Right well, I've had an Innocent Heart Murmur since I was a baby and when I had my Medical for the RAF, the Doctor referred me to a specialist to have an Echocardiogram at Lincoln County Hospital. I had the scan done and my results have been seen by myself (From what I understood, everything seemed to by fine), a specialist at the Hospital, my family Doctor and the RAF Med' Assessment Doctor and finally the Specialists at RAF Cranwell (Still awaiting on their reply).
Firstly, I'm rather confused at what the Nurse said who actually gave me my scan, she said that 'I couldn't actually find a heart murmur', which is why I was there in the first place because I hadn't grown out of it when I should of.
Secondly, I don't understand why my results have had to go to RAF Cranwell because like I previously said, my results have been seen by 3 different Doctors, and the RAF Med' Assessment Doctor signed my entire medical as OK afaik, he didn't say that anything was wrong so I'm presuming it's fine.
Thirdly, the Dr who gave me my medical didn't give me a straight answer when I asked him if having a heart murmur would bar me from joining the RAF, the Cpl that is dealing with my application wasn't sure and told me to ask the medical exam doctor.
So as a result I have 3 questions to put forward to you..
1) Are the RAF picky about applicants with Heart murmurs?
2) Should I be worrying that my medical stage of application has taken nigh on 4 months, thus potentially meaning that there is something wrong and they're getting as many medical staff to assess it?
3) Am I overreacting to it all? haha
NB: I've never had to have treatment for said murmur, just 6 monthly check-ups until I was about 4 years old, when I had a quick look at my results, everything said fine or normal (Blood pressure, BPM etc)
Thanks for the help.