The Student Room Group
Reply 1
This is so very normal. Periods vary, as do cramps and tenderness.
Reply 2
I had bad cramping a week before actually getting it though, not just now i'm on it.
Even if you are usually regular its normal for it to vary once in a while.
After I started I was like clockwork for a couple of years, then all of a sudden it all suddenly changed for no reason. I started to only bleed for 3 days max and very lightly, then after another year of that it all changed again, and became irregular and unpredictable.

Sometimes it just happens. Diet, stress, day to day life can all influence variations. Nothing to worry about.
Reply 4
Have you been stressed recently? I know most people's periods are delayed when they're stressed, but I always come on when I get stressed (for example, D of E when I was up mountains praying I didn't get my period, I came only only 3 weeks after my last one!).
Reply 5
If you spend a lot of time around female friends you will start to synch up with each other by hormones. When i was travelling was quite funny to see us all switch around and eventually a roomful of girls all on the periods. Meant some were late, others made early.

but yeah, don't worry. I get my cramps the week before. Theres lots of variations
Reply 6
maybe u have been a bit tired or in tense mood recently?or quite busy or that kinda of stuff?or changing ur living environment or habits can also cause this happen.there is no need to worry though
perfectly normal, nowt to worry about :bee2:
Are you sure it's actually early? 'Cause getting the wrong week sounds like something I would do...

Anyway, if it is early then that's a bit weird. I probably wouldn't worry. Just see if it's on time next month? If it is, then I'm sure everything's fine, and if it's early again then maybe your cycle just got shorter?
Its normal don't panic :smile:
I usually get pain in my hips a few days before my period, mines is rather unpredictable too. I had it for 2 years regulalrly then I didn't have it for 6 months, oh the joys of being a girl!

At least you know your not pregnant if that makes you feel better? :dontknow:
Reply 10
Yeah it's definitley early, 8 days early actually. I sort of felt like i hardly finished my last period and then i was cramping again! And my cycle is usualy long so it feels a bit weird since it's never happened before. Definitley not pregnant, no!
I get mine every 3 weeks, think yourself lucky :p:
Is that normal?
Reply 13
Your ovulation just happened to occur earlier, your uterus is just having some fun with you.