Hi Olivia22,
I think you seriously need to think about this before you go back and do another degree. Doing another degree is great if thats what you really want to do BUT if it's because your not sure what else to do then I would really reconsider. I am finishing a 4 year biology degree which I have enjoyed, and I have been accepted to do my PGCE training. I start in September and I am looking forward to it but I am very aware of the level of work required to become a teacher. The 1 year training to become a teacher is extremely hard work. I am also now very aware about the number of people who do biology teaching. Unfortunately I have found this out too late. So many people do biology that there are no jobs for biology teachers. The shortage is in chemistry and physics. So if you want a job teaching science then try and do something with more chemistry in it. Go for biochemistry perhaps. All I am trying to say is you really need to look in depth at what you intend to do, you don't want to go and do another degree, then a teaching qualification and then not be able to find a job because of a saturation of newly qualified biology teachers. Sorry to be down hearted but I just wanted to make you aware.