mine was a hockey injury agrevated by the 'stairs running into me'!!! How rude!!! lol
I hid it from my parents for ages, thinkin i cud cure it myself but the wonders of science prevailed and yes it got worse!!!
so went to chiropadist and they did alsorts of horrendous things to me (poor me!!) tryin to chop bits off etc and someone recommended homeopathy to my gran. i thought it was a pointless activity, how cud random plants cure me, but it was so weird.....The woman never even wanted to look at my toe just asked me loads of q's like what food i like, how i'd describe myself, erm where id been on hol, what sport and music i liked and she made up this sugary solution - of which i took 4drops per day onto my tongue. anyway within a fortnight my toe was well and truly on the mend!!!!
was very sceptical bout how it worked like, but hey i cant argue!! just plsd my mam managed to drag me along!!! good luck with it - homeopathy may be worth a try?!?!