*Pocock G & Richards CD. Human Physiology – the Basis of Medicine, 2nd edition Oxford University Press, 2004
Widmaier, E. P., et al. Vander, Sherman and Luciano's Human Physiology, 9th edition. Boston, McGraw Hill, 2004
Levy MN, Koeppen BM & Stanton BA. Berne & Levy Principles of Physiology 4th edition, Mosby, 2005 (due for publication in October)
Davies A, Blakeney AGH & Kidd C. Human Physiology, Churchill-Livingstone, 2001
For reference:
Abelow B. Understanding acid-base, Williams & Wilkins, 1998
West JB Respiratory Physiology : the essentials, 7th Edition Lippincott, 2005
Davies A & Moores C The Respiratory System: Basic science and clinical conditions. Churchill-Livingstone, 2003
Field M, Pollock C & Harris, D, The Renal System: Basic science and clinical conditions. Churchill-Livingstone, 2001
Noble A, Johnson R, Thomas A & Bass P The cardiovascular System: Basic science and clinical conditions. Churchill-Livingstone, 2005
Johnson LR. Gastrointestinal Physiology, 6th edition, Mosby, 2000
Kindlen S, Physiology for Health Care and Nursing, 2nd edition Churchill Livingstone, 2003 is recommended for those students with a limited background in biology but would not be suitable for the more in depth material.
Lakhani, SR, Dilly, SA, & Finlayson, CJ Basic Pathology: An Introduction to the Mechanisms of Disease, 3rd edition, Edward Arnold, 2003
Lydyard, P, Lakhani, SR et al Pathology Integrated – an A-Z of Disease & its Pathogenesis, Edward Arnold, 2000
Woolf, N Cell, Tissue & Disease: the Basis of Pathology, 3rd Edition, WB Saunders, 2000
*Scambler, G (Ed) Sociology as Applied to Medicine, 5th Edition, WB Saunders, 2003
Reproductive Biology
Johnson MH & Everitt BJ. Essential reproduction, 5th edition, Blackwell, 2000
Porterfield SP. Endocrine physiology, 2nd edition, Mosby, 2001
Knock yourself out.