The Student Room Group

Last day of school prank ideas!

Hello there.

me and my year group will be leaving school pretty much forever on thursday (only to come back for A level exams). I get so bored of the year 13s throwing eggs and flour, shooting people with water guns etc year upon year. Its just not funny any more. Im having some trouble thinking of a really good prank that could be carried out that isnt really going to hurt anyone, will slightly to moderately annoy some people, and will generally be a comedy event for all students.

If someone has already started a thread like this please say :tongue: .

Just to note; we have a whole year assembly on the last day so this may be a good opertunity for pranks.

Post any ideas here!

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Reply 1
The old fireworks in the toilet still do it for me :biggrin:

Why dont you just go mad and shout at all your teachers and urinate on the young ones.

NOTE: TSR does NOT endorse the urination of children!
Muck up day at my old school was almost banned so we just went crazy. if you have any main staircases at your school fill it with balloons, streamers etc. Bubble bath or washing up liquid in the swimmimg pool is aways a good one. there are loads of things. One year when we were having work done, cos it was an all girls school, they decorated the scaffolding with bras of various colours and sizes. Also one year they made a set of commandments and hung them over the bus shelter, basically going against most of the rules. for example we were not allowed to wear makeup; the commandment was Thou shalt apply thy makeup with a shovel, regardless to diapproving adults. This year they are parodying the Virgin megastore idea and covering the school sign with a sign saying Virgin Also this year they are converting a classroom into a playboy den. Lol
Reply 3
A couple of my brothers friends painted a giant penis and a giant pair of breasts on the school lawn when they left. The funniest thing was that when the caretaker cut the grass he only cut out the painted bits :rolleyes:
A couple of my brothers friends painted a giant penis and a giant pair of breasts on the school lawn when they left. The funniest thing was that when the caretaker cut the grass he only cut out the painted bits :rolleyes:

dont you mean tits?
Reply 5
We've been randomly unscrewing things like white boards and door handles and stuff. We're going to get loads of porn and put it in random library books. It'll take ages for them to search all the books once they realise what's happened :smile: . We're also hoping to go out in the early hours and chain up the gates to the staff car park which should cause mayhem until somebody manages to get them off :smile: .
Reply 6
Hello there.

me and my year group will be leaving school pretty much forever on thursday (only to come back for A level exams). I get so bored of the year 13s throwing eggs and flour, shooting people with water guns etc year upon year. Its just not funny any more. Im having some trouble thinking of a really good prank that could be carried out that isnt really going to hurt anyone, will slightly to moderately annoy some people, and will generally be a comedy event for all students.

If someone has already started a thread like this please say :tongue: .

Just to note; we have a whole year assembly on the last day so this may be a good opertunity for pranks.

Post any ideas here!
How about a massive attack involving buckets of water balloons? :biggrin:
evrybody knows what "cress" is rite.....its the plant u grow at primary skl then eat it in a sandwich....yipeee
but seriously tho.....jus scatter cress seeds around ur classroom (preferably ones with carpet) ...then overnight while the school heats up.....jus watch them growwww....LOL

trus me it works
For my end of high school prank I caught a bunch of yabbies and put them in sinks, the library return box etc :smile:
Reply 9
gCarroll thinks you have all been naughty.
Reply 10
get a load of gasoline and pour "666" on the field late at night the night before, and have a thin trail going to somewhere you can light it out of sight and run round so you have an aliby. then light it the next day. that would be cool

or put vasoline on all the door knobs so no one will be able to get in unless there are handles.
We've been randomly unscrewing things like white boards and door handles and stuff. We're going to get loads of porn and put it in random library books. It'll take ages for them to search all the books once they realise what's happened :smile: . We're also hoping to go out in the early hours and chain up the gates to the staff car park which should cause mayhem until somebody manages to get them off :smile: .

This idea i love, mind if i do it too, the porn one!
Reply 12
At our school we come in on rollerskates/blades/boards and went round like that all day.
At another school they stapled and stuck the furniture to the roof during the night.
If you have an ICT room, swap all the keyboard cables around behind the computers so that the keyboard in front of one computer actually belongs to one next to it.
You could also bring in 3 toy sheep (or something of that nature), label them 1, 2 and 4, then the teachers will be running around all day trying to find number 3!
OR you could put red food dye, in a little bag with some holes in it, into the water compartments on the toilets (you know the place where water is stored before you flush, i dunno the name); make sure it's under the water level tho.
If your school is an all boys school you could go around town and put cards into the telephone boxes etc. with your school phone number and say 'Ring this number for hot girls'. BUT if you have girls in your school , DONT, cause it's kinda disgusting for girls.
Hope that helps!
At our school we come in on rollerskates/blades/boards and went round like that all day.
At another school they stapled and stuck the furniture to the roof during the night.
If you have an ICT room, swap all the keyboard cables around behind the computers so that the keyboard in front of one computer actually belongs to one next to it.
You could also bring in 3 toy sheep (or something of that nature), label them 1, 2 and 4, then the teachers will be running around all day trying to find number 3!
OR you could put red food dye, in a little bag with some holes in it, into the water compartments on the toilets (you know the place where water is stored before you flush, i dunno the name); make sure it's under the water level tho.
If your school is an all boys school you could go around town and put cards into the telephone boxes etc. with your school phone number and say 'Ring this number for hot girls'. BUT if you have girls in your school , DONT, cause it's kinda disgusting for girls.
Hope that helps!


the keybaord thing i'm so gonan do! omg how woudl u get into your schoola t night too staple furnitiure?
Reply 14
All have a party popper in the assembly, then appoint someone to shout a chosen codeword, eg 'mugwuffin' at an certain time. When the codeword is shouted, everyone pop their party poppers. Harmless, but fun! :biggrin:
We had a duck and a sheep and a hen in our commen room a few years ago! They made a mess everywhere :rolleyes: and it was so funny :biggrin:
we took 3 lambs into school n labelled them 1,2,4. It was v. cool. We did the usual as well, wahing up liquid in toilets, balloons everywhere, clingfilm round ppl's cars etc. our muck up day was rele well planned n we got posters of all the teachers looking stupid.
have fun :biggrin:
Reply 17
a friend of mines dad is a head master, the sixth formers at his school parked their cars in the reserved staff parking places, making the higher staff (i.e. headmaster, deputy heads) to park on the road!
Reply 18
A couple of years ago one of the year 13's brought in 200 locusts.

He got expelled :P not that it made much of a difference as he was allowed to stay on and do his exams....
Sounds a bit silly to me the whole thing.