The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Im thinking of doing a diploma/degree in nursing or another heath realted course. I know that as my current degree (sociology) is classed as scientific by most uni's that I can get on a 2 year course instead of 3. I was wondering if anyone else was thinking of doing this? Would I still be eligable for an NHS bursary?

hey, quite a few people on tsr are doing physio as a second degree through a 2 year route - check out the healthacre section :smile: I was going to do it but got rejected so am doing a 3 year istead.

and yup, you can get an NHS bursary as well as being able to apply for another (reduced rate because of the nursary) student loan
Im thinking of doing a diploma/degree in nursing or another heath realted course. I know that as my current degree (sociology) is classed as scientific by most uni's that I can get on a 2 year course instead of 3. I was wondering if anyone else was thinking of doing this? Would I still be eligable for an NHS bursary?

I'm afraid sociology is not a science subject, it is classed as part of the arts or law.

I'd still check, but I'm pretty sure that most universities won't accept sociology as a science subject.
Reply 3
It depends on the course, I'm doing a 2yr accelerated masters degree in physiotherapy (instead of 3yrs) in september. The majority of these courses are NHS funded, except for mine as it's in Scotland! NHS funding only seems to happen in England and Wales...

I know some of the other accelerated courses such as occupational therapy are also NHS funded and I also know of 1 at the uni of essex which is a MSc nursing type course, I think it's NHS funded:

There are probably lots more! Oh and by the way some uni's only need you to have done a subject which contains research methods/stats (e.g. your dissertation), so the fact that you've done sociology won't matter, as long as you've covered the research methods part you stand a good chance of getting in :smile:
Reply 4
It's what i've been told Chemistboy from the uni's im looking at, personally I wouldnt say its very scientific but never mind :smile:

Thanks for the info Jackie and Sam its good to know I can still get some form of funding for it. I will check out the healthcare thread too :smile: