The Student Room Group
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Reply 2
Ive got it, mine stemmed from depression that I had for 4 years, I am starting to get over it by building up my confidence by doing volunteering and going out to meet new people. I still feel really bad sometimews, but Its getting easier.
Reply 3
I have it too, though it gets really complicated as I have bulimia too. I am trying to "break out of it" though...went out with a friend on Friday night under the promise that it would be just her...then 10+ of her friends turned up, I freaked out and had to get my Mum to pick me up at half 10. :rolleyes: I hate it!
RiOt GiRl
how many of you wonderful :tsr: guys suffer(ed) from it?
how did it develop? what are you/have you done to stop it?

Hmm, I used to, somewhat, but recently I've not.

It stemmed from not having a job and not being at college either, for several months.

To get over it, just make sure get yourself out reglar, when your friends phone you up, go out as much as possible, just make sure you're around people and your anixity should slowly dissapear as you get used to those kind of situations.
Reply 5
i had it a while ago....n then it went away wen i left school...
n i was just wonderin why?!?!?
cos i was on the bus n i suddenly realised people wer round me n my throat closed up n everything went really blurred n i thought i was gona have another epileptic fit... but i managed to get off the bus n i realised i was alone n everything went back to normal...n with all my problems recently i just thought id check it out...see if anyone else has experienced this???
I don't know if its social anxiety as such but, I'm no good in social situations...

I'm dead quiet, and it usually takes one person a fair bit of time to get me out of my shell... Say I was at a party with a few people, and I only knew one of them... I'd cling to that person or sit on my own until I had the whole situation figured, and even then I wouldn't talk to anyone before they talked to me... but maybe this is just shyness?? I don't know... I do get a bit claustraphobic in situations like that but, doesn't everyone really?? I think its more a case of me thinking that I'm not actually that interesting or funny, and when someone finds me so, I never realise it until its too late (as an example I got drunk the other night with a few mates and on the taxi drive home the taxi driver was flirting like mad with me and yet I failed to pick up on it and was apparently really cold towards her... maybe thats because I was drunk though??)

Anyway, I think the answer is, talk to people and put yourself in those situations even if you get nervous and anxious about it because at the end of the day, you gotta talk to people and be around other people one day... so now is better than later!!
Reply 7
I reckon most people have it probably at some time in their lives, just to a different extent depending on the person x