The Student Room Group

RAF Medical - Heart Murmur

Right well, I've had an Innocent Heart Murmur since I was a baby and when I had my Medical for the RAF, the Doctor referred me to a specialist to have an Echocardiogram at Lincoln County Hospital. I had the scan done and my results have been seen by myself (From what I understood, everything seemed to by fine), a specialist at the Hospital, my family Doctor and the RAF Med' Assessment Doctor and finally the Specialists at RAF Cranwell (Still awaiting on their reply).

Firstly, I'm rather confused at what the Nurse said who actually gave me my scan, she said that 'I couldn't actually find a heart murmur', which is why I was there in the first place because I hadn't grown out of it when I should of.

Secondly, I don't understand why my results have had to go to RAF Cranwell because like I previously said, my results have been seen by 3 different Doctors, and the RAF Med' Assessment Doctor signed my entire medical as OK afaik, he didn't say that anything was wrong so I'm presuming it's fine.

Thirdly, the Dr who gave me my medical didn't give me a straight answer when I asked him if having a heart murmur would bar me from joining the RAF, the Cpl that is dealing with my application wasn't sure and told me to ask the medical exam doctor.

So as a result I have 3 questions to put forward to you..

1) Are the RAF picky about applicants with Heart murmurs?
2) Should I be worrying that my medical stage of application has taken nigh on 4 months, thus potentially meaning that there is something wrong and they're getting as many medical staff to assess it?
3) Am I overreacting to it all? haha

NB: I've never had to have treatment for said murmur, just 6 monthly check-ups until I was about 4 years old, when I had a quick look at my results, everything said fine or normal (Blood pressure, BPM etc)

Thanks for the help.
Reply 1
No idea about heart murmers, but basically everything medical comes down to the President of the Medical Board, who's based at Cranwell. It doesn't particularly matter what the specialist says, or what the GP who does the medical says - it's not them who makes the decision. Obviously PMB takes their opinion and acts on it, but as the spcialist and the GP can't make the decision, they'll be very careful about what they say.

Medical issues can take months, whether it's good or bad news.

Sorry that isn't much help, but you have my sympathy!
Reply 2
The same thing happened to me it took 5 months for me to be declared medically fit. Basically as said above Cranwell need to 'rubber stamp' it before you can go on. I wouldnt worry anyway due to the fact all but two trades in the RAF are now closed until April next year. Particularly annoying on my part because I applied when they were crying out for the trade I applied for. Im going through Lincoln AFCO as well did you have Doctor Li?
Reply 3
Heart murmurs are acceptable as long as they are benign, ie innocent. As long as the actual heart is structurally normal there will be no problems.

With the nurse that said she couldnt find a murmur, maybe she was stating the fact that the heart was normal.

Any questions just ask, as I've been through the same recently.
Reply 4
Hangs - Yeah I did have Dr Li, small world eh? and by any chance is your last name Davis?

Jon - That's alright then, I'm 98% certain that it is innocent, because like I've said it's never troubled me and I've never had to have any treatment for it, thanks for clearing that one up...
Reply 5

1) Are the RAF picky about applicants with Heart murmurs?
2) Should I be worrying that my medical stage of application has taken nigh on 4 months, thus potentially meaning that there is something wrong and they're getting as many medical staff to assess it?
3) Am I overreacting to it all? haha

Hey DC, lucky for you i also had a heart murmur when i was young and had an operation when i was 2 years old.

1) Not at all, however it does slow the application process down a bit as it requires a specialists opinion

2) I was worried about it, but at the same time not, it hasn't effected me since the operation and im pretty fit and was into all sports in high school, however if it is effecting you then there should be a cause for concern as its classed as 'medically unfit', but stay positive :smile: Yes the opinion takes a while to come back but just keep flagging it up to the flight staff and their keep flagging it upto the specialists as i had to.

3) Not at all, it's a career that you want to follow and you feel somethings wrong, but as ive said just stay positive and keep showing them your keen to join up.

Worse comes to worse and they do say no (which i doubt they will) then you can ask for a blood test to prove it does not effect you anymore.

Hope this helps :yes:
Reply 6
I am currently waiting on a decision from cramwell myself guys due to a floppy mitral valve "heart murmur" I'm worried sick tbh! Is there anyone out there who has ever been in the situation I'm currently in? The question I'm after is does a floppy mitral valve stop me getting into the RAF?
I'm not the only one then! Good to hear from other candidates with a similar situ.

I attended my RN AFCO AME Medical late March only to be made TMU due to a Heart Murmur (which I knew nothing about) - and of course it was slightly (if you'll pardon the pun) disheartening.

I've got my appointment with the Cardio department at the local Hospital the start of August.

Whilst I was gutted with the news, of course now being aware of my murmur is good news and I can get it checked out and potentially save issues (if they were to arise) years down the line.

Posted from TSR Mobile
Original post by DCRISP07
Right well, I've had an Innocent Heart Murmur since I was a baby and when I had my Medical for the RAF, the Doctor referred me to a specialist to have an Echocardiogram at Lincoln County Hospital. I had the scan done and my results have been seen by myself (From what I understood, everything seemed to by fine), a specialist at the Hospital, my family Doctor and the RAF Med' Assessment Doctor and finally the Specialists at RAF Cranwell (Still awaiting on their reply).

Firstly, I'm rather confused at what the Nurse said who actually gave me my scan, she said that 'I couldn't actually find a heart murmur', which is why I was there in the first place because I hadn't grown out of it when I should of.

Secondly, I don't understand why my results have had to go to RAF Cranwell because like I previously said, my results have been seen by 3 different Doctors, and the RAF Med' Assessment Doctor signed my entire medical as OK afaik, he didn't say that anything was wrong so I'm presuming it's fine.

Thirdly, the Dr who gave me my medical didn't give me a straight answer when I asked him if having a heart murmur would bar me from joining the RAF, the Cpl that is dealing with my application wasn't sure and told me to ask the medical exam doctor.

So as a result I have 3 questions to put forward to you..

1) Are the RAF picky about applicants with Heart murmurs?
2) Should I be worrying that my medical stage of application has taken nigh on 4 months, thus potentially meaning that there is something wrong and they're getting as many medical staff to assess it?
3) Am I overreacting to it all? haha

NB: I've never had to have treatment for said murmur, just 6 monthly check-ups until I was about 4 years old, when I had a quick look at my results, everything said fine or normal (Blood pressure, BPM etc)

Thanks for the help.

Hey, any job like this they have too be soooo careful with any health issues. They are probably just double checking that the job will suit you and will not worsen any heart issues.

The Doctor probably didn't give you an answer because he didn't want to give you false hope or false negativity. If he had said yes straight away then you were not allowed youd be angry with him, right ?

Just calm down and wait for the outcome.

I hope you get the result you want :wink:
Reply 9
Original post by im.a.witch
Hey, any job like this they have too be soooo careful with any health issues. They are probably just double checking that the job will suit you and will not worsen any heart issues.

The Doctor probably didn't give you an answer because he didn't want to give you false hope or false negativity. If he had said yes straight away then you were not allowed youd be angry with him, right ?

Just calm down and wait for the outcome.

I hope you get the result you want :wink:

I think they already did considering they posted that in July 2009.
Reply 10
Hey mate I've previously had an appointment in a bypass hospital in 2006 to join the army and had the all clear to go ahead and I joined up with a slight heart murmur. I've had my my results from cramwel the other day and they declared me permanently unfit which is ********! There reason was if I was ever in a situation abroad and I got injured I would need antibiotics, however my personal GP told me that it all changed in 2008 and again in 2015, he said you don't actually need antibiotics with a heart murmur! So I am appealing as we speak, anyway I wish you all the best mate good luck.
Original post by DCRISP07
Right well, I've had an Innocent Heart Murmur since I was a baby and when I had my Medical for the RAF, the Doctor referred me to a specialist to have an Echocardiogram at Lincoln County Hospital. I had the scan done and my results have been seen by myself (From what I understood, everything seemed to by fine), a specialist at the Hospital, my family Doctor and the RAF Med' Assessment Doctor and finally the Specialists at RAF Cranwell (Still awaiting on their reply).

Firstly, I'm rather confused at what the Nurse said who actually gave me my scan, she said that 'I couldn't actually find a heart murmur', which is why I was there in the first place because I hadn't grown out of it when I should of.

Secondly, I don't understand why my results have had to go to RAF Cranwell because like I previously said, my results have been seen by 3 different Doctors, and the RAF Med' Assessment Doctor signed my entire medical as OK afaik, he didn't say that anything was wrong so I'm presuming it's fine.

Thirdly, the Dr who gave me my medical didn't give me a straight answer when I asked him if having a heart murmur would bar me from joining the RAF, the Cpl that is dealing with my application wasn't sure and told me to ask the medical exam doctor.

So as a result I have 3 questions to put forward to you..

1) Are the RAF picky about applicants with Heart murmurs?
2) Should I be worrying that my medical stage of application has taken nigh on 4 months, thus potentially meaning that there is something wrong and they're getting as many medical staff to assess it?
3) Am I overreacting to it all? haha

NB: I've never had to have treatment for said murmur, just 6 monthly check-ups until I was about 4 years old, when I had a quick look at my results, everything said fine or normal (Blood pressure, BPM etc)

Thanks for the help.

I have a heart mumur. If it’s an innocent one there is nothing to worry about. And will it ever worsen? yes. It can worsen at any age and most likely you will need surgery at some point. You just have to look after your oral hygiene. I don’t know about your RAF thing so I wouldn’t be able to help with that xx
Original post by ssana.khz
I have a heart mumur. If it’s an innocent one there is nothing to worry about. And will it ever worsen? yes. It can worsen at any age and most likely you will need surgery at some point. You just have to look after your oral hygiene. I don’t know about your RAF thing so I wouldn’t be able to help with that xx

There's a date in the top, right hand corner of posts. You aren't helping when the OPs question is 12+ years old!