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FRENCH -useful phrases for Writing

I have the OCR AS French papers on Thursday.

My listening and reading is fine, but where I invariably lose marks is on the writing, that 30 marker on 2653 can be a killer.

I thought it might be useful to share a few useful phrases/writing tips amongst ourselves.

I've got a few to get us started:

-quoique / bienque + SUBJ - although...
-il faut que + SUBJ - it is necessary that...
---eg. il faut que le gouvernement prenne des mesures afin d'arreter l'augmentation de la crime en centre ville.
-En + __ant qqc - by doing s.t.
-Get the A/DE prepositions right!!

What you got then!?

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Reply 1
err well i got a few linking words that im gna try to memorize, hopefully they shud jazz the riting part up a bit:

il faut bien reconnaitre= it is worth knowing

il va de soi que = it goes without saying that

is est d'ores et deja acquis= it is without a doubt

il me choque que = it surprises me that

il faut noter que= it is worth noting

thats bout all i can remeber at the moment..obviously aint memorized them well best get bak to ma reivison!
Reply 2
i reccomend a book called 'mot a mot', its like £3.99 on, and its filled with phrases like that.
Reply 3
Do any of those phrases take the subjunctive?
Reply 4
I have some:

N'oublions pas
Nous devrions considérer
Quant à
Selon les chiffres officiels
Je voudrais souligner que
Je ne veux pas minimiser les aspects négatifs
Toute réflexion faite
Je pense que c'est evident que
A tout prendre
Alors qu'en fait
A l'inverse de
Reply 5
What does "Alors qu'en fait" mean and in what context would you use it?
If I translate it literally I come out with "Therefore we must"? I looked on google and the phrase is being used as Alors que + infinitive.
I know its the subjunctive but we havent been taught it (even though i'm doing AS levels), so I tried teaching myself but I got confused :confused: .
Reply 6
What does "Alors qu'en fait" mean and in what context would you use it?
If I translate it literally I come out with "Therefore we must"? I looked on google and the phrase is being used as Alors que + infinitive.
I know its the subjunctive but we havent been taught it (even though i'm doing AS levels), so I tried teaching myself but I got confused :confused: .

En fait = in fact

It's kind of like saying "but in fact" - exprimer la contraire.
Reply 7
Ah ok. Thank you.
Reply 8
To get an opinion across:
J'affirme sans ambages que...
Je pense que.....
Je crois que.....
Selon moi......
A mon avis.....
Je suis d'avis que....

En train de + infinitive = whilst doing something. eg en train de regarder la télé, mon ami est arrivé
Apres avoir + past participle
Reply 9
hey, does anyone know how to sign off a letter in a formal way (in french : p ) ??
hey, does anyone know how to sign off a letter in a formal way (in french : p ) ??

Je vous prie de croire, monsieur/madame, a l'expression de mes sentiments distinguees. That's the equivalent of yours sincerely/faithfully in English.
merci a lot
pls can some1 tell me what of kay123's expressions are subjunctive cos id like to use him but not if i don't know the grammar
Reply 13
Has anyone got any good subjunctive phrases you could add in pretty much anywhere you're doing a writing piece? I have given up trying to learn the subjunctive so I am just going to learn some good phrases and chuck them in where appropriate :smile:
Reply 14
Basically, the subjunctive is a tense which should be used following a phrase which expresses desire or doubt.wishes/emotions
For example, il est dommage que tu doive.. or whatever.
But it can be used in conjunctions such as bien que<< although....and avant que j'aille.
It's rather a formal and posh way of writing/speaking, and is normally used when changing person, like ONE says that YOU.

Sorry, i'm basic. That possibly made little sense. However, if you go through your grammar book, you might see an emerging link with subjunctive verbs, if you can't cope, then learn a few off by heart such as il est important que///

So, go through the above phrases and try to see which ones are subjunctives.....although it seems to me that a lot are.
Reply 15
Has anyone got any good subjunctive phrases you could add in pretty much anywhere you're doing a writing piece? I have given up trying to learn the subjunctive so I am just going to learn some good phrases and chuck them in where appropriate :smile:

il est dommage que nous ayons -- it is a shame that we have
il vaut mieux que tu ailles -- it is better that you go
quoique je fasse -- until i do
il arrive que je doive -- it happens that i must...
avant que...before ..
il faut que---it's necessary that... Fill some of these in..:P
Reply 16
Basically, the subjunctive is a tense which should be used following an a phrase with expresses desire or doubt.wishes/emotions
For example, il est dommage que tu doive.. or whatever.
But it can be used in conjunctions such as bien que<< although....and avant que j'aille.
It's rather a formal and posh way of writing/speaking, and is normally used when changing person, like ONE says that YOU.

Sorry, i'm basic. That possibly made little sense. However, if you go through your grammar book, you might see an emerging link with subjunctive verbs, if you can't cope, then learn a few off by heart such as il est important que///

So, go through the above phrases and try to see which ones are subjunctives.....although it seems to me that a lot are.

Thanks! Do you know any particular good phrase with the subjunctive?
Reply 17
Thanks! Do you know any particular good phrase with the subjunctive?

Just posted some which are right i think. Although, i'm kind of self taught because my teachers are LAZY.
Reply 18
Has anyone got any good subjunctive phrases you could add in pretty much anywhere you're doing a writing piece? I have given up trying to learn the subjunctive so I am just going to learn some good phrases and chuck them in where appropriate :smile:

You could use "Bien qu'il y ait..." pretty much anywhere - it means "although there is..."
Reply 19
Just posted some which are right i think. Although, i'm kind of self taught because my teachers are LAZY.

Okay I will try and learn them for tomorrow :smile:

You could use "Bien qu'il y ait..." pretty much anywhere - it means "although there is..."

Yes I was aware of this but I didn't think it was good but if you say it is then I'll just have to use it :biggrin: