The Student Room Group

AQA German Spec A Listening

What did you all think of this then?

It was harder than other years and they've put in soo many more put-correct-letter-in-box questions!

Plus there were like 12 questions, instead of the usual 7 or 8.

Myself and others at school thought it was fairly we reckon the grade boundaries will be lower!

What have you lot to say?
Reply 1
Yeah, exactly!!

I thought that it was a pretty hard test, considering past listening papers...

The Science-fiction question...WHAT? I got summert about a computer controlling the TV and America or summert!!

And the english question were OK...

The environment one (with the politicians) OK...and the present for her husband/dad....Was OK

:frown::frown: They best lower the Grade Boundaries
Reply 2
yep i found it hard, havin got As and A*s on past listenings, thought it was near impossible at times
wat did u get for the fathers present question, the scifi question and the politician question

Reply 3
yep i found it hard, havin got As and A*s on past listenings, thought it was near impossible at times
wat did u get for the fathers present question, the scifi question and the politician question


Questions were something like:

Why did she choose this present in particular:
I put because its his birthday and he needs it

What is the childs opinion on this present:
That it is unhealthy and can make you ill

What does the mum say about this:
i put that she will know what her husband wants and its silly, it wont harm


I dint get this! so i put summert bout computer taking over america...second question i put "fernsehe"?? and then i put u doesn't enjoy reading, as the last one...

I put that person said they need cars to hide from the rain and for transporting many people...

The solution is too fly less often??

That's what I put...hmmm....
Reply 4
The politician one mentioned "Offentlicher Personen Verkehr" so it was about the publuc transport system not being able to support the amount of people.

For the plane one, I put people should go on holidays with public transport more because the planes pollute too much?!

Father's present: I put "he has too many clothes" or something.

That Sci-fi one was stupid! I put that the computer has taken over the world and is controlling people's minds.

And the English one about TV...what did you put for that? I put something like the programs are too short and boring.

The grade boundaries will defo be lower I think.
Reply 5
maybe i didnt do so badly, for the one that u put fernsehe i put radio (there was a list of appliances). I got the unhealthy "undgesund", and i got that you shouldnt fly too often and cars are for transporting lots of people everyday. Hmm jus been looking at AQA grade boundaries for the past 2 yrs. Last yr an A* was 30/40, and the yr before it was 29/40. So i reckon this yr it mite be 25 odd? hard to tell i no but it is much harder than ALL past papers weve done since 1998 lol.

This may be an odd one, you know the three ppl talking about their holidays, for the first 1 i put am strand, second i put discos and third i put wohnewagon. Quite sure bout the first and last, but discos? wasnt sure bout it
Reply 6
for the tv i put theres never anything good on and its not good to watch too much tv
Reply 7
Yeah, it was disco's.

Cos he was going on about how he wanted to do stuff with other young people and always got stuck doing boring stuff with parents on holidays.
Reply 8
ahh nice one thats put my mind at rest....
now to put this exam behind me and go study for eng lit!

insp calls, lord of the flies and war poetry!

lucky me!
Reply 9
i put airplanes for the solution of the environment..
by school had the problem with the noise so they're gonna write to AQA so hopefully they'll lower the boundaries!!
I took the 'dumbass' paper. aka foundation. It was very easy even for me, and only questions 10 and 12 were actually challenging.
Reply 11
I tohught section B was solid. Section A was quite easy apart from the science-fiction book. I put that the people gained money from the computer, the computer was trying to control everyone, and that she needed to finish the book.
The present one, I guessed at them all.
The Tv one, i out that the programmes only lasted 10 minutes, and that there was only prgrammes with lots of speaking. I thought the boy thought the TV wwas easy and practical
For the environment one, I put that the cars allowed transport out of the rain, and that we shouldn't fly so often.
I'm glad everyone else seemed to find it hard, so the grade boundaries probably will be lowered a bit!
'Sigh!' - 2 exams down, 13 to go...
I didn't think this was that bad...certainly not compared to the English one I just did! I far prefer German to my own language.

I hated the computer one! I think I made up a word for the first bit, then just put that the computer wanted to control everyone' thoughts, but the girl hadn't read to the end of the book yet.

And for the English bit I said that the Father had asked for that particular present, the son said it was unhealthy, but the mother said it was hard to buy her husband things that he hadn't already got.

For the TV one I said that the girl thought there were too many adverts and not enough of the programme, but the boy thought that sometimes the adverts were better than the programme. And for the last one, I thought the woman said that public transport couldn't cope with so many people, and the man said we should only go on holiday every 4 or 5 years, to stop aeroplanes polluting everything.

God, now that I just relived my answers, I've started to worry! I hope the grade boundaries really are that low - German is the only thing I give a damn about!
Reply 13
[God, now that I just relived my answers, I've started to worry! I hope the grade boundaries really are that low - German is the only thing I give a damn about!

you will be fine, same as this super intelligent friend i had so i sure ull b lookin at the a*
Reply 14
The foundation was extremely good this year i'm hoping to come out with a nice B overall praying for an A in French though
Reply 15
I didn't think the Higher Listening was that hard at all, but other people at my school found it quite hard, especially the people in lower sets. But we have quite a good teacher so I think our class will do ok (our teacher was aiming for everyone to get A*- dunno how possible that is!)
The listening was hard but according to my teacher grade boundaries will be lower. Anyway, you can get 8-9 wrong and still have an A*
Wow i hate to say this but the AQA German Specification B Listening really was alot easier than past papers. Around 7 questions, about 90% was just simply put a letter in. And this year there wasnt any "D" option so it was a simple 33.33% chance of getting the question right.
Reply 18
I thought it was awful. The mock exam was far easier, got a B in that. This time I believe I'll fail to get a C. Awful, disgusting, horrid - really didn't help to put me in the right frame of mind for my other exams :frown:

Thankfully, english literature today was fine :smile: