The Student Room Group
Reply 1
No it doesnt. ALIS is a waste of time (I got predicted 4U) and got the opposite. They dont go on the PS.
Reply 2
What is the ALIS score? Predicted grades at A-level?
Reply 3
Its a load of Rubbish, it is an Independent study by Durham Uni i think. Anyway, where are the scores on it? maybe its a different one to the one we did, but ours was on the opinion on the school/subject.

Anyway to answer youor q, no it doesn't, and just like mock exams, its about as accurate as a northwhich victoria player
ALIS scores don't need to go on uni forms, as they are only to predict from your GCSE grades to see what you will get at AS.
Reply 5
It's an utter waste of time.
Reply 6
What is the ALIS score? Predicted grades at A-level?

Yep - predicts them from GCSE grades. Really pointless - I'm predicted 4Ds and got AA in my two exams in January :rolleyes:
It's similar to predicting grades for uni. Some people might get above or under their predicted grade.
Yes, they are pretty ridiculous: based on a test you take on logic, language and mathematical questions (I thought it was just a university psychology test thing, so I didn't do half of it and was rather lazy). I was predicted something like 4 Bs and Cs for A2, whereas I actually got 4 As
No it won’t. It supposedly predicts what you’ll get in your A Levels by basing it on what you got in your GCSEs . :rolleyes: My head of year even admitted she thought it was a load of rubbish and generally acknowledged a more precise prediction comes from the teacher who’s taught you personally, assessed your work, has some idea of your potential etc...
Do all schools need to use ALIS?
good to see all the responses, i wont bother with getting it changed then


Its useless
Reply 13
Are ALIS scores made through the correlation of a student with so and so GCSE grades to actual A level results which is updated each year or what?
Reply 14
ALIS is used primarily for schools/colleges to show how much a student has progressed throughout the course. They are not intended for universitites.
Reply 15
Oh, ALIS grades are completely ridiculous. Our school has stopped putting them on our term reports, after an outcry from most of lower 6th of, "You must be joking if you think I'm getting *that* grade!"

ALIS doesn't take into account individual strengths and weaknesses, and that at GCSE you may be doing subjects you hate, whereas at AS/A-level you'll at least be taking subjects you've chosen.
Oh, ALIS grades are completely ridiculous. Our school has stopped putting them on our term reports, after an outcry from most of lower 6th of, "You must be joking if you think I'm getting *that* grade!"

Do you think its designed to cause that kind reaction? Maybe its not so stupid after all.... :biggrin: