they did alsorts of horrendous things to me (poor me!!) tryin to chop bits off etc and someone recommended homeopathy to my gran. i thought it was a pointless activity, how cud random plants cure me, but it was so weird.....The woman never even wanted to look at my toe just asked me loads of q's like what food i like, how i'd describe myself, erm where id been on hol, what sport and music i liked and she made up this sugary solution - of which i took 4drops per day onto my tongue. anyway within a fortnight my toe was well and truly on the mend!!!!
was very sceptical bout how it worked like, but hey i cant argue!! just plsd my mam managed to drag me along!!! good luck with it - homeopathy may be worth a try?!?!
i always dig mine out myself and they always get infected. Just have to squeeze it (its so nasty, all pus squirts out from side of nail) and soak in hot salty water every night for a week.
not pleasant tho :frown:

best advice is use nail clippers when you normall trim your nails rather than scissors/pulling off the nail.

I do. I do everything right :frown: Basically this time they just need to cauterize it. It can't grow into my toe if it can't grow at all!