The Student Room Group

what's really annoying in exams

is there anything in exams that really p***es you off?

I'd have to name wobbling desks. Seems to affect me inordinately often...
Two exams on the same day - I guess it has to happen sometimes, but when I have exams over a 5 week period, it's annoying tp have two on the same day.
Exams before study leave - WHAT are my college playing at? What's the fecking point of study leave if the exams start before it!?
and late starts. Unless I'm late of course.

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is there anything in exams that really p***es you off?

I'd have to name wobbling desks. Seems to affect me inordinately often...
Two exams on the same day - I guess it has to happen sometimes, but when I have exams over a 5 week period, it's annoying tp have two on the same day.
Exams before study leave - WHAT are my college playing at? What's the fecking point of study leave if the exams start before it!?
and late starts. Unless I'm late of course.

invigilators that whisper to other invigilators right next to you.
Reply 2
invigilators standing anywhere near you. I had one in Jan with reeeally strong perfume leaned over me to look at a little tag thing on my desk to find out my name.

she interrupted one guy to look at the front of his paper to find out his name. All for a seating plan.

and she interrupted everyone to tell us the things she was supposed to tell us at the start and then refused to give us the extra time at the end that she had wasted.

now THATS annoying!
I find it really annoying sitting next to someone doing absolutely no work or someone who stops to stretch every five's so irritating, especially when they have that smug 'I-know-I've-got-an-A-on-this' face when you know they haven't. I don't know why, it just really bugs me! :smile:
Reply 4
When people sneeze every minute (although you can't blame them but its very distracting) and in the case of our hall a while ago, mating pigeons -they make so much noise :rolleyes:
Reply 5
People clicking their pens. The boy who sits near me in every exam is always doing this, and I really will rip it out of his hand and stick it where the sun don't shine if he does it again.
Reply 6
I just had my Spanish listening while builders drilled right next to the room. It's the only time I've ever really wanted to kill someone.

Thankfully the invigilator realised most of us couldn't hear a thing and sent a teacher to tell the guy with the drill to shut up. :smile:
Reply 7
annoying things: -

people sniffing loudly the whole time, why don't they just blow there nose!

late starts when everyone is there on time but the invigilators

invigilators moving your carefully balanced papers and formula books when you are in the middle of a critical point in a calculation just to get the stupid name card (which i should add has your nasty college photo on it)

spending 3 hours looking at the underwear of the person in front! its not pleasant!!

oh and all those people that get up to go to the toilet ( i don't mind in long exams but its always five minutes from the end of an hours exam)
Reply 8
The person sitting in front of you finishing in about five minutes. One time the person next to me fell asleep, and was snoring really loudly.
Reply 9
Two Tone
The person sitting in front of you finishing in about five minutes. One time the person next to me fell asleep, and was snoring really loudly.

Ooh - nadty
Reply 10
coughing! in my german listening. how can you catch a cold! its sunny!!! and i was at the back tryin to listen for the answers and there coughing! they could of at least done it at the end of each little question.
Reply 11
This is probably something perfectly normal and considered beneath notice, but it is d*mn annoying. Its when you are doing the listening examination in a large sports hall type building, so its really echoey and impossible to hear - especially with the little tape player they insist on using. I cant even hear the teacher properly, never mind the fuzzy tape!!!
Reply 12
invigilators humming....
invigilators walking around pretending to invilagate when all their doing is being annoying.
also sitting next to a person who cries at the start of every exam. so annoying.
Reply 14
My stomach rumbling constantly through exams, even when I've eaten just before. This happens ALL the time and is very annoying.
Reply 15
My invigilators once put the clock forward 5 minutes in an exam. True story.
^ why?

Once their was a power cut, but they let people at the front near the (tiny) windows carry on working, and then gave us extra extra time at the time lol...not that it helped, it was still the worst mark I've got on a module so far :s-smilie:
Reply 17
I just had my Spanish listening while builders drilled right next to the room. It's the only time I've ever really wanted to kill someone.

Thankfully the invigilator realised most of us couldn't hear a thing and sent a teacher to tell the guy with the drill to shut up. :smile:

same happened to us in german. but then the invigilators are going to write a letter to the board, so hopefully we'll go up by a few marks! :biggrin:

There's this girl who keeps on clearing her throat every 2 seconds and it's really loud and high pitched. I didn't notice until my friend told me about her. Once noticed, I couldn't help but get distracted. Someone needs to tell her to stop. ARGH!
Reply 18
1) when the room in which your French listening exam is taking place is next to a music practise room and the windows of each room are wide open, therefore you are distracted by the very out-of-key piano tune being played.....

2) when you are in an exam and the person next to you has the tendency to wiggle/shake their foot or both feet, or shake their knee.....stopit stopit stopit!!!!!!

3) when the pigeons decide to fight or get a little, er, frisky, on the roof of the exam room!!
Reply 19
Someone tapping the desk of the floor his feet just because he is finished, or because he is trying to think of the answer. :rolleyes: